No Flying Realms for Wrath

No flying in Wrath huh? You do realize that there are several zones in Wrath that were specifically designed around flying :rofl:

What exactly is your argument here? My argument was always to counter the insipid argument that “Hurrr have you been to stormpeaks? Durrr it’s IMPOSSIBLE to make that ground-mount friendly! You can’t get around Stormpeaks with a ground mount at all! It would take forever for the poor underfunded Blizzard employees to make Stormpeak accessible by ground mount and we don’t want them wasting resources on this! HURRRRR!!

What did you think my argument was? That Storm Peaks was already 100% accessible by ground mount. I never once said anything like that and idk what kind of point you think you’re trying to make by arguing that it isn’t. We all understand that it currently isn’t. The point is that it can very easily with zero effort be made 100% ground mount traversible. And I have proven this by going there and going around 99% of the entire map with my ground mount.

See the above


Except nobody you were responding to said anything like that.

One of the things you WERE asked was “Aren’t some of the areas in WOTLK need flying to get to?” by Dedaru. To which you replied “No.”

So yes. Someone did ask you if the zones were 100% accessible by ground mounts and you DID lie to them and claim they were in response.

So, how would you get to Ulduar, the Argent tournament grounds, and Ogrim’s Hammer?

If I remember correctly flying is kind of necessary.

About 50% of my thread are people saying that these areas cannot be made into ground-friendly areas.

I didn’t lie. It’s obvious, when you don’t take things out of context, that I was implying that these areas are very easy to get around in without a flying mount.

Yes, flying, as the game was originally, is necessary to get to these places and this was only done as an easy game design decision to make areas exclusive to people who can afford flying mounts and are of the appropriate level. However this game design decision is completely unnecessary and can easily be replicated by giving you a one way flight path/one way teleport quest that is only available to lvl 80s with flight path on the other end. Once you get to these areas, the zones, geographically, are very ground-mount friendly.

I guess it could be done.

Hard disagree on it being ground mount friendly, but adding in a half dozen flight points would make it possible.

Well, then I invite you to try it yourself. I’ve taken a flight path to storm peaks from dalaran and I went around on my ground mount. There was very, very little stopping me from exploring the entire map with only my ground mount.

They asked if there are some areas in Northrend you can’t get to without flying mounts.

You said no.

There was no ambiguity about the question being asked. There is no further context. Just a simple question with a factually incorrect answer that you knew was factually incorrect when you gave it. You’re just refusing to admit you lied for the same reason you lied about Northrend not requiring flying by default in the first place!

This is ridiculous. At any point you could’ve just admitted you made a mistake or whatever and it wouldn’t have been a big deal. But apparently honesty is so worthless and inconvenient that’s unreasonable to ask for. Whatever. I give up. Good luck with your dream of a flightless Northrend.

Did you find the key again to liquor cabinet? Your dad needs to lock it better

What did you eat for breakfast that gave you such a horrible idea?

You’re hysterical. I never once claimed that Northrend didn’t require flying by default and I never once implied that these zones that clearly require flying to get to did not require flying to get to them. They do not however require flying to traverse most of the entire area.


Might want to rebrand that cereal my dude.

The minefield says BOOM!!!

But seriously, please don’t try to speak for all players. It’s extremely rude. I for one think this is a horrible idea.

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Okay! Thanks for the reply though!

And yet, you, or anyone else has yet to clarify exactly what that cost is, and why it’s “so bad” for the game. Intangibles? Sure, you lose a bit of immersion from riding a Hyppogryph instead of a Horse, save a bunch of time, and get to play more of the game, in less time. Seems like a win/win/win.

Actually, most people disagree with posts because on the chance that this is brought to Blizzard’s attention; they’ll see that your post had an overwhelming negative response. Meaning, if this was an option they were exploring, there’s reason to axe it and use resources on something that might actually be useful.

I read your post, and most of your responses. Your argument is shaky, and that’s being overly generous. You want them to develop and implement features to make WotLK accessible without flying, and remove flying in it’s entirety. I’m sorry you won’t get what you want.

That’s comparing the world to linear scaling. The flaw in this logic is that all content must be equal to be fair. Raids and dungeons are designed linearly; you go from room to room, boss to boss. There are rare occurrences where there’s deviation and your group can choose 1 of 3 options (for example), but you can never choose to skip an entire raid and only kill the last boss. Your comparison is that the world some mimic dungeon and raid design; and if that were the case, there would be no reason, for example, for anyone over level 62 to be in Hellfire Pen., or 64 to be in Zangermarsh. Why not? Because they would then have to design the world linearly, meaning there would be no relevant content in non-relevant zones, meaning people will be less likely to interact with one another.

So the truth finally comes out. You don’t like flying and you don’t like that others like flying.

SW, IF, Org, UC, Shat, Dala all accomplish this, and funny enough, none of them are instances…

But you are. If you’ve been around long enough, you know that once Blizzard releases content, they’ll commit to it, until it’s glaring them in the face that it isn’t worth it. So, my general concern is; they give you a no-fly Wrath realm, it gets populated by 5-100 people (still being generous), Blizzard launches a “go to the no-fly realm for bigger rewards” campaign to get people to play on the server to try it out, people xfer to or level on the no-fly realm for the crazy amounts of gold/exp/items, and then server xfer onto a real realm, circumventing and inflating the economy at large.

Your enjoyment and my enjoyment are separate things. Keep that in mind.

I’m sorry, what does the number of mounts have to do with flying vs. no-flying? You lost me…

Stop being one, and people will stop calling you one? Idk I haven’t seen anyone say this, I mean, I think you’re trolling, but that’s obvious at this point. Saying things like “if everybone says I’m wrong, it means I need to dig in”, even though your OP is “Everyone wants my suggestion”.


This is dumb.

Northrend was made with flying in mind.

You couldn’t fly in Azeroth until the Cata patch.

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And you still can’t fly in Quel’Thalas. I’m curious, does anyone know why?
Was it built in a way that would make flying impossible?

There are flight masters and you can take trips by air from one point to another, you just can’t free fly.

It was built that way, there are YouTube videos that will show it was built like old world before Cataclysm. Blizz would have to update it to allow flying there, which leads to a chicken and egg thing. People don’t go to Silvermoon because it’s not flying enabled, but why update it for flying if people don’t go there.

Not sure if his videos are still around but a good one to look at would be Hayven Games

There are areas in Azeroth that are older than Quel’tharas.
So why are we able to fly there?