No Dual Specs - Blue response inside

I couldn’t ever imagine being so disingenuous as some people on this forum.

That’s just one tweet Demi. I’m sorry friend.

I only notated that part because I agreed with it in regards to vanilla design.

I don’t see how this proves anyone as disingenuous.


I’m going to keep posting this until you respond to me.


You quoted him out of context, claimed he was talking about Dual Spec.

If you read, you’ll see. Try reading.

Hello? Can you read?


I did not lol. I simply scraped a bit from a tweet he made that I liked and said I liked it lmao.

Let’s try this again, shall we? Two minutes to show your dishonesty.

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Eh, I think I’m over it. You failed the first time. It’s alright.

Listen, it’s not a big deal. It’s a game, alright. Nobody’s gonna die if they don’t add dual spec because it clearly was not part of the design.

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Yes but boosting would happen in TBC today, whether blizz does it or mages do it. Its the same.

Here comes Kuma back on their main toon again

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He’s basically admitting he selectively quoted something out of context because it confirmed his bias.

I’m done, dude!


good, goodbye

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And nobody shed a tear…


you do not know what that word means, apparently
nobody is forcing you to respec

Let me elaborate, every quote ignores context, because context is immeasurable and you have to draw the line somewhere. In this case, he drew the line between
"We added talents in vanilla so rogue 1 and rogue 2 could be different. "
“With tri spec, what if every rogue feels the same again?”

What I don’t understand is: how does the inclusion of the second part change the meaning of the first? How can you possibly make the argument that choice of what to exclude was made for the purpose of propagating misinformation? What misinformation was propagated and what is the correct information?

You’re the one claiming to make a proof here. It’s up to you to do the work.


You can see the furious responses being crafted by Dem and Kuma.

D A M A G E C O N T R O L :sweat_smile:


Not even sure how to go about this anymore. These guys are selectively quoting stuff out of context and admitting it but somehow still assuming it falls directly in line with what they’re saying.

It’s like, “I know I’m lying, but it’s true!”


Out of context would mean I basically deleted the “vanilla” part and tried to pass it off as TBC.

Except I clearly quoted that he was referring SPECIFICALLY to vanilla. That can’t be misconstrued as out-of-context, are you OK?

If they add dual spec.

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