No Flying Realms for Wrath

We did. You’re just apparently too stubborn to take in the information.

There’s 3 dungeons in there. And 3 quest chains. That’s 6. Not even exaggerating, but thanks for the effort.

Nope. But pointing out you don’t have a point; priceless.

Sure. I think the “observations” about you would actually make you cry, and we don’t want that, so I’ll keep those to myself.

I guess not.

Ooooo somebody used google for synonyms. You’re still wrong, by all meanings of the word though. :wink:

Have you tried reading your own stuff? Right from the OP you’ve been unintelligible.

Actually it does; by forcing people to interact the way you’ve described, you would reduce the number of people who play that game in general, meaning an even less chance for people to interact with anyone, ever. Simple logic follows simple path.

So now we don’t “earn” flying? They just give it away, I guess. Mate, pack it in, you’ve been well done for the last week.

I, don’t have words… How is that an argument?

No no, anyone with half a brain and the ability to read should know it can be both.

As I outlined, this is more about how Blizzard handles new ideas; I gave you RDF, SoM servers as perfect examples; they incentivize poorly performing systems to get people to use them. If no one goes to these realms, Blizzard would implement changes to incentivize them to do so. A REALLY good example would be by increasing the amount of gold you get (remember when you used that as an example of something that would ruin the game?) from quests (this is currently live on SoM realms).

I know it’s frustrating for you, you want a thing, but you’re so far off the reservation it’s actually hilarious. Walking meme is walking meme.

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This is more cringe than the ‘fresh start’ requests.

Have fun doing peaks or IC with no flying lmao

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What do you think you’re even saying? None of those things require flight. Stop acting like you’re even making any attempt to fairly assess what does and doesn’t require flight. Literally only one dungeon there requires flight and it already has a flight path to it.

It’s like you dont even care who’s right or wrong anymore you just want to win the stupid argument.

Case in point

Yeah except there’s no logical reason for that to happen because the exact opposite would happen.

Is this the part where you squawk around pretending you won?

That isn’t even close to what I said. I’m starting to think I’m wasting time talking to some kid who thinks they’re winning argument points online.

It isn’t an argument. I’m telling you that you’re intentionally saying whatever you want to be true regardless of if you have any evidence for it or not.

Just stop responding to my thread. You clearly are not capable of being swayed by any form of logic or info that is presented. You just dig your heels in harder no matter what I say because your mind is completely closed to the idea.

It’s really easy

I do enjoy you necroing your own topic everyday

This should be the summary of everything you’ve said so far.

Everybody else; “Bad idea bud.”
You; “Nuh uh”

There is no “winning”. Your idea is bad. It’s just sad to see you strut around like it’s the best thing since sliced bread. Also, if I there was “winning” involved, that would have happened approx 2 weeks ago, when you made the thread and immediately got told no.

That is what you said. Gold = Flying, it’s okay for people to earn gold, but Blizzard shouldn’t give it away. Your words, not mine.

I think you’re the one missing evidence of “a lot of people support my idea”… I think that’s the evidence you should be more concerned with.

You first.

First, if you had logic, or information that mimicked logical thought, I may be swayed. Here’s the thing though, you already told me, and everybody else, this is what they want. That’s not swaying an opinion, that’s telling others what their opinions are.

Could truthfully say the same about you. Your idea is bad; do you get it yet? Now stop necroing your own thread with your terrible responses.

Stopped being ‘your’ thread the instant you posted it on a public forum.

Don’t want public responses? Don’t post on a public forum. If you want to immortalize your terrible ideas without debate or feedback, get a diary.

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Don’t really care if they offer no flying realms for Wrath Classic, I lost all interest when they said there would be no random dungeon finder.

What I want to know is why are you posting this here OP? Bugger off to the classic forums with this garbage.

