Would that not mean if they committed to the idea that ‘There will always be Classic servers’, then that should make this whole thing a non-issue?
At a loss as to how I can dignify your post with anything other than… wow… just wow. Please don’t post again!
If they committed, yes.
But they need to commit. AND they need to commit to never wiping people’s character rosters.
I will not play if my characters get deleted by Blizzard or sent back to square one. Rerolling should be the player’s choice, not theirs.
So… your argument is that if we keep asking they will get rid of classic to move forward with TBC or Classic+? That’s just as silly as the people who have been claiming that if classic is successful then retail will be made to emulate classic and thus destroy it…
They are highly unlikely to force people into a classic+ or TBC. They are more likely to offer you the choice via server transfers to/from advancing servers…
In any case I did not stop asking for legacy servers for years and if Classic does do well expect me to keep asking for TBC ones.
You trust them more than I do, then.
the only thing i want is a barber shop.
This is something that they should do regardless.
Though since we’re talking in hypotheticals here in even talking about Classic+, I don’t think it should be argued against simply because Blizzard hasn’t committed.
Part of the “what if?” of Classic+ would be that they leave Classic alone.
Why do you have to make me conflicted? lol
IF they could be trusted to do so, yes.
I see no reason to trust them to do that as yet.
you get your classic. And after 2 or so years when Naxx is done and a disscussion may be had about the future of classic depending on certain circumstances. You can leave. You had your classic.
No I trust their ability to realize they would damage their bottom line and potential of future legacy products by taking the museum option away. I also trust their wish to keep a stronger case for litigation by keeping the original product available.
Two years?
Sorry, I don’t play games for two years and then drop them.
The point as originally marketed was that Classic would always be there to come back to so long as Retail was still around.
They didn’t realize this when they announced a mobile game as the centerpiece of the last BlizzCon, did they?
They didn’t realize this when they tried to remove flight permanently in WoD, either.
hello laeric. posting this here for people who havent seen it.
8 options
- classic only. the end.
- classic only reboots after 3 years
- classic with separate tbc/separate wotlk, the end
- classic with separate tbc/separate wotlk, reboots after 3 years of wotlk
- classic with progression into tbc and wotlk, the end
- classic with progression into tbc and wotlk, reboots after 3 years of wotlk
- classic+ with added horizontal development, such as new raids and dungeons added (karazhan crypts, emerald dream, medivh’s tower, dragon isles, etc), guild banks, alliance high elves, horde ogres, retail models, 4th specs, etc…with possible reboot after 3 years or progression into an alternate outlands
- classic only with separate classic+ (see above)
variants of those all contain the possiblity / non possibility of existing expacs or alternate timeline expacs
options for classic+
- go back before vanilla timeline, to well of eternity era
- go back before vanilla timeline to orc invasion called the first war, where orcs came thru the portal and forced humans to retreat to lordaeron
- the vanilla timeline with a couple retail friendly changes such as guild banks and retail models, playable alliance high elves, playable horde ogres, character transfers, 4th specs with forms, karazhan crypts, emerald dream, medivh’s tower, dragon isles
- the vanilla timeline same as above but with progression into a modified tbc.
for example. not so sure about futuristic timeline as the work involved in changing everything up, would be huge.
I mean…his ‘demands’ are pretty simple: follow through on the promise of delivering an authentic Vanilla recreation. Which is precisely what Blizzard has said they’re doing. I don’t think that’s asking much.
My demand is to make it permanent as originally implied in the marketing of Classic.
because you secretly want super saiyan hair.
No thank you. I’ll pass.
That’s fine, and it should be.
Now, separate optional TBC or eventual Wrath servers might come about and several Blizz employees said they’re open to the idea. But Classic+ I don’t believe is something to worry about. Ion and Calia stomped that out.
The problem here… is I don’t believe Blizzard has the common sense to keep TBC or Wrath separate from Classic.
I hope they prove me wrong but until they do I’m sticking with that assessment.
I wouldn’t call that the centerpiece by any means, the biggest announcement was Classic.
They usually save what THEY think are the biggest announcements for last.
Their final announcement was a damn mobile game.
Why do you think they got boo’d for the first time ever?