No Flying Realms for Wrath

Good luck getting to Ulduar.

Oh, I know, but it’s fun to let this little troll dig themselves a deeper hole. The more they talk, the more people realize how off the reservation they are.

Yeah, and like every single other server, this cost would be a net gain for Blizzard because of the thousands of people that would be playing on my proposed servers. But thanks for the circular reasoning.


Yeah, no, that’s not how it works. Logical people do not have some unspoken rule to not describe their views as logical.

Completely illogical and clearly biased statement. I’m sorry that my ideas threaten you so much that you feel the need to respond angrily. Sorry that you are having such an issue.

If you think that that is somehow contradictory than I’m starting to think that you don’t even speak English properly. Is English your second language?

You have explained with completely illogical supposition why you think that I am wrong. And I have refuted those explanations. You however have refuted nothing I’ve said and have provided no logical reasons why I’m wrong except evoking images of people running up their own private mountains with no other players in sight.

Literally all of it.

Don’t need to go past this. No that isn’t what that means at all. At least you’re consistent when it comes to failing in logic with every single word you type.

Please pretend this isn’t you being angry and trying to act smug to pretend that you’re “winning” the argument. You seem to have almost zero self-awareness. I grow weary of this meta discussion. Either explain to me why you are so emotionally threatened by the idea of wrath servers being optional to have no-flying. Or stop responding to my thread.

Yeah, no. That’s not what they said. They said that it was a possibility. And I’m sure it would happen in a small number but not in any meaningful amount that it would harm any server whatsoever. And once again, this line of reasoning only works under the assumption that no-flying realms would attract large amounts of players, which according to you, they wouldn’t.

Literally the first sentence of what they said implies that they have no problems with more realms with more options, including my proposed options. But ofc you’re too biased and emotional to acknowledge this.

There’s a flight path to Ulduar!

It’s funny how you so clearly think that you’re so smart and how you think I’m so stupid. Classic example of a closed mind is painting anyone who supports ideas you disagree with as unintelligent by default

And guess where you need to fly to in order to unlock the Flight Path.

I got this, and I look forward to the twists;

So you have scientific, statistical data that proves thousands of people would play on these servers. Please, share with the rest of the class.

Actually, that’s exactly how it works. Again, you can’t just proclaim yourself strong, smart, beautiful. You assert it.

See above. A “tough guy” never refers to themselves as a “tough guy”. Amazing, right?

Classic troll is troll. “UmAdBrO?”

Well, by your definitions, if I can’t prove you wrong in a debate about opinions on a fantasy game, how can you prove anybody else (myself included) wrong in a debate about opinions on a fantasy game? Accuse more circular logic. You’re killing it bud!

LMAO, I know logic is hard to grasp, but’s funny that more people have agreed with me today than have agreed with you in 3 weeks. At some point you have to realize, it’s not us, it’s you.

So utilizing resources and reshaping 2 complete zones, while also adding new entrances to almost every raid throughout the expansion, and then letting it completely stand on it’s own is something you envision Blizzard doing? Nothing I said about what Blizzard does to incentivize unpopular systems sank in at all?

Wow, can you be more specific? I mean, broad statement aside, I’d really love your notes on how I can improve my logic to match that of yours.

Please google Sarcasm. Then google Irony.

Mate, I told you a few days ago (maybe yesterday) there is no “winning”, though you keep bringing it up. I mean, I admire the commitment to the meme, I really do, but at some point we gotta call it quits kid.

How so? Am I not woke enough for you? Talk about the pot and the kettle. LOL.

I am emotionally threatened? News to me. Keep telling me what I think and feel though, it’s cute. Do you need a new shovel?

More lies; that is exactly what they said.

So in the example they gave you, you didn’t pay attention, did you? I should be more surprised, right?

Nah mate, you clearly have no grasp on the concept of server stability, or economics, so I’ll spare the details; fact is, even if people wanted to try it, and maybe they might like it; they’ll likely play whatever their friends are playing. Judging by the evidence before me, that means about 3 people would jump onto no-fly realms, and then after a while of being oooo-aaaa’d about scenery, they’ll end up leaving you alone on your private server before it’s deleted or migrated.

I knew it. Called it =P

That’s you. Literally, all you. I mean, I haven’t had to tell you I’m smart though, have I? wink

To ulduar, but like I said, they can give a few flight paths away for free and Storm peaks would be 100% ground mount accessible once you got those flight paths unlocked.

Are you asking me for a source for my statement that I believe something will happen in the future? Do you think I am claiming to be a soothsayer now?

The only troll is you. And I didn’t say you can’t prove anyone wrong. I said that you can’t “factually” be right about a debate about opinion. Which you can’t. Either way please stop with this irrelevant meta debate and actually try to provide a single logical reason why my idea proposed in the OP is bad.

Adding a couple flight paths utilizes zero resources and isn’t reshaping anything.

