No Flying Realms for Wrath

Ahhh, so, the people shooting down the ideas are the ones not playing the game; and the ones who enjoy the game are too busy playing the game to post on the forums. So you’ve made it clear; people enjoy flying, and your entire thread is literal garbage.

LOL. You’re funny. Thinking you have logic on your side. Also, the point still stands, when they attack your character…

So they would have to completely alter the terrain of 2 complete zones in order to make your “request” viable. How can you call a place Storm Peaks, without any peaks? ICC (the entire zone it’s in) was enormous in size, could you imagine they give you a single flight path and then tell you to ride around the citadel to get where you need to go? I’m sure you have. Still can’t admit that bad idea is bad idea, eh?

Are you being overtly literal on purpose? You condescend to everyone in this thread, and without reason, as your “idea” is probably the worst idea in the history of WoW. I really shouldn’t have to explain how your “tone” is echoed throughout your replies without being “emotional” lol.

Oh… it hasn’t? scrolls up LMAO… Try harder.

Objectively; no it isn’t.

When a troll accuses others of trolling. LMAO.

FIFY. But to respond; actually it’s the opposite. Hey, I have this insane idea of no flying in Wrath; -rest of the forums- That’s a bad idea kid; -you- cries

LOL. Look at this leap backwards;
“People who enjoy the game are too busy playing it”
“People don’t enjoy or support flying”
“People who support my idea are too busy playing the game to support this thread”

I’m sorry, who lacks critical thinking skills?

No. So? No.

Most people don’t want this, only the very noisy no-flying minority. Here’s an idea: how about you just don’t fly, and let everyone else play the game the way they like? See? Easy!

That isn’t how it works. I don’t understand why you can’t see the failure in your logic in thinking that this is a solution. Gimping myself does not create a version of WoW where flying mounts don’t exist. If I could get an entire server to all agree not to use flying mounts then yes, that would solve the problems. But me alone not using flying mounts benefits literally no one including myself. The problem is not MY ability to use flying mounts. The problem is that they exist

And then ofc you’re just going to say
“Ohhh you just want to make everyone else suffer”
No… that isn’t what I’m saying. Please learn how to utilize logic before responding to my post.

As I’ve said before. Stormpeaks and Icecrown are extremely easy to get around in with a ground mount.

Yeah. I do.

except I lierally attacked your argument. So no it doesn’t stand at all.

No. They wouldn’t. Try reading my posts again slowly.

“If you talk about an idea I hate that means you’re a troll”

I did. It didn’t happen. I’ve never once contradicted myself in this entire thread. Try harder.

It quantifiably, empirically, and demonstrably is.

You. Based on the fact that you’re having trouble seeing why my statements aren’t contradictory.

Who rarely make posts and the second they do are immediately ganged on by 500 angry forum posters screeching and reporting their post for violating rules that don’t exist.

I’m sorry, but you seem to be under the mistaken impression that problems for you = problems for everyone else. Logically it’s easier to have the minority conform to the desires of the majority versus the majority conform for the desires of the minority. Unless the act of conforming wouldn’t be ethical. Which isn’t the case here.

I don’t think that word means what you seem to think it means. At least in the context of your useage in this thread. If one doesn’t like something, it’s logical not to do that thing. Expecting others to conform to what one individual (or a minority) desires generally isn’t logical. What it is though is selfish and egotistical.

Furthermore, using name calling and personal attacks isn’t a way to conduct a logical debate. All that does is suggest that you have no sound rebuttal for their reasoning and thus have to resort to abusive remarks.

So you may want reflect upon your own actions before you accuse others of not using sound logic.

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So basically make changes to an entire zone, then it’s no longer true to the original, could it even be called Wrath Classic anymore.


Just ignore your flying mounts then. I don’t see the issue.

It’s literally not an issue.

How do you know this exactly ? Methinks it’s merely conjecture, just saying.

The OP is an example of the concept of entitlement, just saying.

They should do this, and ban flight like OP asked. Including flight paths. If your gryphon can’t fly, wouldn’t make sense the other ones could. Can’t go ruining that immersion.

