No Flying Realms for Wrath

You’ve said it, that doesn’t make it true. LOL.

Actually, I’m not sure how to word this so that you understand; you could tell me you’re the princess of Buckingham palace, it doesn’t make what you say true. However, I can see, for myself, all the comments and negative talking points in this thread. You are the only supporter.

LOL. Nope, nice try though. Blizzard never incentivizes unpopular content now too… Dig it deeper!

It’s called nobody.

But surely tossing a like to a “good idea” is simple enough and should count, right? I mean it’s pretty simple, in this thread, there’s about 100 people saying “no, this is bad idea” and 1 saying “this is good idea”. If there are so many supporters of this, then where are they? It’s been 3 weeks. Surely they’d have seen your post by now, and lend their voice to the cause, no?

No you didn’t. Do you know how I know you’re lying? Because you still have to fly up to Ulduar from the FP to Ulduar, genius.

Actually, it does. It was unpopular content that was incentivized by Blizzard. Which was the whole point; you can say “Slippery Slope” (you’re wrong, again, and using that incorrectly, just fyi), but it’s not like Blizzard doesn’t do it.

You’re right, bold of me to assume you’d be able to understand even that. I’ll put it in it’s simplest form; You are not right.

LOL. Pot, kettle. Kettle, pot.

So changes to the terrain. I’m glad you keep rolling back to that. Again, you can say “it’s not massive” but just because you say it, doesn’t make it true, princess.

LOL. So you haven’t done your own research then. Good talk.

It is.

Nah, mate, you can’t backtrack now.

I figured if I was dealing with a child, maybe using childish reasoning might make it easier. /meme.

What was taken out of context? Oh right, nothing. Good talk. LOL.

Still haven’t made it into Ulduar though, have you?

Calling yourself rational is a bit of an oxymoron, but it’s still only you saying it’s ruining the game. LOL.

Calls themselves logical and intelligent but fails to realize what a troll is. /meme

I’mma mention this one more time; you can’t call yourself something and expect others to believe it, princess.

LMFAO. You are hilarious my meme. “Where is your support you claim exists?” “STOP DERAILING MY THREAD BY ASKING FOR PROOF MY CLAIMS ARE TRUE!!! JUST BELIEVE ME WHEN I TELL YOU!!!”

Honestly, idc what you were doing, but I highly doubt they let people of your mental stature have a license. The gym? Maybe.

Only strawman here is your argument that flying is ruining the game. Your points have been defeated, you just don’t accept that, and keep pushing. You have no proof, no evidence, that’s there’s even a small group of people who agree with you.

The fact I have to explain this is even further proof you haven’t done what you’ve claimed to do, but sure. You know all those platforms up and around ICC, how they have those giant bone skeleton dudes, or how about the hordes of mobs in the valleys. Yea, those are Elites, and you’d constantly have to fight them while trying to traverse IC on a ground mount. Which means you’d basically need a 5 man group to even move around the zone. That’s not a strawman, that’s a logical succession of events. If you want even more logical thought process; if you’re going to need a 5 man group to quest from 77-80, why would you do it in IC, why not just run dungeons?

Bad idea is bad. Just accept it. Move on.

I’m not a fan. However, everyone is entitled to an opinion. Why are you fixated on accusing me of reporting you when I’ve never indicated that I was thinking about it? In fact, I denied it. Is it possibly because you have no rebuttal for the rest of my statements so you’re latching on to that one and making false accusations?

Nah, I really don’t. But hey, thanks for telling me what I think! That’s another great way to foster civil discourse! You’re on a roll.

Hint: I don’t want you to stop. This thread has given me days of entertainment value.

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But seriously only a sadist would want to walk around northrend.

Icecrown and Storm Peaks are literally designed around flying. There are quests in Icecrown that cannot be done without some form of flying.

I meant to say no quantifiable evidence. And I’ll try to get to your other points when I have time after work.

Why? There’s flight paths and 100% ground mounts? Its the same as playing classic wow and questing in azeroth, It’s a perfectly enjoyable experience. And it will be even more enjoyable because there will be much more world pvp and player interaction.

Wrath was built with flying in mind.

