No Cross realm BGs

So is nax. Wheres naxx?

Naxx is in exactly the same place as wsg/av/ are right now, the same place ab and bwl will be in until phase 3. None of those that launch with that given phase will alter any drop rates or itemization or mechanics or tuning in regards to where they were for that given patch. ALL OF THEM WILL OPEN AS THEY WERE IN 1.12

Will we get 1.12 honor decay on HKs though? That’s the question. Because right now we have pre 1.12 honor decay on HKs and they haven’t confirmed or denied this being the case on Dec 10th. I made an entire thread asking this.

One can only assume until Dec 10th, but i would imagine they 1.12 decay will apply from day 1. Its in its current form right now due to having no bg’s for higher honor gains. Wpvp does not really allow the 1 million + honor per week that we seen in vanilla.

A different way to look at it right now is the pvp rank and associated gear no longer requires that specific rank to use, but only a lifetime max rank earned. This is in my opinion the biggest change to the pvp system outright from how things were when it originally launched.

The top spots were mass farmed by those that had gained that rank so they could continue to use said gear, and many were trying to achieve the rank 15 - that was removed from the game - players still tried to hit it anyway not reaslly allowing for other players to hit the ranks they wanted.

Sir…we are currently operating off pre-1.12 honor decay on HKs.

Pre 1.12
Honorable kill CP diminishes by 25% per kill. This means after 4 kills, there is no honor gained till the next day.

Honorable kill CP diminishes by 10% per kill. This means after 10 kills, there is no honor gained till the next day.

You knew what i meant - day 1 from the release of bg’s

This implies a contrasting follow-up. BUT…this is supposed to be an affirmative followup?

So you meant
One can only assume until Dec 10th, then 1.12 decay will apply?

Correct. Many thanks for showing me the error of my ways.

One can only assume that the pre 1.12 decay system will only last until the release of bg’s on Dec 10th.


How can this be? They copied the code over from 1.12 ?!?

Clearly blizz pick and choose, this is open for discussion. I understand the for argument but I believe the against argument has merit and solves probles the for doesnt like server imbalance.

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It should be out already. Then we could have BC mid 2020 for real

Says the dude who clicked on it. Then responded to it. Lawl

As the guy above me said before its quite clear that blizzard is picking and choosing what iteration of vanilla is used. We had key rings in 1.12, yet its still missing.

And you can make the case that CRBGs also falls under content since it drastically affected how you played the game. Kind of like how the honor system was released in phase 2 and yet BGs werent. And yet, BGs were a part of the honor system in 1.12

Oh, my bad. I thought that’s what people did on forums, but you must have new and exciting information like the OP.

Yup, I rolled alliance knowing i’d be outnumbered in open world, but thought “well instant BGs are worth it.” Now I learn BGs are cross realm so PVE noob alliance on PVE servers will eliminate the horde queue…

Horde get best of both worlds


Server only bgs and free transfer for the dominant faction is what will balance out servers imo. But we need both and CRBGs are a step in the wrong direction

There are some servers that will never have a BG pop without CRBGs.

Then what does that mean? That means those servers are imbalanced and they should go to another server or faction

There are a couple servers that are balanced but the overall population is so low that they would never have a BG pop without CRBGs. As time goes on, this will be the case for more and more servers.

CRBGs are a guarantee, 100%.

Stop with the community crap, nobody joins a pug bg for some sense of community. You got pvp guilds and premades for that.

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Retail is that way.

Also the fact that we have vanilla means that the majority do

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