No Classic+. No Expansions. No Seasons

Because doing it the first time is fun. Then afterwards its stale and repetitive. Depends on the game of course but, running through a game over and over again just isn’t that fun.

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I have to uninstall steam games continuously :stuck_out_tongue: 97 of them and not enough room for them all on my pc., i have an extremely long list of games just on my PC including emulators.


You forgot to say ‘‘to me’’ personally playing crono trigger multiple times is quite enjoyable. to me and millions of others.

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Then I disagree very much. If Blizzard does a good job with Classic then I see no reason why they can’t do the same with TBC or Wrath. Plus they’ve already spoken out about how if Classic does well enough then other expansions are on the table.

But that’s because a majority of the playerbase was instead waiting for TBC to come out and people didn’t want to bother with Naxxramas. TBC wasn’t far from after the release of Naxxramas.

I know how that feels. lol

Only TBC and wrath imo


Hmmm… No seasons…

But… No seasons… No way to constantly re-live old world events… Hmmm…

While I can somewhat get No Classic+ I can not get the “no seasons” and “No TBC” mind set. Just as Vanilla deserves to be preserved, so does TBC, Wrath, ect. I do not think that the Classic Servers should ever be “overwritten”, I think those expansions should be their own things.

Even ignoring TBC as a whole, seasons would be a boon for Classic and the ability to re-live one time world events.

If we were to put it to an analogy, the current way Classic is going to exist would be like a museum starting with Phase 1 Native American Exhibits and then when Phase 2 hits and the Pilgrims start coming they take the Native American Exhibits and throw them into a fire never to be re-experienced again.

If the whole point is to preserve the history of the game for people to see and experience for generations to come then Season’s are kinda a must… Well… Unless they opt for phase locked servers which would be excessive and silly.


Here’s a fun fact for you…

Did you know Naxxaramas’ tuning didn’t change one iota when it was updated for Wrath?

The NPC stats and numbers are still the same as they were in Vanilla, just the level and art was updated.

It was called the “Guild Breaker” in Classic for a reason.

yes I know this.

Highly unlikely.

I didn’t leave private servers just to get the same treatment of my character roster from Blizzard.

You think people are actually okay with this? Think again.


The Blizzard brand is huge in China so yeah, it makes sense.

To get back to the main point here, the problem I have is that you’re basically saying “I don’t trust Blizzard so nobody but me and people who happen to completely agree with me should get the version of the game they want”.

Which granted the mistrust against Blizzard is not without good reason for being there, but if they can keep them separate then there is zero reason why not to go into TBC/WotLK servers if they think they can maintain a decent population for each one.

As I’ve noted, the reason for keeping Classic Classic doesn’t go away just because you have Classic+ or TBC or WotLK.

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But Blizzard cannot be trusted to keep them separate.

Knowing Blizzard they probably won’t. Can never trust them in any situation.

Hmm…there comes a time when we have to ask ourselves, “should we preserve this?” In recent years, in the US, with regard to the confederacy, the answer has been no. So, we destroyed confederate monuments.

I feel like this same sentiment applies to WoD. No, just no.

However, you can use the bathroom in my garrison if you want – All races, genders, specs, etc, allowed.

So why trust them to never do Classic+ or TBC/WotLK even if they say they’re not going to do it?

You clearly have zero trust in Blizzard, so why trust literally anything they say?

I trust them with Classic. For now. They’ve been fairly transparent with it.

But their lack of commitment on anything Post Phase 6, plus the constant crying out from people with a cynical view of how to enjoy the game (endless gear treadmill), reminds me of a situation around WoD that burned my hide so badly I went from being the biggest Blizzard shill you could possibly throw a stone at to the jaded jerk you see right here.

It’s called the No-Fly Bait-and-Switch Fiasco.

Simply put, any time they show a lack of commitment I have to be skeptical because when they’re being given permission to do something that WILL ruin my enjoyment of the game irrevocably, then it’s time to say something or it’ll be too late.


I could be wrong, but hear me out.

I really don’t think they’d convert classic to BC to wrath etc because that’d just be rereleasing the entire game over again, it’d be redundant. Making separate servers for each does make much more sense, as then people can pick and choose their favorite expansion instead of being forced to go somewhere they don’t want to go. I agree, if they ever forced Classic servers into BC I’d probably quit as it invalidates a lot of Classic stuff, which I thought the point of making classic was to make all the stuff valid in the first place.

I understand your mistrust, but I don’t really think they could be so dense as to reset their game then slowly move it along the exact same path of over a decade ago. Just doesn’t seem likely to me. It’d be like reinventing the wheel.

I think that you are not okay with it. I think that there are others who are also not okay with it. I also think there are those would would want that, a lot. The question is “which side is bigger”?

Which is extremely sad. I get not wanting those statues out in public parks and such, but they absolutely should have been preserved for historical exhibits.

Profanity is not allowed on the forums, just a heads up.

Joking aside, even with how bad WoD was I think it should also be preserved some day. WoD as a whole may have had its poor moments but it had high points as well. BRF is easily one of the best raids, as a whole, in WoW’s history. Visually beautiful, very clear and consistent theme from start to finish, very interesting bosses and mechanics, awesome loot.

Yeah, WoD may not have ended well but it did have some good things and it should be preserved.

My outhouse in my Garrison works just fine, but I appreciate the offer :slight_smile:

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