NO HEALERS, I begg Community for Solutions

Play a healer

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whack-a-mole on health bars is essentially what healing is.

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yes they are because they started off as a weak tank. And there are not alot of them since brew is 1 of those niche tank that’s not your usual. It is also slightly harder to play. But if you look at tank ranking in M+ you’ll see brew sooner than you’d see pally, dk or warrior.

And now let’s talk about you. You’re team replaced you. In you’re own words

That means you’re team didnt have any faith in YOU. Not the class.

Healers job is keeping your Allies alive just like the tank like this video despite being about FFXIV does a very good job as explaining what a healer is and what role they play in the holy trinity spoilers it’s not just spamming different flavours of heals like my favourite line in the video is “DPSing is just mitigating future damage”

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It can go on the three of the DPS or healer, never on the tank unless there is not enough players in range, so instead of people making excuses it’s best that when the avalanche cast starts, everyone should just get ready to move, far better to assume you are going to get hit than trying to react and missing it.


Most healers are in static groups, pugging as a healer feels as bad as tanking did for the longest time. Aka you get blamed for everything and are responsible for everyone dying even when they died to their own mistakes and even when everything does smooth and you save people who stand in fire you rarely get thanked or get any appreciation.

With this season alot more emphasis has been put on everyone minimizing damage taken by avoiding avoidable damage aka don’t stand in the fire and using defensive cooldowns.
Your average dps player stands in fire and does not even have a defensive on their toolbar.
Good dps player mostly avoids fire and maybe uses a defensive for the largest hits.
Great dps players nearly always avoids fire and will use there defensives at the optimal time.
The best dps players never get caught in fire they use their defensives at optimal times they use health pots/warlock cookies they wear a sporecloak and they use their utility to support the other players.

The other major carryover is the idea that healers are the ones that need to do all mechanics and handle all the affixes which at points during the past it was true healers were often the player who could handle them with the least impact to the group. These days they have been shifted more towards dps and many times ranged dps can lose less dps doing them compared to melee.

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100% everyone but the tank should move during Avalanche if you wait until the circle on the ground spawns your probably not going to make it out. I have seen so many casters who stacked near each other get instantly deleted by double avalanche.

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Go play a disc priest then.

FFXIV probably has lackluster healer gameplay, so people are content playing ret paladins, enhancement shamans etc.

Unless there are only three people left alive.

It’s obvious with this that many players unfortunately just have no idea how to play the game correctly and honestly, I blame Blizzard. They give zero information in game about a player, no info on what dungeons they have done, no information on someones potential DPS, HPS, damage taken and all that stuff we can find from the logs.

The only information we have in game by default is someones iLVL, and that’s not enough, because as some of us have seen, some people have admitted to having no idea on mechanics until it gets to a point where it’s too late, that is people can bumrush through the key levels up to M15+, one guy even admitted to getting to M18 before they realised what some mechanics were doing.

And Blizzard give absolutely no information on anything but boss fights in the dungeon journal, there is nothing at all by default telling players what needs to be done, what they done wrong, what killed them, all that information comes from addons and external sites.

That’s on Blizzard, they give us content that means nothing until it means too much. Get hit by avalanche in an M2? Just another small bit of damage a healer can heal through, get hit by avalanche on an M10? You will start to notice, you might not know what exactly it was, but you will see your health drop, still on the healer at this point.

Now this next part has happened to me many times, and no doubt many others have seen it: Someone gets hit by avalanche in an M18 on fort week, now people are wondering what killed them, arguments ensue, people yell at each other, blame the healer for not keeping them alive, blame the tank for not facing the jaggged disc mob away from the group because “It was never an issue before”.

Or the tank pulls 4 jagged disc mobs on fort week and people get wrecked, the healer asks the tank “Can you please not” and the tank yells “I’ve never had this issue”, only to later find out the tank has only ever done M13 on tyrannical week in this dungeon.

These are the issues healers face, this is why healers give up on pug groups in higher keys, because players can very easily get to higher keys with no prior knowledge or experience in what the mechanics actually do, which mobs hurt more, what packs need to be separated, which way to aim the mobs, what mechanics are now one shot and what to look out for, like the backhand mob in Freehold, if you are not watching the floor when the cast is about to go off you will end up dead on fort week in higher keys.

