Wow that’s an insanely L take. I hope they change their mind or I might take a break until they add a new zone with flying.
I hope I can use the car outside of the Undermine, sounds like fun to drive around Azeroth at high speeds.
Well I for one am looking forward to my dynamic horsey with drift lol
People complaining about lack of flying in 11.1:
Me in 11.1:
Agreed. I loved the AQ mounts back in the day, and wanted to ride my Red bug everywhere… til you look closer and they say “Cannot be used outside of AQ” … so I had to go farm the Archy blue bug mount.
But we get Mario Cart in WoW!!!
If we get robot themed tier sets ima be real upset.
Well that’s interesting giving they want to focus on better ground mount travel.
If they wanted to make mounts interesting, make the like the Allods online mounts. Give them combat abilities.
Something like that in a long while.
they only care about money and what would make them lots of it, so stuff like Player housing and a good goblin town are their idea of profitable content. Player housing is probably going to be total crud when it comes out but the promise of it inspired interest in Midnight so that’s probably going to be their most expensive expansion yet
Where’s the shock? They’re adding a hot rod mechanic to the game, they aren’t going to give flight and let the new mechanic eat dirt.
All I am saying is we shouldn’t be surprised. upset? I’m sure there will be some list of hoops to jump through to eventually unlock flight.
I’m already bored with this expansion, so this just lowers my interest further.
I dunno about better than flying, but it’s certainly sounds much better than their previous attempts at no-flying content.
This upcoming patch has many issues which I think makes it a dead patch. The ring is a good example of this. No flying seals the deal IMVHO.
OH NO! You mean we’ll have to use … clutches pearls GROUND MOUNTS!!! How dare they!!!
That would be too much work for BlizZard. BlizZard is allergic to work.
With them implementing these new cars with new operations, I hope they find a way to involve the past expansions-like races. Can you imagine racing through the halls of kharazhan? Drifting around gigantic magma golems/worms in the firelands who throw boulders/spew fire? Perhaps a race though points of time-going from portal to portal, where you’re dodging the relentless sieges taking place? I see lots of potential here and I hope they do a good job.
I don’t mind no flying.
I just wish I could take my car outside to some real zones, have a rip around the barrens.
Maybe get an addon that plays the Dukes of Hazzard horn sound when you try to jump the gap between northern and southern barrens.