No Flying Realms for Wrath

I made this post about a month ago and it wasn’t a sunday

It’s definitely a Sunday thread though.

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When I’m in a no fly zone I find I hardly ever run into people when going from point A to point B. Usually they are going opposite the way I’m going or they left before me or after me and they are off in the distance.

When you run into people it’s when you are at point A or at point B and not flying.

This is the important part. You still do run into people. And depending on the realm, it can be a lot of people. And in a pvp realm, running into a single person even once can change what your activities are going to be for the next few hours as you try to get your revenge.

What does this even mean?

You made a troll thread in General Discussion about a Classic issue. I think you know what it means.

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I’m not trolling at all. Trolling would mean, in terms of your accusation, that I am pretending to represent a view that I don’t agree with to antagonize people. I 100% agree with my view.

I wasn’t aware that discussing the game that half of the playerbase or more, plays, wasn’t allowed in the WoW General Discussion forums.

I really don’t. Other than that you’re clearly trying to troll me

This is not reality when there’s no flying mounts

In no fly zones you do NOT run into people at point A or point B? You only run into them when moving between points?

That hasn’t been my experience.

I too support splitting the player base into ever smaller partitions until the game is unplayable for everybody.

Sorry, that’s not what I meant. I meant that you do not ONLY run into ppl at point A and B. You run into them in between all the time.

Listen… this is a fair point. But dead realms can be fixed by Blizzard and it’s their fault that these things happen. It doesn’t mean that no-flying realms shouldn’t exist. If blizzard moderated the communities better and disincentivized players from switching to the high pop realms then there would be no problem.

No… we didn’t. At all. Idk how you “REEEE DONT TAKE MY FLYING MOUNTS” sorts think that WoD being a hated expansion had ANYTHING to do with not having flying mounts. That was the only GOOD thing about it… and Blizzard let you have flying mounts later on there anyways. It was a hated expansion because of GARRISONS and the fact that Blizzard implied they were gonna make a big beautiful raid for Shattrath and then scrapped it and went on to the next expansion.

That’s literally and irrefutably exactly what would happen. Ofc people would complain but in the end the game would be greatly improved for it.

They didn’t “buy into” anything. They used their brains for once and then wimped out when forum goers and forum goers only started crying.


Except flying isn’t going into the world at all… its going over the world and avoiding it. Nice try

Anyways… where’s all the “Haha no one liked your post. Not even a pity like. This is amazing. Truly no one likes this idea” people at? Eating crow now huh?

They should go ahead and make one of these servers just so we can all truly see whether or not such a thing would be popular or not.

Also it would give all the hardcore no-flyers a place to gather where they might not feel disadvantaged, and where they won’t bother the rest of us.

I wouldn’t get my hopes up for it OP, but good luck.

No one wants this.

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What an absolute dumpster fire of an idea.

I think my favorite part is the assertion that just a few ramps/portals would make two zones that were designed around flying completely work. There are a TON of quests that take you up to multiple areas at the top of storm peaks, or into the sides of mountains that you have no way to get to without flight. How is all this amazing ground mount interaction going to take place when everyone is using teleports to get to all the places that they got to before, or maybe you would just like them to scratch the zones and start over and make two flat areas “ice field” and “storm plains” - then it won’t be Wrath anymore, but you and your one friend that wants to hoof it everywhere can frolic together.


Ooo, really? :eyes: Time to save some gold.

Nope, it just some straight up babbling to yourself over a ring type stuff.

Oh, so you don’t want “no fly” realms in Wrath Classic? Kinda weird you have this whole thread about it…

No no. It’s plenty defeated. I’m not misrepresenting it, you are. “Adding 1 or 2 flight paths”? We covered this, over and over, ICC itself would require 4-6 flight paths, and that’s JUST ICC, not to mention the rest of the zone, or Storm Peaks, or any of the “extras” in any of the other zones.

LOL. Just gonna keep asking for definitions of words… do you, not know what they mean?

Repetitively. That’s not insulting people though, right?

I think it’s hilarious. I know what you want, and why you want it, it’s just a terrible idea that won’t achieve your goal. You are objectively, quantifiably, and empirically wrong. You just have to learn to live with it.

It’s a metaphor. It’s meant to poke fun at the fact that you want people to have to run around the world but can’t see how that would reduce the chances they “run into each other” because everybody would be off doing their own thing, if playing at all. It actually works on about 3 levels, but maybe you just lack the CTS to figure it out. (See what I did there?)

