No Classic+. No Expansions. No Seasons

I can’t wait for the FFVII remake, because as much as I loved that game after I lost my 100+ hour save I couldn’t make it past the slow beginning parts. A shame, best FF in my opinion. And let’s not talk about when my brother accidentally erased my endgame FFTactics save, I could never retrace my steps in that one either. OG Zelda though, I’m down to play that 1-3 times a year. I’ve been playing the game for over 30 years and it just never gets old. I can literally play it in my head I have it so memorized. That’s a real game right there.

Well boo hoo

Should probably relax a little I don’t for see them touching classic it self or making new and exciting things after phase 6 as there no market for it and if there was its much smaller than just good ol classic. I do however for see them making progressive realms to continue to TBC and even maybe wrath down the way. At best maybe resets or reset servers only because as some say eventually things get stale and people want more. As far as good ol classic I see that staying as it was said.

Classic is not gonna turn into wow2 as some want to think or hope mainly because you cant just make content for a game like wow and have no lore to back it up. To many things are cannon and when they made the most 3 part book they cleaned up the lore to fit the game they are not just gonna be like just kidding we are revamping the lore again. So stay calm I am sure classic will stay classic and in the future they will add other types of servers.

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I think part of Cata’s problem was the content.

Specifically, removing all the Vanilla content and replacing it with a cross between a 2012-is-the-end-of-the-world hype machine and pop culture references.

I’d agree for Cata. The leveling also had already gotten super fast from extra quest XP in BC and whatever changes in WotlK.

The thing is though that Classic has the opportunity to basically be the definitive version of WoW if Blizzard does updates but doesn’t mess it up, similar to how OSRS is for Runescape. Retail WoW can never be fixed.

It’s somewhat unlikely IMO for that to be the case if we just progress to TBC, but if Blizz does seasonal servers + ‘Classic+’ updates (eg: Better balancing, possibly add Arenas, more raiding content (perhaps based on scrapped vanilla content) it could end up very big.

I think Blizzard should hold onto no changes until after get through their planned phases unless Classic somehow dies completely before that point (unlikely).

I don’t want seasonal servers. I didn’t leave private servers behind, where the danger of losing your characters and progress is quite real, just to get that exact same danger from Blizzard.

I have faith in a static Classic being more than viable.

Listen, I want a clean no additions version of the game, but I’ll also want them to Add more vanilla content after 3-4 years. Make it a classic expansion, on different servers. I could dig that.

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And you trust them to make Vanilla-style content? Seriously?

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Seasonal servers wouldn’t mean that your character is deleted. You’d keep your character on whatever stuff you started on while seasonal would be separate.

Well, if they could keep it separate, that’d be fine… but seasonal servers didn’t exist at any point in WoW’s history.

Besides, aren’t the seasons you’re talking about basically Blizzard’s esports foundation?

I like to vote with my money. I have an '04 account, and I’ve played on an off since they put out BC. If they come out with new content and it’s trash, I don’t play it. I would just go back to the classic only server.

MAYBE they could learn from their mistakes of listening the the loud minority, which I blame for the biggest issues in gaming tbh.

i thought it just meant after x-years, the server wipes and everybody starts over fresh

For all we know, it was a loud majority and the minority of people actually enjoyed WoW for what it was, but we may never have the data to prove that either way.

That’s what I thought too.

Just like on pservers.

Which, I don’t want a pserver experience from Blizzard.

You may have noticed, I keep decrying the people that do when they turn up.

they can keep classic wow classic but i wouldnt mind a tbc server thats for sure.

A static classic is just not viable long term. Oldschool Runescape has 10x as many players as when it was in ‘static #NoChanges mode’.

If it stayed that way it would have closed down by now or at absolute best have 100x less players than it currently does.

OSRS solution has the players vote on updates the developer puts to a poll, that way the developer does not have a chance to ruin the Oldschool part of the game.

I don’t see much wrong with this system if Blizzard opted for it, although unlikely. If say 75% of max level classic players agreed that a certain update should go in the game, it’s probably not that terrible of an idea.

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To be fair, it was bliz who shut down those servers, so it’s actually a blizlike experience.

same thing as tbc and classic+, a rebooted server would be separate.

dunno if you’ve ever had the chance to play star wars emu. so i’ll just tell ya, they have software, people can either play whats already offered or they can make their own server. theres always a bunch of different servers, all with their own version of the game. some progress thru expacs, some dont. some pick only 3 expacs. some pick them all. the idea is, more than one version of the game isn’t going to be a bad thing, provided the demand for it is there and the population is large enough to justify it

You don’t know that. Nobody’s ever tried a static Classic.

Y’all are proponents of cynical game development with that attitude.

You mean SWG?

Yeah, I’ve tried it. It’s boring as hell.

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Screw you, I want my Wrath of the Lich King Server.

I wouldn’t mind one either.

Just not at the expense of Classic.