No Dual Specs - Blue response inside

Yeah, the topic isn’t even what’s at stake.

"Let’s get absolutely ridiculous and get these poster to respond to us!

That’s basically what the game is now.

I mean, true, but it wasn’t part of TBC’s intended design either spiritually or factually so, just like they won’t add LFD they probably won’t add dual spec.

Actually after they added dual spec a lot of people died and people are still dying to this day.



I think I might have to re-think this…

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:clown_face: all quotes are invalid because they have been taken out of context :clown_face:

  • :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:


It reminds me of Bible defenders coming to bat for slavery, it’s about that much absurd.


You link an image with three quotes from Ghostcrawler here:

Kumasama responds with this:

You post immediately after and quote Ghostcrawler out of context here:

The latter two quotes in the image you linked were about Tri-Spec. This quote you partially linked was talking in the context of Tri-Spec.

He never says he regrets them adding Dual Spec in any of those tweets. You’re interpreting him looking back retrospectively as completely regretting adding the feature altogether:

If you post a partial quote and attribute that to something that the person isn’t talking about, that makes you at best a dishonest person.

At best.

okay Kuma alt, whatever you say

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You type this as both he and I are responding at the exact same time. I’m not addressing you again.

For all anyone knows, GC might regret adding dual spec. That is within the realm of possibility.

But the fact of the matter is, as far as I am aware, he never said it.

learn to read

Definition of if

(Entry 1 of 2)

1a in the event that

b allowing that

c on the assumption that

d on condition that

C O P I U M is what you’re peddling, Demi.

The post about his comment on vanilla was not in response to Kuma, it was simply a random “spiritual like” to a tweet GC made. You’re taking me out of context now, lol. You can clearly see, with no edits, that post is not in direct “reply” to any user.

If you wanna split hairs on GC’s words because he didn’t specifically and articulately use the word “regret” and you are too much in denial to take a phrase like “We worry that this feature was kinda not a good idea” as not meaning essentially regret…well that’s on you. You do you, pal.


I love how you think criticisms of tri spec have NOTHING TO DO with dual spec. :rofl:


Quite often I hit the reply button at the bottom of the thread instead of the person’s post I’m responding to, just like this. You’re playing a game at this point.

one can easily infer it from his writings
inferences is something you learn in middle school


You’re right. I’m playing a game without dual spec, and it never will have dual spec.

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Apparently I can’t like posts anymore, I’m running out according to the forum >.>

A person can regret some aspects of a choice they’ve made while still approving having made it. Game design is weighing pros vs cons.

You don’t know if he regrets adding it because he doesn’t say so. He regrets that some aspects of the game were in his opinion, made lesser because of the implementation.

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How old are you? Yeesh.