No Flying Realms for Wrath

Blizzard specifically designed Northrend around flying.


Flying is here to stay… you lost that fight in WoD.

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Yeah, sure if you’re unable to process logic or think critically. Like i said.

No I don’t.

It’s like you haven’t read a single one of my posts. Adding 1 or 2 flight paths isn’t “large” alterations. It’s like you’re intentionally misrepresenting my argument because you can’t defeat it otherwise.


Define validity within this context. Not the word itself.

Yes, my problem is not me flying, my problem is not me personally having the ability to fly. But you can’t figure out why this doesn’t somehow mean “I want everyone to suffer durrr”


To YOU maybe, and 1 or 2 others.

It’s like it’s the answer is right in front of your face but you STILL can’t figure it out.

Did this actually sound like an intelligent response when you were typing this out? How does this make any sense whatsoever?

Please tell me where the insult is, friendo

That isn’t what I said at all. I said BLIZZARD shouldn’t hand out inordinate amounts of free gold to everyone. Not that no one should have tons of gold… are you kidding me?

Lazily. It can very easily be fixed with very minor alterations to the zone. Like adding a flight path or 2. The rest of it is completely traversible by ground mount.

If you don’t play classic and you don’t go to these realms then there’s no problem. Idk why you all are so up in arms about an idea that won’t affect you whatsoever.

Inb4 cyo tells me how my idea is “dangerous to other servers” and yet somehow also at the same time “no one would go to no-flight servers”. Which one is it?


I know a thinly veiled thread when I see one…

I should be more specific I guess… I don’t think Blizzard designed wrath zones lazily. I think they designed them wonderfully. But if their goal was to make zones very difficult to traverse by ground mount then they didn’t do a very good job. Though I’m sure it’s possible to make a zone with flying mounts in mind without that really affecting ground mounts.

What does this even mean?

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They didn’t.

Yes, because, I’ve been to storm peaks and Ice crown on my mammoth mount in retail, I ran around as far as I could and found plenty of paths through the mountains and trails going up to the peaks. There’s only a few roadblocks that stop these areas from being 100% ground mount traversible.

So you have no point. Cool. Pointless threads are always support in General Discussion.

…What? What do you mean? How do I not have a point? I want a realms for Wrath of the Lich King in Classic WoW where flying mounts aren’t allowed. That is my point… how do I not have a point? What are you even saying?

That you’ve lost the plot. Enjoy the drug-induced confusion.

I may have mentioned this before, but if you want to be restricted to the ground, just create a new alt, work him up to the point where Chromie will send you to Northend and DO NOT get Expert Flying.

Without Expert Flying you won’t be able to fly. In effect you will have implemented this yourself.

Now others would be able to fly but I can’t imagine it would bother you what other people are doing, it won’t interfere with the way you want to play the game.


Are you just trolling? I mean if you want to tell me what’s wrong with my idea I’m open to discussing it with you. My point in talking about how these zones are easy to traverse by ground mount is because whenever this topic is brought up, people immediately act like Storm Peaks is somehow the shining monolith to how no-flying is a bad idea and that it would be SO HARD to make Storm Peaks ground mount accessible when it would be extremely easy and require almost no time at all.

Read my post a few posts back where i compared flying to blizard giving everyone millions of free gold. Me, personally, not flying doesn’t solve any of the problems that flying has introduced into the game. In fact there, are many posts I made that explain in detail why this isn’t a meaningful or logical solution in any way. I want to be in a realm where flying isn’t available. Me not flying doesn’t create a version of WoW I can play where flying mounts aren’t a mechanic that players can use.

And b4 you start typing about how I’m trying to force people to do something they don’t want to do, again, this would be a realm that people choose to go to. It’s opt-in. If they didn’t want to not-fly then they wouldn’t make characters on that realm.

Well if you are able to ride around on a ground mount and complete all the quests, then what is it that you do NOT have if others can fly?

I guess you don’t want to go back and read my posts where I already explained this. So I will explain it again. MMORPGs, especially MMOs like WoW where you have world PVP, are built around concepts of players interacting not only with each other but with the world around them. The idea that players are interacting with each other in the world, whatever they’re doing is intrinsic to the MMO experience. Flying mounts, by their nature, drastically reduce this interaction and largely limit it to only instanced interaction, i.e. instanced raids and dungeons, and battlegrounds and arenas. And ofc people standing around in the capital cities.

