No Dual Specs - Blue response inside

Yes, you said that. Now explain it to me.

No, we aren’t. We are playing a similar game, with multiple QoL changes. It is not the same game as original TBC.

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Changes that no one asked for except the vocal minority. No one asked for boosts or an insanely OP scaling mount or a fancy little hearthstone. No one asked for those, yet they put them in anyways.

They effectively killed all of Azeroth with these level 58 boosts. It wasn’t there in the first iteration, it shouldn’t be here now.


Stop fixating on what forum avatar people use and form a coherent argument. This is a discussion forum so stop trying to weasel your way out of having a discussion.

If you want to speak with max level chars only then log into the game.


I would argue that you should have included the bullies that are anti-duel spec in your post as well if you are being open minded.

I would argue that the bare minimum requirement to post an opinion on this subject should be knowing the correct spelling of ‘dual’.


You don’t know how large the group was that wanted those changes. And Azeroth was dead back in TBC anyway.

I think what I’m going to do is not listen to what you’re telling me to do.

Now what?

I agree but this one person in particular is on every post I am looking into.

I mean, a better version of the original, leveraging hind-sight, isn’t an unreasonable proposition.

I think there’s a divide between people that prefer authenticity versus those that see a better possibility.

Nothing just keep crying about how you don’t like the sock puppets people choose lol. I don’t care if you want to make yourself look stupid, be my guest :joy:

That’s not entirely true at all, there were plenty of groups of people leveling because TBC brought in new people because of the expansion so how else were they supposed to level? There were no boosts back then. It wasn’t as dead as it is now with the level 58 boosts.

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using loaded terminology to paint the other side as evil. yep totally objective right there.

Okay, Level 50 Retail Paladin! :+1:

hits me right in the nostalgia, look at blizzard actually giving a shoot about game design. i’d bet nu-blizzard is just denying it now to justify future wow tokens.

lol get out of here with that weaselly victim-speak

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I came into original TBC late. You solo leveled. I barely ran any dungeons because Azeroth was pretty dead.

In fact Azeroth was already pretty dead pre-TBC Classic. I leveled to 58 in the months before TBC Classic launch. You could not find groups for dungeons.

Except…you’re conveniently leaving out that Ghostcrawler actually came out later regretting the addition of dual spec.

Oops :thinking:


More lies.

I know you guys spread that misinformation elsewhere, but y’all went in too deep for me to figure out where the lie was first planted.

So, best to just nip it in the bud here early.

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