No flying in 11.1 zone Undermine according to new dev interview

2 of the 4 zones in TWW are underground, and we fly there just fine.

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But they’re not cities.

seems pretty irrelevant

i mean, you are the one complaining about questing not just being endless combat and setups for combat. With your hatred and dislike of RP in quests (Y’know, the thing that. Explains the quest) you’d want the Onyixa questline removed, because why should we wait around and walk through town for a cool moment? So, right back at you, buddy

We saw what happened when Blizzard threateneed to remove flying entirely. It was called “WoD lost so many subscribers in a day that they did the quickest turnaround since the Real ID incident”. Players enjoy flying and, for the most part, are cool with it being a reward from doing other stuff. Yes, even casual players

i mean after dragonriding/dynamic flying, ground mounts kind of needed some kind of love. im excited and hope its expanded to other mounts in the future if it works out well.

i think a lot of people including myself thought dragonriding was just going to be a gimmick and look where we are at now

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Honestly they think it leads to leas play time for whatever reason. Ironically people played more when flying wasn’t so heavily restricted and have turned players that were consistently subbed playing end game expansion to either cyclical player. Or, just sticking to older content.

So yeah they really don’t understand player motivations for end game or the game in general.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


it is called the BlizZard rug pull.

I warned you all that it would be coming because BlizZard sees Dragonflying a gimmick. An evergreen system that was sidelines not even 12 months post DF expansion…that speaks volumes.

Furthermore, we saw this with mount equipment because it was jut an excuse to nerf water strider. They tried to drive a wedge with players that like TBC normal flying versus those that like Dragonflying. This is because they could justify removing TBC normal flying…but that plan failed.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Besides being larger to accommodate dynamic flight, what in the zones stopped you from doing everything on a ground mounts and flight paths like the old days?

Anything to slow content consumption so less needs to be created.


Why should you be rewarded for choosing to use your ground mounts, which was and is always an option? Even then your reward is you get to enjoy the game the way you like in a slower non-flight manor. Demanding a further reward is like someone trying to collect a bounty on a criminal but then demanding twice the advertised reward.

If anyone is being forced to give something up it’s folks like myself who once again are being told we have to re-earn a skill we’ve paid for many times over, and our use of mounts we earned and purchased is going to be restricted yet again because people like you don’t like it. It’s not enough that you can simply use your ground mounts, nah you want everyone else to be in the same boat as you.

It was like this for the vast majority of the game up until WoD when they got ignorant and pulled the whole “yeah we’re not allowing flight going forward afterall” junk even after advertising it would be available in 7.1. Then we were given a “compromise” where we would have to re-earn the skill with the moronic Pathfinder garbage because folks like yourself and the pvp gankers whined about “muh world pvp” and similar garbage. So congrats, you used to have what you wanted where folks had to purchase flight licenses for the new areas but people whined and it went away, now here we are.

So my not be allowed to use mounts I earned and paid for helps who exactly? How are you harmed by my ability to use flying mounts? Are the evil flying mounts allowed to zip over your head and downgrade your gear? Can I pick pocket you for all the gold on your account and zip off?

Your immersion is not my problem. Once again if you don’t like flying because you think it makes stuff boring, don’t fly. Whining and demanding flight be restricted is like saying you don’t like playing a caster DPS, but instead of simply playing another class, you whine and demand all casters be restricted because you don’t like it. You’re allowed to be as serious or casual as you want, but you don’t get to demand equal rewards to me without equal levels of work, or demand restrictions to how I play because you don’t like it. You’re not that important.

You’re the one that brought up how leveling is too fast and you like to go slower and why it’s bad for the game and all that jazz because of flight and such. So pot meet kettle on that one.

If I want to get to max level in a day instead of taking a week or more like you, what business is it of yours? Am I blocking you out of content by getting there in a day? Am I stealing gear from you? Please explain to us what the difference is between a character that hit 80 in a week vs one that did it in a day.

Time spent =/= a good game or design. What matters is the quality of the content you’re given. I would rather have a short game that takes a total of 10 hours to beat but is fun the whole time vs a game that takes 100 hours to beat but is a slog 90% of the time. See StarFox 64 as a prime example. You can get from Corneria to Venom in about an hour if you hammer it out. To play all the levels you’re looking at about maybe 10 hours of total play if that much. The game is not hard and doesn’t take long to beat, yet it’s iconic because of the quality of game for the time.

If you don’t like flying but continue to fly as you’ve admitted you do, then you ruined it for yourself. No one held a weapon to your head and said “fly or else.” You 100% chose to do that. I call you selfish because instead of simply clicking mount 1 which is your ground mount, you’re demanding no one be allowed to use mount 2 which is a flyer.

I’m sorry but this one made me laugh. My dude I despise mythic+ and have said multiple times it’s a cancer that needs to be purged from the game, which is a statement I still stand by. And no the game isn’t dead. The game has been out for 20 years and the new shiny factor has long since worn off. It’s also been the number 1 MMO in the world for most of those 20 years. If that’s what you call dead, I seriously have to question what you consider alive. Also what is a few thousand who don’t like flying compared to the millions who do?

So you’re telling me that a mostly flat island with actual paths built into the ground is somehow designed exclusively for flight? Also name some quests that are designed exclusively with flight in mind? Be specific with it.

See again, you don’t like flying, therefore you have the option to use your ground mounts. If you choose to keep flying even though you hate it, that’s on you.

You’re looking in the mirror on that one. Once again heaven forbid I actually would want to use mounts I paid for or earned.


gonna be Tokyo drifting so hard.

Dude why the trolling?

If people like it then that’s what matters, you don’t have to be some international art dealer to enjoy wows graphics. :laughing:

It’s not that big of a deal, WoW is and always has been cartoonish, so stop screaming at the clouds.


“people wanted something I don’t like, therefore they must be trolling”

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With your hatred and dislike of RP in quests

Well gosh I don’t wanna get rid of it entirely. I just feel like it shouldn’t consume leveling. I think professions are better suited for that.

you’d want the Onyixa questline removed, because why should we wait around and walk through town for a cool moment?

There should be a cutscene or RP event when you beat the final boss in a raid. This to me is a good use of cutscenes/RP. Because you’re rewarding the player for actually doing something, as opposed to killing 6 boars.

WoD lost so many subscribers in a day that they did the quickest turnaround since the Real ID incident

WoD sold very well, and the leveling experience was generally praised (over rated in fact at the time).

are cool with it being a reward from doing other stuff. Yes, even casual players

My idea is actually just to bring back cold weather flying and remove the level requirement. Make it cost roughly 1 WoW token.

Honestly if this isn’t a fair middle ground then idk what is.

One of the best parts of SL was in Revendreath when you come out of the dark underbelly of the ramparts and enter a sun beat desert.

How do you manage to make reveals like that with flying?

I’ll tell you how…by making 3/4ths of the zones underground. Which is the only reason the reveal of Hallowfall was so spectacular.

That’s just one example (that get’s into a separate discussion about a conspiracy I have that zones being underground is a backdoor way for blizzard to restrict flying without pissing people off.)

Given it’s goblin themed you’d probably get nuked out of the air if you could fly so…fancy car is better method for the town. No fun getting randomly blasted from the sky

classic wow is right there.

I’ve already played classic WoW.

I need new content.

well thats all the content your getting.

they want you engaging in their silly car mechanics that will probably become super boring an hour into the patch.