No Flying Realms for Wrath

Not a bad idea! Though IMO its better if all of Wrath has no LFD

Notice how you completely avoid even considering the fact that you’re completely closed minded to the fact that your idea is bad and refuse to consider any information presented that refutes it.

Oh, but it is.

Is this some sort of inference that I should “read between the lines” and read what you’re really trying to say but saying something completely different?

Would there be a majority of players who would appreciate no-flying realms in Wrath? I consider there’s a minority out there somewhere that just hates that they can fly. Roughly 8-100 people, ish. Some others who would like to try it out, but inevitably would go to regular servers because flying is the removal of the obstacles you cherish so much, and dividing a playerbase into multiple sections is almost always bad (enjoying those server merges and free transfers yet?). I’ve considered it a truth, and found that it is in fact, not.

You’re right, a public forum, where people can agree or disagree with you isn’t any sort of evidence that could support or refute your claims.

So that would be evidence that more people support flying and disagree there should be any special realms made for Wrath then, yea?

Oh, so when you said “we all want it”, you were speaking about a specific subsection of the population, of which, none visit the forums, apparently. Proof? I dunno, getting too real now.

The only thing that’s irrelevant seems to be your idea. Maybe you don’t know how logical debate works, you make a claim and then provide evidence to support it. I don’t have to provide evidence that refutes it; this forum, did that for me. Overwhelmingly negative responses; yet you still think, somehow, you’re a genius and everybody on the forums is just a neanderthal. Brilliant.

Weird right? You know who uses unpopular opinions to bait people into responding to them, right?

This sentence right here, is why I honestly hope you get the forum silence you so desperately deserve.

Nope. Not even close. LMAO. If you have to state you have some logical sense, then you haven’t asserted as much with logical thoughts/actions/words/phrases. Simple is as simple does.

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And unsurprisingly you do exactly what every closed minded person does and still refuses to practice self-awareness and just go “nuh-uh! What about you??”

No. It’s me pointing out your complete and consistent failures in reading comprehension. Except it’s probably not even you having a reading comprehension issue, it’s you refusing to put the time or mental energy into considering that I’m right. I’ve already considered the possibility that I am wrong, obviated by the fact that I’ve acknowledged that my idea might fail. I don’t think it will but it’s certainly a possibility. You however pretend that you know that it will fail. Because you’re biased and closed-minded.

No you haven’t. This is just mental gymnastics at trying to win the argument. This is nothing but a competition for you.

I’m glad we’ve discussed this. Yes, I am right, and the WoW general forums is in no way any example of scientific or statistical evidence

No it wouldn’t be. It would be evidence that retail players hate the idea of their flying mounts being taken away.

More like. I baited people into bumping my post that I want to happen. Because its a good idea whether you like it or not.

Lmao. Do you actually think this is a normal, respectable thing to say? How can you actually take pride in wanting the ideas that you disagree with to be silenced? Boy you must love censorship. I bet you’re one of those people that constantly talk about “corporations rights to censor people on their platform” I can’t even comprehend how a person living in the free world actually gets to the point where they proudly declare that they want others to be silenced because they’re afraid of their words. Amazing.

Did you even read what you wrote before you hit the “reply” button? Does this make sense to anyone? What do you think you’re even trying to say? “If you have to state that you are logical then you aren’t logical” Thats basically what you said.

Do I need to re-link quotes from you, or are you going to continue to deny what you wrote in this very thread?

Let me refresh your memory a bit: you called people “mad snowflakes”, you told others to “grow up”, you admitted to deliberately baiting people for angry responses, you’ve been condescending towards others, and you’ve insinuated that you know what’s best for the game and everyone else is just flat wrong.

None of that fosters constructive nor logical discussion. It’s like you’re actively trying to sabotage your own thread.

No, the problem is that you really don’t. You think you’re right and everyone else is full of it because you don’t like their suggestions. Your problem is that you are letting your feelings get in the way of a logical argument. Because changing something really major for the sake of a small minority when that minority can simply refrain from participating in what they don’t like is not logical.

You want to fundamentally change the way the game plays for everyone else because you don’t like something. The only way it would be logical is if that thing that you are protesting against was immoral or prohibited.

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No General is for Retail. Classic has its own General. That’s why it’s called Wow Classic General Discussion.

Here, I’ll link it for you:

see right there in the URL classic-discussion.

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Time loss proto says no

That’s not an insult, it’s a call to action.

No, I didn’t. I admitted to wording my post in a way that would encourage civil engagement. I honestly didn’t expect people to get mad at me saying something that was clearly being facetious.

No I haven’t been.

Not insinuating it. It’s a fact.