Healers don’t want to deal with this garbage, they don’t want to hope and pray that the three DPS actually know the mechanics and won’t constantly be a DPS turret and get themselves killed, they want to play with players they know can do the mechanics because it is so unforgiving this time around.


been trying to gear up a healer to do higher level content, but with this RANDOM BS gear system, the more content I run, the less gear I could use seems to drop on these healers.

that’s called not needing gear anymore.

I almost quit 2 weeks ago. Got frustrated with not being able to find groups in the +14-16 range where the DPSers would actually do the mechanics, and got damn tired of trying to heal through their mistakes without them even realizing it.

I took some time off and when I came back I tried tanking. Never had tanked before, was immediately able to easily run 15s as a tank without ever wiping. It was just so much easier. Almost boring.

A few days ago I decided to try healing again. Timed a 17, and suddenly life got much better. Getting into 17s and 18s, suddenly people actually do the mechanics, and healing is fun again.

So, if you want more healers, go run some 14s 15s and 16s and yell at the other DPSers to hit their stuns, kicks, adds, etc.

I am a healer main with level 70 druid, monk, and priest all set up to heal and I haven’t done anything in game but race down my tendie objectives on the last day of the month for the last 3 months. M+ balance went completely off the rails in 10.0. It’s just pure misery trying to convince people to help interrupt.

Blizzard is not making the game people want to play, they are making the game people will pay to skip. It’s just vile and is going to come back to haunt them.


That’s called content being too easy and failing upwards.

If interrupts don’t kill, people will likely not interrupt. Plus, healers can easily heal through most, so.

So when you were healing dps couldn’t do mechanics in the 14-16 range but when you were tanking they could suddenly do mechanics in that range?

… I play Mistweaver why would I go to Disc priest when I have what I want right here just with not great damage because Blizzard hates monks especially Fistweavers :dracthyr_shrug:

Know that feeling really want a Trinket to replace this glorified stat stick I’m using atm being Paracausal Frostmourne fragment and a staff to swap out Healing Dart which just not doing enough healing to be worth using but no luck.

No it’s called bad luck.

Yuh don’t blame you last key I did today with Guildies had a Rogue PuG first time ever that I’ve been so annoyed with a DPS I purposely let them die during an Encounter.

Don’t forget do mechanics and use defensives :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Yup pretty much this and still no acknowledgement of the issues from Blizzard at all.

Interupts kill and people still don’t Interupt what now genius?

Well if they survive they can use a health pot as I’m not too interested in wasting my big heals or mana on one DPS failing to do their job not a baby sitter they’re old enough to take care of themselves.

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No it’s called bad luck.

As you gear up, the gear you still need decreases. So it’s by design that the more you run, there is less useful gear.

Interupts kill and people still don’t Interupt what now genius?

They do not kill even in 24 range.

Well if they survive they can use a health pot as I’m not too interested in wasting my big heals or mana on one DPS failing to do their job not a baby sitter they’re old enough to take care of themselves.

You’re also running keys in ranges where if people did stuff, they wouldn’t need you.

Not what I am talking about. I’m not talking about the content being easy or hard. I am talking about the product being enjoyable or not enjoyable. Listening to paid carry shills ooze fake elitism condescension being acutely unenjoyable for 99.99% of humans is mostly why WoW has fallen off. Esports modes should be a cosmetic only optional tier. Games should be fun if you are bad at them, they have to be. The fact that you can’t be bad at WoW and have a good experience is the entire problem with WoW. It’s done in bad faith, it is done to exploit. It is not done for your benefit as a “good player”.


I am talking about the product being enjoyable or not enjoyable.’

How many key levels does Blizzard need to grant you for you to enjoy the game?

Games should be fun if you are bad at them, they have to be. The fact that you can’t be bad at WoW and have a good experience is the entire problem with WoW.

There are players way better than me, and I’m still having fun.

What makes it not so fun this season is because it was too easy. Season 1 took me three weeks to do a untimed 20 no leaver key, and did this week one.

M+ scales from +2 all the way to infinity (or prob 35 or something.) There’s something for everyone.

Listening to paid carry shills ooze fake elitism condescension being acutely unenjoyable for 99.99% of humans is mostly why WoW has fallen off.

And thus someone’s personal grievance is always why WOW is dying lol.

After listening to Chenikah’s suggestions, Blizzard decided to delete everything outside of LFR, heroic and lower dungeons. Now, they’re busy wondering why player count is so low.

Why do you want less rewards for other players doing harder content?

Its the cat girls isnt it? meow