Actually they already have that. Create a new character, level up with either Chromie or a token and just don’t get Expert Rider.

You won’t be able to fly anywhere.

Now on a completely different topic, why do you want to prevent other people from flying?


How would fight malygos?

Hell no, I don’t want it.

You want to hug the ground, have at it. Quit trying to impose it on others.

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I mean, flawed logic is still logic, I suppose… but, I think you know where this goes…

Actually, you didn’t. You said I lack critical thinking skills and logic, even though the argument proposed used your own logic to defeat your point.

Adding a ramp, hill, cave, or flight path alters the terrain of a zone. Doing so multiple times (as they’d have to) is completely altering the terrain of the zone. You’re just going “nuh uh” without actually thinking about it. It’s hilarious lol.

That’s not what it says, is it?


“My idea is a good one” is a contradiction in and of itself.

Love to see your data on this. Please, share with the rest of the class.

“People who enjoy the game are too busy playing it”
“People don’t enjoy or support flying”
“People who support my idea are too busy playing the game to support this thread”

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Would you like to invest in my new cryto backed by bananas? For every coin minted you must have proof of bananas.


The Dutch tried that with tulip bulbs. It didn’t end well.


Yeah, but that is the Dutch. Imagine thinking wooden shoes were a good idea.


Well, you know, that’s always a risk when you’re expressing unpopular opinions. Perhaps you could use that information in a useful way?

Your whole argument boils down to “I don’t like this so no one else should be allowed to enjoy it” and you wonder why you get hostile responses?

Question is, why do you care what other players are doing? Don’t want to fly, don’t fly.
So what if someone else does?

Yeah no that isn’t what I’m saying. It’s like there’s actually a mental block preventing you from understanding the issue or the logic that I am using to explain it perfectly coherently.

Go ahead and explain to me what logic means.

Except you don’t understand what I don’t like. That is where your failure in logic begins.

Is this you trying to frame the scene for when you report me? I haven’t insulted anyone buckaroo.

Read my other posts. I’ve already answered this many times.

This is the problem with you people. That isn’t what my argument “boils down to” that’s your simple minded and biased interpretation. And apparently the people in these forums can’t conceive how that possibly isn’t the case. I don’t want blizzard to hand out millions of free gold to every player. Do you have a problem with that? Do you want that? No. Because you know it would ruin the game. But do you want millions of gold? Yes. See the difference?

Inb4 you try to nitpick the analogy and say how it isn’t a good comparison when it exactly is.

I hate to tell you this, but there is nothing coherent about any of your points. You want specific realms to be made, and altered, to support no flying in Wrath Classic. It’s been pointed out, multiple times, that making such large alterations, and dedicating server storage to those realms, is a waste of resources, and potentially dangerous to other server’s economics.

Reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity.

You’ve made it pretty clear, your problem is with flying existing within the game. Why you don’t like it is your business, but that is not a failure in logic. That’s your failure for presenting an unpopular opinion as though it is the popular opinion.

You condescend at every response. Also noting that calling someone “buckaroo” is considered personally attacking someone, in regards to logical debate, anyway.

You consistently retort with “lacking reading comprehension and critical thinking skills” “you don’t understand, because you’re not smart enough” “you’re biased because you don’t like my idea”. Logically, it means you haven’t made your point clear enough; or your idea is very bad.

Not really. You’ve stated that because flying exists, you won’t “gimp yourself” by not getting it; but you don’t want it to exist so people “run into each other more often”. As has been pointed out, whatever people would end up on a no flying realm, wouldn’t run into each other more often; they’d be too busy trying to run around a mountain to get to the top to run into each other.

“I haven’t insulted anyone.” Yet starts out like this. LMAO.

Condescend a little harder next time. Also, it pretty much is what your whole idea is; you want realms made and specifically tailored to your desires.

You should really work on your form; if this hyperbole is in comparison to your “idea”, then you want flying, but you want it as a “prestige” of sorts, where only the top 1% on the server get it? See, it’s confusing.

I mean, you can say that, but it’s a pretty bad analogy. Do you want flying? Yes, but “it’ll ruin the game”, so I shouldn’t have it, but I want it.

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