No Flying Realms for Wrath

Please tell me how adding teleporters… things that are already programmed into the game, “months of work”

Again game code. They may have to change hundreds of lines of code so something else didn’t mess up if they did what you wanted. Coding is very touchy that way. One little change could mess up a whole bunch of other things. My stepdad worked as a programmer and he would have to spend a lot of time rewriting code for one small change.

Yeah… sorry, but I dont think you know how these things work. Adding objects into the game that already exist and already have been debugged and coded to work with the rest of the game isn’t going to cause some sort of butterfly effect and require months of people checking everything to make sure it works. It’s just like adding flight paths. Do you think adding a flight path that didn’t exist in the past is going to affect ANYTHING else except that flight path? No, it wouldn’t. The flight path might be bugged and require a little tweaking to make sure people don’t fall off of it mid-flight (things that are already happening with old flight paths in BC). But it would not affect anything else in the game. Same with a teleporter.

Or another example: adding things like the male incubus warlock summon that never existed in the game previously, or turning paintings of women into fruit. Or the lizard mount. Or the hearthstone animation, or the goblin gumbo. Things that have already been tested to work do not cause much problems when added into the game.

You are wanting them in a game that didn’t have them at the time so yeah it would.

Please read the second paragraph of my post. Unless I didn’t add that in before I finished editing but I’m pretty sure I did. Many objects were already added into the game that weren’t there originally

Your idea is still ridiculous. Just to please you. No it won’t happen.

Just to please thousands of players who have been asking for this for about a decade. Fixed that for you

And, since it would be very easy to do, as I mentioned, there’s no reason not to do it .

Not everyone is asking for now flying. I am in wow group of over 100K players on Facebook maybe 50 of them want no flying everyone else is wanting flight at 68.

If you want to punish yourself then don’t fly. But leave everyone else alone.

No, we don’t. Flying was part of Wrath, and it should still be a part of Wrath.

I googled “an example of narcissism in a sentence”, and this post came up.


I didn’t say everyone wanted it. Clearly a lot of people are against it. I said that many people want it. And your example is nothing but anecdotal evidence.

You understand I’m proposing realms for no-flying right… as in you can choose to be there?

Lol… awesome

Flying is required for leveling 77-80. This is before the devs got lazy and actually made the game to incorporate a basic mechanic that had been in the game for years. And it’s impossible to get to some of the instances without it. Ulduar is unreachable if you can’t fly.

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The OP wants flight paths and teleporters put into place to replace flying. Therefore they want their way and everyone else could bugger off. With teleporters and flight paths you still have to be able to reach them to learn them lol

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They can’t just make a server for no flying. I mean they can, but why would they? Most people would not want to play on a no flying realm and it would segment the playerbase even further.

Not only that. The OP seems to think they could just add in the FPs or teleports and it not affect anything else. They would need months of extra work to design the game that way. To ensure everything worked as it was supposed to.

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Stop framing things this way. I am not the sole person who wants no-flying in the entire wow playerbase. There are thousands of us. And you know how there’s a teleporter underneath Dalaran that sends you there? Notice how you don’t need to fly to get to that teleporter or the flight path there? I want them to do a little more of that. It would change very little.

I highly disagree with this assessment. There are many, many players who would gladly play Wrath with no-flying. Chronic forum posters said the exact same thing about Classic for years. And now we’re 3 expansions deep into classic because that’s how wrong the forumers were about how “little” people wanted it.

Yes. This is how videogames work. Unless they were adding completely new mechanics that interact with the game differently than everything else that’s already in the game it would not require all this troubleshooting you’re implying it would.

Uh, no. Where did I say that? Please don’t put words in my mouth and then debate against what I never said to help prove your point. That’s a very poor debate tactic that people tend to use when they don’t have an actual rebuttal.

I’m saying that you’re basing this entire thread on what YOU personally enjoy and presenting ideas that have little to no sources while belittling anyone who doesn’t agree with your subjective “facts” (aka personal feelings).

I’m gonna need a source for that. Opinions and feelings aren’t facts.

So far, I’m not impressed with your debating skill.

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Another unsound debate tactic. X=Y, so that proves Y=Z. Those are different situations. Just because one is true, it doesn’t automatically make the other true.

It’s like they don’t teach critical thinking in schools anymore.

No no no no they aren’t redesigning the game for you. It releasing soon. Sheesh, move on dude

Face the Lich King 9-26-2022

Tick tick, tick tock





Y’all need to ditch classic everything and get with the times. Retail or quit

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