No, more like you want my thread to be silenced and are trying to build up some sort of case against it like you’re a lawyer. Just admit that you want my thread to be silenced. Don’t beat around the bush.

Do people call you emotional a lot? Cuz that isn’t even close to what’s happening. But please go ahead and point out how my arguments have been emotional. Pro-tip: you can’t

Adding realms with options into wrath and wrath only isn’t a “major change”.

Think about this sentence for a second. This could apply to literally everything. Botting, multiboxxing, real world trading. Are you suggesting that it’s wrong that people want those things gone from the game? There are many things that players want and do that are bad for the game. Stop acting like you have the moral high ground. And nothing you’ve said is even remotely logical. Let’s get that out of the way

The fact that you still can’t figure out that personally not-flying doesn’t solve the issues that a realm with no-flying would, clearly demonstrates your failure in understanding simple logic. Again, player interaction, pvp, cultivating a more healthy game. Simply limiting myself doesn’t help any of those things whatsoever.

Making a forum for classic discussion doesn’t somehow imply that that is the only place that classic discussion is allowed. Unless you’re going to tell me where the General Forums says “retail only” or “no Classic discussion permitted”

This is really the most convincing argument so far tbh.

Yes it does, that is exactly what it does. If it didn’t there would be no reason to have a Classic General Discussion forum at all.

No, it doesn’t. Making a forum specifically for wow classic discussion does not imply that the forum made for ALL WoW discussion somehow doesn’t allow classic discussion. That is why it is called the GENERAL forums. Because GENERAL discussion of ALL of WoW is allowed here.

You clearly haven’t done storm peaks. You will be unable to get to the tops of the spires where there are quests and flight points. I mean, disregarding the fact that you’re supposed to fly up to the ship when you need to go there.

Vanilla was designed for no flying. BC-Cata were not.

I have though. All of the spires have little paths up them that you can get to by ground mount. At least the horde ones, admittedly I haven’t gone to the alliance quest hubs there that are on top of spires, but I assume they’re the same as the horde in terms of accessibility, as this is how blizzard usually designs areas. I’m guessing this decision was for people with only 60% flying mounts who rather be on their 100% ground mount.

Funnily enough, that’s exactly what you’ve said (word for word a few times) throughout this thread.


Again, considered it, and found it to be false. You are wrong. Factually.

I’m not pretending anything. I’m just as confident (probably more so) that your idea would ultimately hurt the game as a whole, rather than do any good whatsoever. How is that biased or close-minded?

Oh, you read minds now? If it’s gymnastics you think this is, I dare say, you, have the mental acuity of a pencil sharpener.

I should refrain from using sarcasm so blatantly, I understand the feeble minded have issues comprehending it. But should also clarify you have yet to provide scientific or statistical evidence that anybody outside yourself and a handful of people might actually want this.

LMAO whut?

So you trolled for bumps. Cute. Also, it’s a bad idea, whether you like it or not. :wink:

Yes. Simply put, you don’t care about boundaries. You don’t care about rules. You’ve proven yourself a selfish, self centered individual. Classic General so where people go to discuss Classic things. General is where people go to discuss Retail things. I bet you wanted to get as much attention to this as possible, and I think you didn’t realize how overwhelmingly negative the results would be. Now you can blame Retail forum goers, and blame everyone but yourself for this miserable failure of an idea.

I bet you’re one of those “I’m not driving, I’m travelling” people too :wink: Also, I’m not afraid of your words. 90% of it is jibbersih anyway. I just think somebody with a little authority needs to put you in your place for a little while. I mean, why not poste this in the Overwatch forum? Better yet, the Diablo subreddit? Oh, because it would be off-topic and unrelated?

Yup. Always do.

Anybody with an IQ over 4.

Not quite. I said it means you haven’t proven it. If I have to tell you I’m strong, do you just believe me, or would I have to prove it, someway?

You haven’t. You’re not telling the truth. I have done it recently myself.

Anyway, Blizzard does not permit customers to have custom servers, so if you’re still arguing your failed idea at this point it’s pure trolling.

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I hope for your sake this is you just trolling and you don’t actually think that you can “factually” prove someone wrong in a debate about opinion in a forum about a fantasy videogame.

No, it’s not. Every time I say someone is wrong, I explain with logical reasoning why they are wrong. And why I am not wrong. You however… lol

You’re not “confident” you’re certain. You pretend that my idea can’t possibly be good and will never be popular. This is certainty and making absolute claims, clearly exemplified by you saying I’m “factually” wrong. This is the definition of closed-minded.

Mental gymnastics means using non-logical reasoning to defend an emotionally biased illogical viewpoint to convince yourself that your viewpoint is logical when it isn’t. That is what you do.

Rofl… surely even you can tell that I was being sarcastic. It’s called using your sarcasm against you.

