could still have that but you’d have to unlock it by playing thru static classic first to dark portal level (58) with at least one character
Well, you’d have to do that anyway. The database would only be copied once – at launch. Not again.
The TBC database would likewise only be copied once – at the Wrath server launch.
Assuming, of course, Blizzard DID do the smart thing and keep all the expansions separate.
If the idea’s to simulate seamless expansion launches without actually tacking them onto one another, that’s the best way to do it.
no actually you wouldnt have to do that anyway since tbc has its own copy of vanilla. you’d just start playing on tbc servers on your characters in the database. whereas the idea i was suggesting, requires you to unlock the dark portal on at least 1 character no matter what expac the game goes up to. if it goes to wotlk, you’d still have to level to dark portal in classic, then level to northrend in tbc, before you could unlock access to wotlk.
someone else told me that would cause those games to be dead because people who dont like vanilla or tbc but wanted wotlk, wouldnt want to have to level thru those just to unlock them.
but the added feature here, the point you’re worried about is - how will it benefit blizzard . if it doesnt benefit blizzard, you believe they wouldnt take that route. and i said, well that route would slow everything down and that means longer subs. thats how it would benefit blizzard and let you retain static classic
You misunderstand…
The idea is this:
Classic launches. You go through its life cycle as normal, it enters maintenance mode after.
TBC server launches separately, however ALL character data from Classic is copied by Blizzard to the new server. These are the only people who get to retain all the stuff they did in original Classic in TBC; any new TBC players need to start from scratch without any cool loot from the Classic events.
Wrath server launches a year or so later, again the character data is copied once and only once, and any new Wrath players need to start from scratch on the Wrath servers.
It’s basically just like how they did it orginally, but the expansions are all separate so if you preferred one over the other you’re not penalized for doing so.
…So I guess basically I disagree with your friend that giving the players a choice is a bad thing.
we arent debating the character database as we both agree with that. we arent debating retaining previous games benefits such as armor /etc that isnt available in the expacs version of the game. we are talking about the following:
- how to make sure the classic game remains static, non-changing even in the face of expacs and the spectre of progression
- you dont trust blizz’s need to make/save buck and think they’ll force progression on static classic if we insist on expacs.
- i said theres an alternative way to simulate progression and benefit blizz’s need to make/save buck, plus keep classic static.
They should make the world pvp objectives worth doing. Get people out of IF and Org, and into the world murdering each other.
I’m looking forward to static TBC and WOTLK servers.
My own enjoyment is on the line here.
There is however a difference between not trusting Blizzard, and wanting to disregard a very simple solution that would have zero impact on you. Especially given how trusting you seem to be of what they say for Classic in the short term.
In either case I’m not going to stop saying they should do TBC/WotLK servers just because some people have trust issues.
This this this. They need to prove their commitment to Classic (the epoch I’ll play the most as I was just ghosting the forums at that stage, I have unfinished business in other expansions but I DID play them at retail) and I will quit in a second if they ever force resets. I won’t do seasons either just like I don’t do them in D3, the appeal of starting over every so often just cause is just lost on me (though I have a friend who’s all about D3 seasons, I think there’s something wrong with him, it’s just a powerleveling meta, which would even more horrid in WoW).
Not that I think Seasons are necessary, but it wouldn’t be hard for them to release a server that runs with seasons while the rest don’t. If they did it I’d hope they released them up front so that players don’t migrate to them later though.
That’s true, people can do that if they want as long as it doesn’t impact me. Wish they’d be a little more transparent on this, but honestly I don’t think they’d force it on everyone just like they don’t in D3.
You’re right not to trust Blizzard, given lately. It probably should remain static, but people might start get hankering for TBC and so on. People might get tired of playing Classic after a long while. It would make me wonder how Classic would be kept fresh.
Eventually classic will need updates, that’s the nature of MMOs. How Blizzard will go about that is a different story.
Initially almost all of Oldschool Runescapes players wanted no updates whatsoever, but eventually the community as a whole became more open to it and thus OSRS ended up becoming one of the biggest western MMOs around today.
Without updates it would have been gone a very long time ago.
every step from vanilla changed the game little by little. things dont change overnight, its incremental. this is why theres a demand for classic in the first place. we just want the original game. if blizzard adds tbc and wrath then its simply them not learning from their past mistakes. peoples greed always leads to regret. hence us having to metaphorically go back in time to vanilla. why not add cata expansion too? technically yes there were who people liked that one alot lol, so why not add it? why not add a mop server too? alot of people LOVED mop. its very obvious that any expansion is a wrong move. we already have bfa(the amalgamation/abomination of all of the expansions together)
I personally wouldn’t mind pre-cata expansions being done if that’s what they have to do, but just rereleasing the expansions feels like a retread. I just want to play in the epoch (vanilla) that I narrowly missed the first time around. I have unfinished business in other expansions but Classic will be almost like a totally new game for me.
Nobody thinks the problems with expansions like TBC, WotlK, Cata, etc is the content itself. It’s the feature creep that started with TBC as well as making the game about level cap instead of the whole experience.
It is very possible to make vanilla WoW a better game than it ever was with updates without ruining what made it the great game it was.
thats probably what blizzard thought too, vanilla was fine… trying to add to something that doesnt need anything messed it up in the first place. blizzard made the decision to generate revenue by adding content and constantly changing the world. this definitely grew them for a little bit but in the long term we are all choosing to go back to the unchanged for a reason.
what do you think of the idea of having a separate classic+?
I mean yeah, if you completely discount the part where Blizzard hardcore feature creeped since TBC.
The changes that ruined WoW were mainly nothing to do with the content of the game itself.
If you look up the ‘Wall of No’ which used to be spammed on the WoW forums there’s a list of the insane feature creep which for some reason forum goers believed to be a good thing.
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