NO HEALERS, I begg Community for Solutions

Roll a healer?

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And that’s different from WoW for the most part…how? Look at a fight like Echo. All the damage is incredibly scripted besides who gets the hearts and such. P2 blanket the raid in Echos leading up to Annihilation and start casting Spiritbloom so it finishes the second his cast finishes.

Echo is pretty close to a XIV fight damage pattern wise. Main difference is that everyone is staring at an egregious addon that would get you perma banned in XIV.

A better example would be Rashok. Random people taking random damage pull to pull.

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Rashok has random damage? Definitely not a significant part.

I guess jump target might take slightly more… that’s all that comes to mind. And that’s very minor.

I did spend six weeks on that boss, so I don’t think I’m missing something major.

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Didn’t you all just have a top guild exposed for using zoom hacks and satelite camera? The only difference between the games is XIV players are generally better at hiding it.


Yeah…and they got banned.

Since Sithalos has me on ignore likely, can you tell me what’s random about damage on Rashok? I’m drawing a blank.

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The only thing to my knowledge is who gets slammed. All soaks can be assigned and most of the big damage is raidwide damage which is…raidwide. You aren’t going to randomly take anymore damage one pull to the next when he is getting drained.

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yea who gets slammed might take slightly more, but that’s a raid wide damage event regardless, so I don’t think it’s significant. (To be fair, I haven’t looked, also unable to be targeted by slams because playing a healer.)

Oh man, I was with my buddy last week and we queued into a FH key. He was almost to the stone (we’d been waiting to fill the group, cause I was tanking so we needed a healer and it took like 20 minutes) and I had been at the stone since we got into the group. The group leader and other DPS were in the inn at Valdraken. Finally got a healer, and the first time anyone talked (we said hey when we joined) was the group leader saying “summon me.” After about 2 minutes, and my buddy arriving, NO ONE had moved from the inn in valdraken. At that point my brother had logged on, and I was like F this and we left the group and linked up with my brother to run his key instead.

After about 3-4 minutes of my buddy being quiet in discord, he was like, “XYZ is whispering me from the group we left screaming at me that we wasted his time, and cussing me out and how he’s going to report me, etc.”

People are crazy… But I will say this, I have no problems getting chat bans. That party leader is very lucky he chose my buddy to harass like that and not me, because I’d have gone off on him for it. I can’t stand rude, sweaty, lazy craptastic players like that. Fortunately, they’re not the ones I encounter the most or else I probably wouldn’t even play the game anymore.

There’s also an abundance of “Uh oh.” buttons to allow you to overcompensate for that. Not to mention only 2 dps to babysit instead of 3.


You’re not worth ignoring. And I’m talking about wave damage, because in mythic (the only difficulty that matters) there are so many at the end of the fight that people getting clipped by one is an inevitability.


People being bad is not random damage.

Then you’ve clearly never seen the fight in mythic.

Back to not reading anything you type.


I’ve progged and killed it after six weeks. And healed it unlike you…who played augmentation.


It was actually a huge thing. Suggest reading into it - Square Enix stripped the players of the items via forcing the players to delete the items while they watched, removed the titles, the world-first accolade, all players deleted their characters in shame before their accounts got permanently banned. Nearly all of the group who got smacked quit the game entirely, and the ones who didn’t are shunned/wont be accepted into top-end communities now.

Yoshi-P came out and said if that continues to happen he will simply stop making top-end content for players to participate in, and left it up to the community to decide if cheating is the way they want to go about winning if the cost is no more Ultimates ever.


Say that like WoW this season has no burst :dracthyr_lulmao:

Also as you said heals are extremely powerful to handle that meanwhile in WoW my Renewing Mists is weak as hell healing 500k+ health pools for 30k over 20 seconds making the spell on it’s own absolutely useless, like it’s usefulness comes from MW Monk mastery which is a random proc and a talent that makes Vivify cleave heal.

Edit: correction just chevked the mastery not random proc it’s on application so even WORSE like great game design this huh :dracthyr_lulmao:

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So now I have a question: how many healers actually find healing hard as opposed to “I dps as mythic, and I should be about to heal +20.”

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Might as well post on this retired character (same person as Avarrity.)

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King behaviour right there lol