And here we have more completely unsubstantiated speculation and generalization. As I’ve told you many times, and you’ve failed to disprove, almost all of the dungeons in wrath are accessible by ground mount or flight path. This is a fact.

No one is memeing except the contrarian forum poster called Cyo

*just throws out some random irrelevant phrases to sound smart
*then lists reasons that have nothing to do with the buzzwords presented

Which would be the extremely popular, no-flying realms.

“Judging by the evidence” please tell me what evidence this is. Can someone respond to this thread that isn’t Cyo? Someone who actually has intelligent arguments to make for why I’m wrong? Or, even better, why I’m right (I am)

You do realize that this would make the game unplayable Right? You need flying to navigate the stormpeaks and icecrown.

No it wouldn’t friend. I’ve gone to these places and traversed them by ground mount. They are 99% ground mount traversible and it would be extremely trivial for Blizzard to make that 99% become 100%

Lol,more like 65 percent of stormpeaks.

Idk. Have you tried it? I went through pretty much all of stormpeaks except ulduar with just my ground mount. And then there was a range of rocks that i had to get on my flying mount over. Then there’s the mine field… but besides those few obstacles you can go around the whole thing on ground mount.

Uld, engine of makers and some frost giant areas.

Where is all this support you claim that people have for no -flying realms. Please, enlighten us all.

This is just your belief though, right? And if the opposite is true, and Blizzard incentivized those realms with large amounts of gold/drop rates/items etc, so people would farm them and then transfer off of them, inflating and destabilizing the economy of the game?

Where is your support? Where are the people who want this?

You can. Again, if there are so many supporters of no-flying realms, where are they? Why are they not ringing the bell for you. Why are you the only one posting in this thread in favor of your idea?

Okay. Go on retail. Head to Dragonblight. Get into Naxxramas without flying. Then ride through Storm Peaks, and get into Ulduar, without flying. Actually enter the raid instances… go ahead, I’ll wait.

As stated above, 2 major raids, go ahead and enter them without flying. I’ll wait. It’s not unsubstantiated. RDF was unpopular, and was then incentivized by Blizzard by adding a rewards system to it, and building further on that by adding extra rewards for Tanks/Healers. SoM realms get increased EXP gains from kills and quests, which are directly connected with one another, meaning if you grind more to 60, you can do quests for more gold. Just give it up, you’ve been done for a while, it’s getting sad.


That’s what “I’ll spare the details” means… it’s basically dumbing it down so you might be able to understand, that if 24 people are like; “it’d be cool to try, but I’m not picky”, and 1 person is like; “flying realm or I don’t play.” That’s 25 for the flying realms. I’d go into more detail, but I’m afraid I already lost you…

I mean, you could be right, but the % chance is so low it’s abysmal. They could get buzzed for a few weeks, especially considering that you can’t fly in Wrath until 77, so no real change there, but I think even you’d be surprised at how dead ended that would get, and how quickly. Once you couldn’t reach the Skyships in IC, or Thorum’s Reach in SP, the novelty would wear off. Not being able to raid the first or second tier raids would also probably kill the server too.

Well, when you agreed you were being sarcastic about how the forums aren’t a statistical representation of evidence; (that means that you used irony to mock, irony meaning you said the opposite of what you mean) So you agree that the majority would be against your idea, and that is evidenced by the number of people who agree and disagree with you in this thread.

I’ve been hoping you were going to come out with one of those for about 3 weeks now… Still waiting… Speaking of waiting, you make it into Naxx yet? No? Weird… How about Ulduar? No? Oh… Strange.

Still not. :wink:

So basically don’t use your flying mounts ever and you have your wish. Folks seems to always want to control other people in this game it’s hilarious. Blah blah stop people flying, let loot council deem you worthy of getting loot, sit people out of raid for not playing the dictated spec and class, etc etc. sheesh


Weren’t wrath zones made for flying? Like there are some zones where you literally can’t enter without using a flying mount?
Hell, flight paths are the only way to get to Dalaran without flying.

And icecrown would literally be a meat grinder if you couldn’t fly since there are hundreds of high-level mobs on the ground that you would constantly have to fight (likely dying many times in the process as well since max-level toons in wrath couldn’t easily beat them like they can nowadays). And you couldn’t get to the airships flying around either.

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Using the term “bait” does not imply you were looking for “civil engagement”. It implies that you were looking to get people riled up - and that DEFINITELY doesn’t foster civil discussion. Deflect all you like.

And yes, you’ve been condescending and the opposite of logical in this thread. You think you’re right, and those that don’t agree with you are wrong. If you’re right and we’re wrong, where is your proof? Give me hard data and facts. Your feelings and opinions aren’t facts.

Why would I want it silenced? What have you done to merit reporting? Frankly, all you’ve proven to me by your repsonses is that this thread is nonsense and you’re just using it to rile people up. But that hasn’t broken any rules yet per se.