It and MoP are everything Blizzard has been trying to gaslight us about, and every step further from them always ends in failure.

Enjoyment is highly subjective. Are you really trying to pass off subjective opinions as actual facts? And you’re the one calling other people out on not using logic? >.<

World PvP is the opposite of enjoyable. That’s my personal subjective opinion. Hard pass.

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Are you debating the fact that people enjoy classic wow without flying mounts? I didn’t say everyone enjoys it I said that it is enjoyed by people.

Not surprising that people who love flying mounts hate world pvp. World pvp, being a very essential aspect that initially drew thousands if not millions of ppl to play WoW over other MMOs that don’t have world PvP or its very limited.

Again. It was a typo. I meant to say no quantifiable evidence. Which obviously there is no evidence for what amount of people do or do not want flying mounts. The general forums is not evidence.

Then you must have been reading a different thread since my post clearly has multiple likes and multiple people have commented in this and other threads that they support no-flying. This is ignoring the fact that hundreds of posts have been made saying they want flying removed for about a decade now. But you clearly haven’t been playing WoW that long.

You’re just denying reality at this point.

The forums is not representative in any way shape or form of the general opinions of the WoW playerbase. This isn’t hard. Idk why you’re having so much difficulty with this concept. You have to be a minor, I swear.

Yeah, I didn’t contradict this. I said that I got there without a flying mount. Obviating the fact that it’s very easy to make it possible for you to get there without a flying mount… considering that it ALREADY IS. Please stop arguing with people online. You’re really bad at it.

Please tell me how adding flight paths is changing the terrain. Do you know what the word “terrain” means?

How does this follow logically from what I said at all?

Wow, great argument! You really proved me wrong! You’re actually incapable of even once realizing how horrible you are at comprehending anything that’s being said.

Another great argument! It’s like you don’t even think before posting you just start typing words as quickly as possible. Zero thought required.

I literally have. Inb4 you respond “no you didn’t” with zero explanation.

This is how children respond to other people.

It’s funny how you were pretending to have the moral high ground earlier and saying I was insulting people. And now you completely dropped that pretense.

Or you could just go over them with the flight paths that already exist. Or they could make them not elite. This isn’t hard. At all. But yet you have a lot of difficulty with this topic. I wonder why.

Are we still pretending that anyone cares about world PvP since 2006 or is this about something else?

It’s almost like there’s a game called “Classic WoW” where tons of people enjoy world pvp all the time. It’s almost like my thread is making suggestions for Classic WoW.

No it wasn’t. It was more of an afterthought. It was built for you to level in without a flying mount. You don’t even need a flying mount to go to the flying city.

Color me stupid, but I don’t think you have to fly if don’t want to. Just hop on your mount and just don’t fly. No one is making you do it.

Yes it was, this is an irrefutable fact. Sorry, not sorry.

I might have to go with the first option, friend. This solves none of my problems

Okay, why do you have this opinion? The fact that a scant few spots that are only reachable by flying mount doesn’t imply that the entire expansion area was designed with flight in mind.

It’s not an opinion, it’s a fact.

I’m shutting you down, son.

So you don’t have any arguments to defend your opinion? Got it

If you want to level in Icecrown which is an endgame zone accessible about level 78. You need to fly if you want to unlock the Shadow Vault area and start working on the Ebon Blade rep. The very first quest you get is to fly up and destroy the oculus over the Shadow Vault. It makes NO sense to tell someone they cannot unlock this rep just because you don’t want flying.

Not what I’m suggesting. I am not suggesting making the game unplayable. I am suggesting moving NPCs around and adding flight paths so that it is completely playable without flying mounts. Why do you think I would be suggesting to make the game unplayable?

They would have to redesign several important quests in Icecrown because you need to be able to fly to get them. Not everyone likes to PVP and could give a hoot about WPVP.

They aren’t going to remake any part of wrath like storm peaks just for you and your 5 friends who only want to use ground mounts.
The wrath you will get is a copy pasta of the old one.


It’s not hard to move some NPCs around

Half of the Classic playerbase likes WPVP. Which is why the PVP realms are full of people

Thousands of players want no-flying. They wouldn’t have to change the zone at all except add 1 or 2 flight paths