No Dual Specs - Blue response inside

nothing you’re saying is justification for adding dual spec to TBC, so I’m going to assume you are conceding here.

i burn like 400g a week to respec from pvp/pve spec on multiple toons

it sucks

i dont really care though

my 4th alt could have epic flying by now though if i didnt have to pay for so many respecs, maybe it does suck

Who cares about Seal of the Martyr, seriously? They already gave both sides Seal of the Blood. Seal of the Martyr was added at the end of TBC during the prepatch for wotlk for Alliance paladins only.

You are waiting for a “gotcha!” moment. Who cares?

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This has been addressed many times before and I have to tell you, the answer is still “no” to both for the same reasons we’ve always given. There should be real investment into choosing a spec and reducing the cost or making it easy to do simple swaps would make the whole purpose moot.

What happened to this blizzard we all once knew. /sadface

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just because it wasn’t there at the beginning doesn’t mean the game wasn’t designed around having it eventually. i can tell you’ve never coded complex software before.

“This is not true. Not everyone is respeccing between PvE and PvP”

Um do we tell him?


In 2007 this was probably very accurate. You deciding to play a decade old game and expect changes doesn’t change this reality. Sorry.

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Very simple question that you’re now dodging and just proving me right about what I said about your actual level of investment into this topic.

It’s clear you have an agenda. You’re not posting links from 2007 because you “discovered” some objective nuggets of the past. This is pure confirmation bias on a topic you don’t even really care about because you don’t have a level 70 character.

You’re just here to start a fight.


10 chars


oh and you don’t?


This changes nothing!


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The OPs “blue post” is utter garbage… 2007…

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it’s 2007 and it’s not garbage, I’m just pointing out what the response was at the time of TBC. Please try again. Also you aren’t posting from a level 70 character, you can’t possibly know what you are talking about /s

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Sure is 2007. Interesting tho, they say they are following that design philosophy. Whether or not this is true is anyone’s guess.


he said he discussed this with the team of devs. so, unless you want to call him a liar, they were all in agreement about this.

Greg Street, Tom Chilton, and Ion Hazzikostas all have such weirdly similar buzz-cut head shots.

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Not saying he didn’t say that. I was just musing on the fact they say they’re following the design philosophy from 2007 and yet have made changes themselves that don’t follow that statement.

Responses like this are the entire reason #NoChanges was a thing, and why the ‘slippery slope’ argument was completely true. As soon as one thing changes, suddenly people think they should change everything. No.

If anything, the boosts should be removed, not dual spec added.


Slippery slope is and always has been a fallacy.

Except people like you are actively proving it not to be a fallacy.

Just because it can be a fallacy doesn’t mean it always is. In this case it is clearly not.

“we have boosts, so add dual spec” … that is a textbook result of a slippery slope argument.