No, you made an analogy. Gold = Flying. You basically said that if Blizzard gave out millions of gold to everyone; you’d take it, because it’s there. My analogy is that people already have millions of gold, it’s just that they are the top 1% of their server, and not everyone has that much.

Nope. You can keep downplaying the amount of alterations that would need to be made; it doesn’t change the fact that you’re wrong.

Maybe the 3 people playing with you on the realm are part of a 10 man raid group that can no longer run because 3 people went to a dead server to play your version of Wrath Classic, and then when those 3 people go back to play on real servers they find they can’t play anymore either… Congratz, you just killed a 10m raid group for “a neat idea that ultimately was bad”.

I explained quite clearly, that it’s both. What Blizzard does to support “outlying” ideas. Classic is a great example; TBC never had a boost, TBC Classic did though. Why? To give people a reason to go and play it. They incentivize.

You just keep ignoring facts to support your idea, even though nobody else does.

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Well I was all for no changes and I still feel the same way. Release the game as it was so those of us who weren’t around back then can have an idea of what the game was really like. That’s one of MANY reasons why I think the OP idea stinks. If he hates flying that much he can stick to Vanilla classic and play with the sparse numbers of people still messing around with that version.

Except when they stated that there was no plans to implement flying and the sub total went down. Then when they said “just kidding you can fly” and the sub counter went back up… but Garrisons!

Nope. People would stand in the “hub” if they logged in at all.

Weird, that’s what they said about adding flying; here you are complaining, and the game is overall better for it. Weird, right?

Except for all those lost subscriptions, right?

GARRISONS!!! lmao. You’re a walking meme at this point…

Over 2 weeks, 3 likes. What crow is there to eat?


Literally what I’m saying. If it fails like every forum poster and their mother is screeching “WILL” happen, than we can answer the question once and for all.

Try actually reading my posts for a second. 99% of storm peaks and Ice Crown are ground mount accessible. There’s literally trails up every single mountain that you need to go do quests on.

No we didn’t. Are you just lying now?

Lmao! It wouldn’t even be close to 6. Not even 4. Get real. Hilarious that you actually are gonna exaggerate that much just to win an argument on the internet.

Point right went over your head, didnt it?

It sure isn’t. It’s making an observation.

You clearly don’t.

You are measurably, certifiably, irrefutably and factually wrong.

This is the most unintelligible rambling I’ve seen in this thread yet. It wasn’t even a metaphor and you’re just doing damage control now. People exploring the world and being forced to go over bridges and roads doesn’t somehow mean they’re going to interact with each other even LESS than when they’re flying by each other invisibly in the sky.

It’s hard to dumb this down any further… That isn’t what I said. What I said is that Blizzard GIVING people gold is like Blizzard giving people the ability to fly. People earning gold on their own is completely different from Blizzard giving out millions in free gold to every character.

Says the person who refuses to go to these zones and actually see for yourself that I’m right. Keep coping.

Anyone with a brain should be able to quickly figure out that it can’t possibly be both. Either no one is going to go these servers or they’re going to be a danger to other servers. If no one goes to them… they’re not a problem to the other servers. You can’t have both.

Like I said, no changes is already out the window. I was #nochanges with you… but that boat has already sailed a long time ago. So we might as well advocate for good changes rather than waiting around for stupid changes like turning women into fruit or adding scantily clad demon men that weren’t in the original game while we keep saying “no changes”. Lots of good changes we could have that wouldn’t damage the game in any way.

Removing flying from WOTLK would be a horrible change. Some of the zones were specifically designed for flying and removing that feature only makes getting around those areas more tedious. Blizzard is not going to commit time and resources just to redesign those areas for access from the ground. I understand the thinking behind wanting to do it, but taking away flying won’t force people to interact with each other more. Times have changed. You’re on your own on this one.


No LFG feature was the biggest reason I gave up on New World. I’m sorry, but having to spam chat just to run a simple dungeon sucks. Particularly when said dungeon impedes my progress. So is having to run everywhere with no mount for hours on end. New World is the perfect example for why forcing players to do things the old ways doesn’t work anymore.


I’m only suggesting it for realms that people can opt-in to join. Not forcing it on anyone.

If you read some of my other posts, I mention how I tested this claim myself, I went to IC and storm peaks and it was extremely easy to go around 99% of the map and go up all the mountains with a ground mount. They basically designed it with ground mounts in mind but didn’t add a path to get there by ground from the other zones. Very easy to fix.

I’m quite certain it will by the nature of being forced to go through paths, bridges, tunnels etc just to get around.

I’ve talked to many people in BC and many, many people have expressed that they would be happy to play classic Wrath without flying mounts.