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Servers where Ulduar and upper ICC areas are inaccessible? Sure! Why not? :rofl:

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My understanding of your personal likes and dislikes has NOTHING to do with cold hard logic. Put simply the minority < the majority in most cases. You really seem to have a very poor grasp on logic in spite of how many times you proceed tell anyone that doesn’t agree with you that they fail to grasp it.

I don’t report people unless it’s fairly egregious, and definitely not non-profane name calling. I was merely pointing out (and you proved my point yet again, so thank you) that when one resorts to personal attacks and belittlement instead of logical debate that one has generally conceded that debate.

Anyone else concerned about all of these incredibly bad ideas getting into the dev’s head?

because the more of these bad ideas the dev see, you just know that they are going to implement the worst possible version of the idea.

so please no, flying is a must for wrath.

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“Waaaah stop responding to people talking to you in your own thread. I want your thread to die because your idea threatens my emotional wellbeing!”

Notice how you completely avoid even considering the fact that you’re completely closed minded to my idea and refuse to consider any information presented that supports it.

Yeah that isn’t what I said. But thank you for clarifying that you won’t even put the smallest amount of time to actually think and respond appropriately to people who talk to you on the forums.

And then ofc you, again, refuse to consider what I said is true or not and practice some self-awareness. And idk what you’re even saying here. That I don’t have evidence that people support no-flying. Ofc I can’t provide evidence for that in any way without making a poll or something ridiculous like that. And clearly if I made the poll for only forum-goers 99% would vote for flying. But none of that would prove anything, and I don’t need to provide evidence for my claim that people support my idea because you can’t provide evidence that the majority of people DONT like my idea. It’s irrelevant.

It’s almost like I said that to bait people into responding to my thread.

Lol… you actually responded seriously to that comment. The state of the wow general forums, everyone.

I don’t appreciate the idea that WoW Classic discussion isn’t welcome in the GENERAL DISCUSSION FORUMS. General… means that ALL aspects of WoW are welcome for discussion. Not just retail.

No, I have a very tight grasp on logic, the problem is I’m talking to many people who don’t understand what logic is and have never been able to process logic very well in the first place. So ofc said people are going to think that the one logical person in the room is illogical. Go ahead and say that what I just said is illogical and prove my point.

I haven’t called anyone any names and I haven’t personally attacked anyone. The less you throw around buzzwords in a blatant attempt to get people to report and silence my thread, the better.

Why is it a bad idea? Why is flying a must? Wrath would be perfectly playable without flying. But I’m not even suggesting that flying be removed from Wrath, I’m merely suggesting that servers be given the option to have no flying. Just like pvp and pve realms.

This was posted 18 days ago, and there are only three Hearts given to your OP.

So I think it would be safe to say that very few people agree with you.

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I don’t though

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No… it would be safe to say that forum goers, in the general discussion forums dont agree with me. The vast majority of which are retail players who are very much attached to flying… understandably so, considering all the flying mounts they’ve earned over the years. Though if this works for Wrath, which it will. Then the idea could be implemented in retail, but in terms, of no-flying realms being only applicable to the current expansion. Which would be fine. Though IMO there should always be no flying in azeroth.

Right, all those people breathing being attached to oxygen have no right to discuss clean air.

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I didn’t say retail players and chronically online forum goers don’t have the right to discuss this topic. I said that they are the most likely people to see my post… in the General Discussion Forums, which for some reason like to discourage classic players from discussing classic in.

But Stormpeaks and Icecrown were made with flying in mind. Yes, theoretically, they could be traversed on foot but that sounds more tedious than fun.

No, don’t worry. I’ve been there. It’s very easy, about as easy as any other zone, to traverse those areas you mentioned by ground mount. Not a hardship at all. Admittedly, there are currently a few small roadblocks, but 99% of those zones are ground mount traversible. And Blizzard would have to put very little effort into making them 100%

they should make the non-flying realms the ones that have no dungeon finder. then the other 99.9% of people can enjoy the xpac.