No Cross realm BGs

I would much rather have it be server specific as well, but it’s not going to be as bad as retails pvp system works.

It’s going to be battlegroups, so it will be like 4 servers vs 4 servers, to help with queue times. For example a highly populated alliance server will probably be in the same group as a highly populated horde server. And so on.

Again, at least it won’t be like retail, and yeah it’s not only your server, but at least it will go back to the time where it was like “ah crap they have 5 tich players” or “oh no we have 5 guys from thimble on our team again”

So yes it’s not just your server but there will be some importance to battlegrounds again and sentimental feelings, since it won’t be all the servers merged into one giant pool of crap

What giving players more options?

But it’s that what people keep saying was so awesome about vanilla, having options.

No vanilla had barely any options, you just wernt forced to do crap daily. Retail has options like LFR Normal Heroic Mythic Mythic+ etc

I enjoy the hypocrisy in saying “release honour before bgs cuz vanilla” but then saying “omg we need cross server bgs”

Seems blizzard is intent on appeasing the horde players in every possible way.

If they aren’t going to institute transfers or faction queues to control population imbalances, then bg queues is the only way we can.


There were bugs and bad designs that were fixed in 1.12 should we keep them, cus they were “fine” for “90%” of Vanilla?

Crossrealm BGs make sense. In ANY team based video game the bigger pool of players is ALWAYS wanted by both the devs and the players. It wins as an idea EVERYTIME.

Nobody cares about the small group of hardcore wintraders who want to feel “community”


This isnt fortnite mate its a mmo and a “classic” one. Sense of community is what makes this game a mmoRPG. Go play Smite.

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And when we have an option between two vanilla choices like CRBG or not, why not go with CRBG since that was the vanilla option that was deemed better during vanilla?

Offering both is a compromise for the people who don’t want to accept that.

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How is server only bg’s even comparable to bugs, your argument is stupid. Bad design is fighting someone in a rpg that you can’t find in the greater world.

Deemed better by who? Most real vanilla pvpers dislike it. Don’t get me wrong it makes it easier but we realized later that it was the first nail in the coffin and killed the feel a bit.

It’s like taking the red pill.

Immersion > QoL

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Xserver mindset is one of the reasons why retail is meaningless and crap. That, and other similar QoL is why a 15 year old game is outselling it’s current version.

But with cross servers you get queue dodging (bigger pool means less liklihood to ever face the same opponent) and having to play 24/7.

Both systems can be gamed. But at least with server only queues it effectively restricts the dominant faction a bit which incentivizes balanced factions. When CRBGS came out there was no reason to ever pick the underdog faction so faction balance got even worse

True. Emulate them in way that fits 1.12 patch data.

By actually having to recode server data to change a basic fundamental mechanic from 1.12 data, some they stated they wernt going to do. In exactly the same way as we are having 1.12 AV instead of earlier versions.

No it did not. What ruined the game was an entire faction refusing to q for a specific gametype due to being dominated. How many times did you see a 2 hour wait for a wsg but AV was instant (Horde side)? Me personally was every single day.

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Wrong. Its to emulate vanilla. Hence why keyrings arent out. Why nax isnt out. And yes CRBGs ruined pvp servers and BGs. I was there

Explain how faction balance effects a BG game? Its limited to 10v10 or 15v15. Faction imbalance in fact hinders the dominant faction.

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And i disagree CRBG’s saved BG’s.

From being dominated by a single faction, from massive queue time issues etc…

The only cost was that you didn’t see the same opponents from game to game.

how exactly? Ive already told you how CRbgs killed balance and pvp. Yet you come gete to repeat the same points.

CRBG made faction balance worse. Now that there isnt any incentive to be on the underpopulated side why not join the overpopulated side and also get the benefits of low queues too? You get the best of both worlds

It killed PVP groups and guilds since the quantity > quality of games. No one needed to win tough battles anymore, you just had to lose and queue for the next one which would pop instantly.

Straight spamming games became more profitable than taking the time to form to good group.

The worse part is is that this didnt even make ranking easier. It became a place for account sharing or no lifing ans semi afking. It was a legit race to the bottom

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Which would be incentive to transfer to servers where they are required.

The game wasn’t by any means ruined back then. It’s ruin came after that. Your ignorant and are only wanting xserver bg because you chose the sheep faction.

The funny thing is your getting queue times regardless. Horde is overpopulated accross the board.

I would support your idea if we didn’t have absurd faction imbalances on most servers, but we do, so your idea is terrible.

Xrealm was in vanilla tho, so its a legit vanilla feature.

Xrealm bgs it is.

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