No Flying Realms for Wrath

It is quest objective though.

Whatever small gameplay aspects that would be lost by not having flying mounts are vastly outweighed by the tremendous benefits of flying mounts being gone, that I’ve outlined in previous comments

Good luck unlocking the Shadow Vault. I am a Wrath Baby. I know what I am talking about there. If you don’t destroy the Oculus you can’t unlock that rep if you aren’t a DK. That is one of the endgame reps. How would you suggest they fix that. Then some of the follow-up quests you also need to be able to fly to get to. How could you do those? Your request makes NO sense.

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Don’t you have to fly to naxx?

What part of adding a few flight paths do you not understand?

I’m gonna have to bookmark this thread so I can come back and see how it all worked out.

No, I don’t.

It already is an option. No one makes you get pathfinder or use a flying mount.

What part of quest objectives do you not understand? You are asking for a redesign of two zones Storm Peaks and Icecrown just because you don’t want flying. It would take them months to redesign the quests that require it.


Literally all they have to do is add flight paths for the parts you need flying. No “redesigns” are required

Wrong some of those quest objectives are literally up in the air.

Then move them to not in the air. Or give a temporary flying mount to use. Stop acting like it’s some impossible task for a poor indie company

That would be redesigning how the quests work. They don’t have the time to do that before Wrath launches. It would be sometime next year for a Wrath launch if they did as you requested. Therefore, you are wanting to make everyone else wait just to satisfy your desire for no flight.

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Why? And what quest are you even talking about? The things on the flying ships? It’s not some huge time consuming task to make them stop moving and put a flight path on them

The Horde and Alliance ships are not the only up in the air quest objectives. I already gave examples of two of them.

“You want it” no, no I really don’t


I don’t see what you’re talking about except you mentioning vague objectives that can easily be made ground-friendly. Everything in Wrath that requires flying is on a platform that you can land on

The no-flying debacle greatly contributed to people’s dislike of the expansion.

You keep deflecting to the garrisons without realising that this is kind of the point we’re getting at: removing flying means nothing at all if there isn’t a compelling reason to go out in the world. You’re not going to suddenly get more people around.

You have a very rose-tinted view on what no flying means. The cynical reality is that WoW players most of the time will not do content if there’s no reason. As it turns out, that’s the main factor in getting people out in the world so attacking flying is misled and foolish.

Lmao “irrefutably”? On what grounds do you have to say that? Tripling down on the delusion won’t help you here. WoW’s history shows that unless there’s a good reason for people to go out in the world, they generally won’t. Flying or no flying.

Blizzard doubles down on terrible ideas all the time. The fact that they backed out of flying so quickly means that the backlash truly was overwhelming. This was not just a few whiners on the forums. This was a huge section of the playerbase already discontended with the expansion making their exit. Making such a controversial and poorly-researched decision in the most controversial and dysfunctional expansion to date is the exact opposite of “using their brains”.

Yeah, right. There was no reason to go out in Draenor.

What about Northrend do you think will be different? Why won’t people mostly just AFK in Dalaran like they used to if there were no flying? This whole thread and you’ve yet to give an example of what pieces of world content in Northrend you think will see more engagement if people couldn’t fly.

What exactly do you think will change if flying didn’t exist? Presumably they would keep flight paths because we’ve literally always had those and I don’t think even you’re unreasonable enough to think they should get rid of them. So people will just use a flight taxi to the closest point which 90% of the time will just be the current raid entrance. This is what we see in classic WoW which doesn’t have personal flying mounts.

Where exactly is this talk about likes coming from? Is that really where you want to go when a post calling yours “the worst idea I have ever seen” has 19 times the likes?

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I gave a definite example. The oculus over the Shadow Vault. You put that one on the ground it makes NO sense. You have to fly to get to it. Key quest in unlocking the Shadow Vault and the Ebon Blade rep.

Literally no one mentions this except when I make no-flying mounts. As if this precedent was already established when it wasn’t. You’re preceding from false principles.

There’s already 2 reasons: quests and resources. Removing flying will irrefutably cause more player interaction when people are doing these things then with flying mounts.

It’s not as if I’m speaking from some view of longing with no actual experience or tangibility. I literally log into wow where there is no flying in Azeroth and I enjoy it much more than Outlands where there is flying.

I’m not saying getting rid of flying is going to fix all of WoW’s problems. But it will fix a lot of them and will be a great boon towards changing people’s mindsets of not wanting to deal with traveling and rather just get from point A to point B as quickly as possible and avoid the terrain as much as possible. Flying is why this mentality exists.

I was exaggerating a bit. But the point is that I have every reason to believe that that is what is going to happen.

Ease of access, putting portals everywhere, queues that teleport you to instances, and teleportation stones is a large reason why this is the case and ofc FLYING MOUNTS.

No-flying isn’t an example of that happening. That’s an example of them having a good idea and getting scared because of the tremendous whining in the forums. And also because they allowed millions of people to collect rare and exotic mounts that they were telling them they couldn’t really use anymore. BC doesn’t really have that problem except netherdrakes and the phoenix.

Not an argument. Player outcry doesn’t mean that something is a bad idea. Players do not know what is good for the game. They just say what they want. And if all players wants were listened to then botting and real world trading would be completely within the rules.

Has nothing to do with flying. And i actually liked WoD’s world design, theme and questing.

The entire northrend.

Yes, and because flight paths are limited this will drastically force players to interact with the world and environment far more than with flying mounts. And world pvp will be drastically increased.

And classic wow is better than retail in almost every way.

That wasn’t directed at you. It was directed to those people who said that.

So put a flight path up there. Problem solved. Or a teleporter. Easy.

Not so easy. You are still talking about months of redesign work. Do you know how coding works. They have to change more than one or two lines of coding to suit you. Costing them time, resources and money.