No Cross realm BGs

But thats a bad thing. The obvious solution for a large faction imbalance is to make them spread out more. Would you rather a login queue, where you dont get to play AT ALL, or would you rather have a BG queue, where you can do other things while waiting?

Long BG queues is actually useful in that it helps balance servers. CRBGs negate this because the dominant faction gets to have their cake and eat it too.

Also, people who are trying to rank up will suffer too since now they have to play more since EVERYONE is getting more honor due to the fast popping games.

So essentially, the people who actually benefit from CRBGs are low populated servers that dont care about ranking up. Which seems like small population

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Sorry, can you point out where I said I don’t want authentic Vanilla? You’re making a lot of assumptions just so you can pretend to be mad- but you’re just looking like an idiot.

Talk about lazy and full of crap- you just made up a bunch of stuff to get mad about, why even tag me if you’re just arguing with yourself?

Lack of CRBG’s didn’t help balance servers though. It just lead to people giving up on BG’s.

You do understand cross realms were released in vanilla?

It fixed the faction imbalance and q times for when an entire faction decided to not q for a bg due to losing every match. It allowed for a greater turn over of games played. No one likes sitting in a q for 30 mins.

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Yes it is a bad thing, waiting in super long queues is terrible

It definitely helped, what are you talking about. On its own, it didnt solve it perfectly, but it definitely did a good job.

Retail servers probably have worse faction imbalance and they have CRBGs. There are people that probably did give up on BGs, but those are casuals who werent taking pvp seriously anyways.

Also, yes, CRBGs were in vanilla. But Server only BGs were also in Vanilla. And last I recall, CRBGs were only there for a couple months before patch 2.00, whereas server only BGs were pretty much the entire lifespan of vanilla.

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I believe they were added before AQ was open anywhere. Meaning that would be the Naxx timeframe you mention with a couple months prior to the BC patch.

The issue with retail bg’s isnt the fact they are cross realm. The issue being you do them for a random chance at a reward thats basically vendor gold. The other reason is players like myself who enjoy the team objective based aspect of bg’s, need to run wargames or rbg’s to experience anything other than solo players killing whatever they can before the bg timer runs out.

They arnt much fun when its essentially a 10v10 or 15v15 team deathmatch.

Well then you should be wanting server only BGs. With CRBGs, the quality of games go down because of the quick turnover.
Before CRBGs, the fastest way to attain honour was the get a premade and win, even if it was a tough match.

After, the fastest was to literally sit in queue 24/7. If the game was tough to win, you’d get more honor/hour just by losing and queueing for the next game. The whole “lets just lose so we can queue again” mindset became even more prominent.

Adding to that, there was even less punishment stopping people from doing stupid stuff like semi-afking. At least with server-only BGs, you will develop a bad reputation which will affect other aspects of the game.


Q dodging is very effective in Arena and very common in the gladiator range; it’s party of the reason why I became disgusted with the Modern WoW system.

CRBG’s are core to making arena work, this is why CRBG’s wer added and tested in 1.12 for TBC’s Arena use.

Arena while enjoyable and fun was a mistake.

Just like CRBG’s are a mistake.

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I dont want max honor per hour, i want my own premade to simply win bg’s, regardless of the honor per hour. You dont get the same organization in pugs as you do a bunch of guidies on voice chat having a laugh playing objective based pvp.

Why is it all everyone things about bg’s is to rank up? Cant people just enjoy the actual bg in its own right?

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If this is true, (I think you are right) than CRBG queues will still be near the same as same server bg’s. The incentive will still be there because the balance is not localized to a server but game wide.

Well then you should be wanting server only BGs. With CRBGs, the quality of games go down because of the quick turnover. . .

You make a convincing argument compared to what the other side has to offer.

All servers being high enough population and balanced with separate BGs is ideal, but there’s a very big cog in the machine with the servers that aren’t up to par in that aspect. No sane person would say no to short queue times and say yes to long queue times, still there’s other problems.

I’d like to duel people and simply see what they’re made of, which naturally is in favor of cross-realm, but this mass-BGs is going to be very messy, maybe the old meet-on PTR while keeping BGs separate is the best bet for any such idea. We’re in a very weird spot due to Blizz and people wanting classic to be as close as possible to what it was like but changing things about it.

Lets put it like this, if you are horde on a dominated server, alliance will never queue and then you will complain about not being able to do BG’s for more HKs.

The reason why alliance never queue is that you stomped them so hard that they transferred off or rerolled or quit entirely.

Again, players like you are the problem.

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Good thing they are confirmed to be cross realm. I may yet get to re invigorate my kos list within a bg aswell.

They did for some, but not all. My queue times increased to 50 minutes from 10 previously, my former instant queue Horde, had to wait 25 to enter a BG.

That’s as much as a pipe dream as running dungeons without the incentive of gear.
Besides, you’re reason for BGing is for community and fun right? Then server only BGs are whats right for you. Xrealm BGs killed organized PVP and the PVP community

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I do run them even though i dont need gear.

No, they killed the ability for certain players on a server to control the honor system. What it did was free up the q times for all players and allow a fairer system. Not just in the 60 bracket, but for every single bracket.

We already threw this out the window TBH.