I have. You’re not telling the truth. Please tell me what spire you can’t go up without a ground mount. And don’t cite “well I went to it with a flying mount therefore you can’t get up there without one” as evidence. I LITERALLY walked up the little trails Blizzard built into the mountains to get up to every single area by ground mount. I am not lying.

I have no idea what you’re talking about or why you’re getting so angry and hostile. You must feel very threatened by the idea of no-flying. I am in no way, shape or form, arguing for private, custom servers. I am suggesting that Blizzard make official severs for WoW Classic Wrath of the Lich King, that do not allow you to use flying mounts.

More emotional, and illogical circular reasoning.

Yeah, I do. Because It’s a good idea.

Mmm, no. Actually I thought it would be worse. Surprised that the first post I got was open-minded and reasonable. The 2nd post is exactly what I expected though.

“I want ideas I don’t like to be censored because I’m scared of words.”

Because I want to talk about World of Warcraft…? The game that I play?

It would hurt the game by being a giant waste of resources that would have to be upgraded for the handful of people who choose it and realize that they’d rather play a living game than declare purity in a dead world where you would never see anyone.

This is your problem and no one else’s. You are unable to comprehend what you are reading. I can see that now.

So little self-awareness.

“But my idea for a custom server will be incredibly popular!”

That’s what they all say. You idea went into the circular file at Blizzard along with the FFAPvP servers, pristine servers, and especially the FFAPvP pristine servers.

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“Adding 1 or 2 flight paths that you get without going there first is a giant waste of resources” Amazing. It would literally take one person with a couple hours to make it happen. It would be extremely trivial to make Storm Peaks and Ice Crown 100% ground mount accessible as they are already 99% ground mount accessible. Which you would know if you actually went there and tried to get everywhere in those zones with ground mount alone. Which you haven’t done.

“Just give me all the flight points so I don’t have to travel to get them”.

The long-term expense for separately upgrading custom servers is what you are ignoring.

That’s not what I said though? I said make a flight path to those zones specifically, and those flight paths only, that you unlock at Dalaran or something. I am not suggesting that all flight paths in the game be given to players without them first going to those places. Just two… so that flying mounts aren’t necessary. I don’t know why you insist on assuming that I am making ridiculous and clearly illogical suggestions.

Every weekly reset with its fixes would double the long-term cost of the entire project because it would have to be custom designed for you and your server.

You are hysterical. You are obsessed with this. You are not logical.

Hint: anyone who is claiming their arguments are “logical” does not understand the meaning of the word. Not only that, but they are attempting to justify their emotional response by contriving laughable arguments so they can claim they are logical.

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And in the next breathe;

LMAO. But to respond to both; I have explained, in great detail, why you are wrong. You have ignored that information. You have not used a single logical rebuttal. You, in essence, say “nuh uh”. When you are factually wrong, it means that it has been proven you are wrong, it is now a fact.

People do not like your idea. You have 2 options now, you can continue to debate it and call people names and insult and condescend, or you can accept it and move on.

Please, define confidence.

LOL. Trolls will keep on trollin. What about my logic is flawed and emotional?

I mean, you realize that if you meant this sarcastically;

That would mean you believe the opposite true, meaning that this thread would represent the “divide” of players on no flying realms, and flying realms, should they implement your idea; meaning those 3 likes you’ve accrued over almost as many weeks would be the 3 people playing with you. Good luck. Have fun.

“Nuh uh, u!” LMAO still a walking meme.

HAHAHA. Mirror doesn’t look so good does it? I mean, I’ll admit, I laugh a lot at you, but that’s because it’s hard to imagine someone being this committed to the meme. It’s hilarious. What about that is emotional though? You are selfish, you want what you want, even though nobody agrees with you. You are self centered, you have proven that you believe yourself right, and “more correct” than anyone else, and no one will convince you you’re wrong. You posted this Classic topic in General, because you don’t care where it’s “supposed to be”, you want it where you want it. Is your name Karen? I hate to tell you, I don’t have a manager.

You actually still believe that. Amazing. 10/10 meme skills.

You mean the first post where they said it’d be a neat idea but would split the population even further than it is, ultimately being a bad thing? Figures you’d chalk that up as “open minded”, I bet you even think they agree and support your idea.

LOL. Still with this? Awwww, cute. If I wanted to censor you, I’d just flag all your posts. It really wouldn’t be hard to never hear from you again. However, I’ll just wait for you to keep telling me what I think, and watch as you ignore the information presented to you. You know, you almost remind me of BFA/SL Blizzard Devs. “We’re listening… to something else and we’re gonna do what we want anyway”

HAHA, weird, you wanna talk about Classic in the Retail forums though. Still off topic, and unrelated.