No Classic+. No Expansions. No Seasons

well it would by necessity have some qol. for example a museum classic no-no is character transfers, but i think classic+ would need that because its a more retail friendly version of classic.

currently retail has character services for everything under the sun. rolling all that back, should at least provide the most logical one and to me transfer seems the most logical since i had to do that myself during like wotlk, when i changed to my daughter’s server from the server i was on with my hubby (he had to quit playing due to work).

the least logical are gender change, name change, race change, character boost, and other such things that allow people to behave badly and then just change a few things at the services desk and tada, they can go on behaving badly. i realize transfer also lets you do that but at least its a more realistically useful one.

Yeah but those guys weren’t playing Vanilla with accurate data. Just guesswork.

99.9% accurate or not Its was Vanilla true to its experience. And you cant default those experiences to “Private server bad”. Blizzard them self had the Nost team sit down and talk with them about the private servers and the scene they work with.

If blizzard can use Nost information to Validate their claims anyone can use private servers the same way.

I wouldn’t call customizing Vanilla “true to its experience.”

The #nochanges stand is understandable and if you like playing in a never changing world forever, doing the same exact things over and over, then you should be allowed to do so. I agree, some ppl like it simple, it hurts to think or changes freak them out, whatever. But other people that like something want more of it, which doesn’t exactly mean more of the exact same. Some people want the world of vanilla to continue it’s story within that same world, not for it to go into the next expansion, something which lore allows.

Look at it this way, each of the popular expansions can be a stand alone world of Warcraft, that continues perpetually in their very own timelines. The reason is that some players prefer the world of Warcraft as it was in a given expansion; which like I mentioned, doesn’t have to strictly mean, no changes copy pasta. For blizzard to simply add more content to those worlds would be easier than making a whole new expansion, that might not be well received. At least they already know players love these worlds, and the vast majority that do, would love to have more content added to them. The argument that some, like yourself, have is that you don’t trust blizzard to add content to those worlds without messing them up. All I can say is that your position is one based on fear and that’s never been a good place to argue from. The Blizzard of 2019 might not be the same blizzard that made vanilla, or TBC, or Wrath but it’s much better to have them take a swing and miss, than to let these games die with time as they wont have new appeal and blizzard stops making fresh servers; which by the way have not been confirmed.

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Honestly it was a bad thing for blizzard to talk to the nost team. They validated all the private servers wishes by doing so.

I’m not saying don’t do standalone expansion servers.

I’m saying don’t do expansions at all if you can’t keep them separate.

We might want the same thing.

So if a nost dev learned that a mob hit 1432. But instead you got hit for 1400. Your really gonna tell me that the 32dmg is enough to make the game not Vanilla.

I’m pretty sure we do mate. :slight_smile:

I’m not at all sure how the hell I manage to confuse people, I can’t be any clearer… are folks looking for some hidden agenda or something?

Ok then What blizzard is doing atm is not 100% accurate enough for you.

They’re being cagey is what they’re doing.

I don’t trust them when they’re cagey. It’s burned me in the past, majorly.

Go look at the images in this post
The dmg is not 100% accurate to their 1.12 client. So Already by your logic Classic alone is flawed.

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I can’t decide which class to level. If I ended up rolling all 9 to 60 at an average of 9 days played to just hit the cap, that’s 81 days played. That’s 5 years of real time at a little over an hour a day.

Yes you can get to cap faster than that, but I’m basing that on my leveling speed from my first time playing the game in 05. 3 toons to 60, each took about 9 days.

That’s just cap. Not really getting professions completed, not much pvp except in the wild since I always played pvp servers.

There’s a ton on content based just on that, and maybe that’s what I’ll end up doing. I would like to see AQ40 and Naxx this time around, but we’ll see.

And that was already debunked. In that very thread.

Nice try.

Classic will never be 100% accurate to 2004. And you have to accept that. And if you accept that than logically you should accept server in the 99.9% stage.

I’m not expecting it to be accurate to 2004.

I’m expecting 2006, pre-TBC. Since that’s the data Blizzard has.

You can see in the screen shot the variance of numbers. Its not the range they say it is.

What patch was that video made in? And if it was 1.12, how can we be sure it wasn’t a pserver?

You read the post right? i shouldnt have to re read it to you.

I’ve visited ALL those threads, man.

People thinking Blizzard’s own backup data is wrong is nothing new to me.