If you were really interested in an actual discussion about this topic, you’d actually discuss it instead of playing tit for tat with all the respondents that disagree with your opinions.

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I wouldn’t expect a response for a bit… they’re still trying to get into Naxx or Ulduar without flying. They’ll be gone a while.

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Those two things are the least of the barriers. The majority of questing in the last 2 zones just isn’t possible without flying. The war devs have waged against flying for the past few expansions has led to serious case of brainworms.

I know, but they’re the most tangible, and affect the largest audience.

I mean you could, essentially, just not do the quests, right? I don’t think a few quest hubs skipped would be as impactful as 2 entire raid tiers.

I haven’t even mentioned the hordes of Elite mobs (that require groups to kill) in IC yet. Yeah, let’s just all need a 5 man group to quest from 77-80. LOL.

I don’t think the devs have waged war on flying. I think a very vocal minority has made a presence known for a while that flying ruins their immersion into the world. Despite the fact that every expansion has been similar in the idea that you basically have to complete the expansion (not in all cases, but it’s never at the start) to get flying. The solution to the world’s obstacles. You know what I hear everytime a new expac drops? In Guild/Trade/LFG/General and a slew of other chats; “When’s flying this time?”. Then a bevy of responses ranging from “ur mom’s hot” to actual answers.

nah I liked being able to fly at 80

The frost giant area, at least the one you can get rep for, is accessible by ground. Tried that already.

I already explained to you that there is quantifiable evidence for support for either side. The comments in this thread is no more evidence then me telling you how I’ve talked to many people while playing wow who supported the idea.

Completely nonsense slippery slope fallacy with no logical reason to believe any of that would happen.

It’s called the silent majority

This is not how evidence works. A forum post does not a statistic make.

There’s a flight path there. Which I used. So yeah I already got there without a flying mount. You can stop waiting now.

LFD has absolutely zero to do with my comment that you quoted.

Dumbing things down requires one has intelligence in the first place

In your uneducated and illogical opinion. But at least you’re being barely open-minded now.

What part of the no-flying realms would have flight paths added so you can access the things you needed flying mounts for in the past do you not understand?

It’s like you’re just trying to use up talking points so you can keep going despite you knowing for a fact that I am not suggesting creating no-flying realms that clearly still require flying for you to play the game. Inb4 “hurrr so you want blizzard to make MASSIVE changes to the game???” No I don’t. Adding flight paths or teleporters is a very tiny change to the game.

No. That isn’t what any of that means. You either have severe critical thinking issues or you are being intentionally intellectually dishonest. “You agreed you were being sarcastic so therefore the opposite is true.” Ignoring the fact that you’re misplacing my sarcasm that’s an extremely nonsensical childish form of reasoning. It’s like I’m talking to a 16 year old. Never in my life did I once imply that the FORUMS are somehow an example of statistical evidence. “But you said you were being sarcastic!!!” Yeah. That doesn’t mean you get to take my sarcasm out of context and then apply to it whatever you want you myopic troll

It’s hilarious how you think this is an argument. Let alone one that I haven’t already addressed with several different comments.

That doesn’t even come close to what I want.

Do you want people to stop greifing you in pvp realms when you’re trying to farm mats? Do you want people in other countries to stop ruining your realm’s economies by turning farming ore and herbs into a sweatshop job in which they get paid real money for by their bosses? “Controlling people” isn’t an argument. There are a lot of things that are bad for the game that people want to do. Rational people not wanting people to do things that ruins the game for everyone is not somehow make them bad people.

Yes. Which is why I am proposing we get a couple more flight paths to compensate for this.

Excellent point! And yet we get to dalaran without a flying mount anyways. But people act like im being blasphemous by suggesting we get the same treatment for Ice crown and storm peaks.

That isn’t what bait means, amigo. Bait means that I am saying things to entice people into making a comment. It has nothing to do with civil engagement or lack thereof.

No, I haven’t been. And I’m extremely logical. If you were even remotely intellectually honest you would acknowledge that many of my points were logical. You disagreeing with them doesn’t make them illogical. But I don’t expect an illogical person to be able to make this discernment.

“Give me facts about a topic that is based on opinion and philosophy” This is nothing but you muddying the water in an attempt to derail my thread because your plan to get me silenced failed.

Because you don’t like my ideas

Absolutely nothing

Oh but how you wish I did. You wish you could find some reason to report me so you could get the authorities to prevent me from speaking.

I was getting my license renewed and going to the gym. Not following your stupid request.

I simply don’t think that is the case. From what I can tell, aside from a few tiny points on the map including ulduar. Stormpeaks is completely ground mount accessible. Every quest there requires you to land on the ground and the places you land on are accessible from almost everywhere else on the map.

And here we have more of your childish strawman fallacy. Why don’t you actually try to defeat my arguments instead of making up things that I didn’t say and defeating those things?

You wanna explain to me what this has to do with flying?

Well then I have good news for you! There are plenty of flying realms for you to go to. No problem!