Before flying mounts existed in WoW, and for the first few months or weeks when a new expansion comes out and players haven’t unlocked flying in a new area yet, there was much more player interaction at max level outside of the cities. People would run into each other when doing end-game content far more often and there would be drastically more world pvp. Flying mounts, no matter how you slice it, have irrefutably and drastically reduced this kind of interaction.

Furthermore, and this is an important point: flying mounts turns the players’ mentality into viewing the World part of the World of Warcraft as merely an obstacle to getting to where they want to go to. This isn’t healthy (in terms of longevity of the game and player retention, not physical health) for an MMORPG, the world, like leveling, should not be considered an annoying obstacle to get around as quickly as possible. Traveling through the world, and getting from place to place through paths and bridges that you find, is a far more healthy way for the game to be played. Flying mounts turn the world into an inconvenience to be gotten over as quickly as possible and avoided. This makes the entire world and all the NPCs in it except in a few areas of end-game quest hubs and resource nodes, completely irrelevant once leveling is done.

And, unsurprisingly, a large amount of players hate leveling characters as well and rather do whatever they can to avoid, yet another huge part of the MMORPG experience.

Well the way you interact in an MMO is certainly NOT by going around doing the quests on your own like many of us do. The way you interact is in dungeons, mythic+ and raids where flying is usually not allowed anyway.

Or you form a guild of like minded, similar talented people and play that way. In that case you can get people to agree not to get expert mode and you can all play together.

Or you form a group to role play (i.e. the RP of RPG). Again, get like minded people to not get expert mode or at least to agree to not use flying when you are playing.

All of these methods of playing with others can be done by a group on their own without the game implementing anything.


What do you mean? Players interact with each other when doing quests all the time. Or going through a valley in between mountains because you’re both going the same way. Often times players talk to each other when this happens. That isn’t a thing once flying mounts exist.

Yes, that is how WoW, currently is. And I am saying that it doesn’t have to be that way and that not having flying mounts would make people much more likely to interact with each other outside of the dungeons and raids. Btw, ask yourself why it’s okay for people to not be able to fly in dungeons and raids but this logic doesn’t apply to the rest of the world? Flying mounts are not allowed in PvE instances because players need to be forced to get through obstacles of mobs, (by killing them) before they get to their goal of fighting the bosses. Why should this not apply to the rest of the game world? Why does no one advocate for flying mounts to be allowed to be used in both raids and battlegrounds?

Why should you be “forced” to fight through the same old tired mobs that you’ve already killed thousands of times just for you to get to the part that you actually want to get to: killing the boss and looting it. If you’ve already beaten the raid or dungeon on its hardest difficulty then why shouldn’t you be able to unlock flying for the instance? The answer for this directly applies to why it shouldn’t be allowed outside of the instances.

Yeah, this only increases player interaction within the guild only, and even if everyone in the entire guild agreed that flying mounts were bad, which I’ve been in many guilds where many players agreed on this, most likely no one would agree to not use flying because every other guild on the realm has flying mounts and no one wants to handicap themselves from something the other players have access too when an inherent aspect of an MMO is player competition.

All of these methods are impractical and won’t solve the problem. Even if I could get a whole guild of hundreds of people to agree to not use flying mounts it would still only be a tiny fraction of the whole server population and I still, most of the time, would rarely bump into people in the world. And players on the opposite faction would still be able to ambush me from the sky and/or fly away the second I try to attack them.

Even when you are flying from place to place there are plenty of times you are not flying. You are not flying while working on a quest, you are not flying when you are in a city going to the bank, stores, transmorg, barber, etc.

If you see someone with whom you want to interact, send them a message. Say hi. If they want to interact they will say hi and you can play together, on the ground.

I’m still not seeing any case where you can’t interact with someone just because they have the ability to fly. In fact, I have a private pilots license but other people who don’t somehow manage to interact with me.

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Yes, this directly ties into what I am saying. Sure, these interactions still exist around points of interest even when flying mounts are an option. My point being that getting there (point B) from point A, player interaction is close to non-existent. Thusly, flying mounts, drastically reduces, not ELIMINATES, player interaction. And, therefore, is inherently unhealthy for the MMO genre

And if you were to argue that the pros outweigh the cons for flying mounts, I would say that all the pros for flying mounts are already given to you by flight paths.

It sure is Sunday up in here.