NO HEALERS, I begg Community for Solutions

Nah Vulpera > Cat Girls

Cat Boys though >~>

I never see healers getting ‘abused’. That might be a you thing.

Ff14 playstyle being vindicated once again.

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Happens in pvp also

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What community are you in?

WoW Made Easy (first result when you google it).
Very nice and capable folks. I’ve done every key from 2s to 20s within the community.

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Nice, think I’ll check it out thanks :pray:

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the phenomenon of keystones:

the higher you go, the easier dungeons become

it takes me forever to get into a 11-17 and those runs are a majority grief, but when i started doing 20s i would get near insta-queues and people would do their job well with very little griefing

players really are built different in the upper bracket


Don’t knock it until you’ve actually experienced it. You won’t get the full picture without experience.

M+ has changed for healers though, we have been nerfed into oblivion and it turns into a stress fest the whole dungeon because the damage and health bars have been increased but our measly little heals don’t push the health bars back up fast enough before more damage starts getting dished out. If you don’t heal then I suggest you stop putting your input into a healer’s perspective of the game.


No, healers haven’t been nerfed to oblivion. There were healing checks in the past, just as there are healing checks now.

Biggest change from Shadowlands to Dragonflight is the periods of inaction.

I didn’t manage to heal 20 Upper Kara on Tyrannical for what its worth, tried about six times then gave up.

And I’m not even talking about healers in that post, but you.

Only real observable change now is that +17s are filled with worse players compared to week 1. And you can’t really get invited into keys higher than 20 as something other than a holy paladin.

I joined the free io train with augmentation because preservation is unwanted, and augmentation is easy.

“Playing Catch-up” that’s literally what healing feels like now a days, you are just constantly try to catch up and never do. Especially on Disc Priest, that is just not a fun play style.

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Ailindah summed up the reason to why I’m personally less in the mood to heal these days, as I was in the past –

I was legit gonna come along to say I felt less inclined to heal the pass two expansions because the toxicity towards healers has been insane. :pensive:

I loved ‘Wrath of the Lich King’ as heals, for the gaming culture that surrounded it.

Because being a healer I was revered, showed appreciation and it made me feel special & valued. On the very few occasions there was a bungle up with mechanics, or a misfortunate disconnection from the server that caused a few deaths, or even a wipe — alot of the times it was brushed off, we recognised the past deeds & pushed forward again with inspirational vigor. :grin:

There were times where we were insanely undergeared but supported eachother & pushed through, following mechanics and providing feedback to one another and overcame odds that weren’t in our favour. That created friendships and fun memories that made me fall in love with raiding more & more. :smiling_face_with_tear:


For one, I haven’t changed at all, the healing in M+ has, I started pushing keys real hard at the beginning of the season, got KSM. Then I asked myself, why do I literally have to have a couple of beers anytime I do M+. Oh, because it’s stressful and anxiety inducing the whole damn time. Never used to feel that way. You used to be able to feel somewhat powerful as a healer. Now you just play catch up the whole time and never get caught up.


You never pushed, and thus you don’t know the time to react for keys of that level.

You suddenly decide to increase the difficulty, and then discover content is harder than what you like.

My suggestion? decrease the difficulty back down to where you are comfortable.

The game hasn’t changed, you have.

Else please explain how m+ has changed when the major change is key levels you’re trying to do.

Historical frame of reference: You don’t have a single keystone hero achievement.

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Why all this white knight bs for Blizzard? There is apparently something wrong with healing as whole, not just me. There is a healer shortage like never seen before, and you have all these healers saying it’s just not fun anymore. Yet, here you are just saying it’s all in our heads, and we are the problem. I have healed since I started playing in 2006 and have never had this feeling. I am completely capable of doing higher keys, but why when it’s not fun? It’s not fair that DPS and Tanks get to feel powerful at some point and as soon as healers get feeling a little powerful, we get nerfed.


There is a lack of healers in lower keys, which I would attribute to gear being too plentiful. And healers are more likely to have dps alts rather than vice versa. Once people have the gear (or close enough) no need run keyss more or less.

Meanwhile, try doing 21+, we’ll wait for a holy paladin, thanks.

437 good enough, who needs 441 etc. There’s so much gear, and so quickly. It’s absurd.

and you have all these healers saying it’s just not fun anymore.

But that’s more of a shadowlands to dragonflight thing - which dragonflight season one has more keys done historically than any other m+ season in history. Season 2 is also far above the norm for keys ran.

Healing hard = good, I guess.

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At least you are a mage.

I’m a BM hunter specialist. Even if there’s healers, no invites cuz hunter !

No invites cuz lvl 40.

Healing is pretty fun, but stressful.

I healed up to 22ish but now I’m asking myself what do I actually do? For a few Numbers in Rio that nobody cares about then after the season is over?

So I stopped healing everything beyond 20

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