They did, actually, say it was a museum style situation. Just not in those exact words
Don’t contradict yourself. Either they did or they didn’t. And with all my research they didnt. That article has nothing to do with your original assessment of whats going on.
Seasons/Tbc/Classic+ has all been on the table sense day one. In fact the Classic+/seasons argument was started on private server forums over 5+ years ago, The same community that brought this whole “vanilla wow” topic to the forefront.
Again No museum servers here. In fact this is my first time hearing that term and iv been following this topic for 7 years now.
I quit WoW because my characters’ progression was constantly wiped with every new expansion back to zero.
I need Classic to remain a museum piece that will not expand and wipe my characters. Let me complete Naxx, full Tier 3, and let me ride into the sunset charging at my Alliance foes with Atiesh and PoM Pyro. Only then will I then be able to play the game.
"“I think there will be a lot of tourists,” he adds. “But it doesn’t matter what I think because once we’re committed to doing this at a Blizzard level, which we are, whatever happens is going to happen. If millions of people show up and play for years, that’s awesome. And if just tens of people show up and play for years, we’re fine either way. What’s important to us is that we have this Classic experience people can enjoy, that people do have the opportunity to go back to. This is an important game in videogame history and there’s not a way to go back and experience that today. This is also about preserving something that we think is really important.” - J. Allen Brack.
They’re fine if tens of people play longtime. It’s about preserving history. They haven’t been ambiguous at all why they’re making Classic.
I would not mind if they added BC at all, but I think 100% it should be on a differernt server set with optional tranfers, so the people who want to stay in Vanilla have that option.
I think it would be great if they left your character on Vanilla even when you transferred to BC so you can choose what version to play. I see choices as a good thing. Forcing choices on everyone is not a great idea.
At the end of the day, I trust Blizzard to want to make more money - I honestly don’t see how or why they wouldn’t add BC as an option for all the people (like me) who would love it, and not leave Classic alone for the people who want to stay or want to a choice (me again), or why the same couldn;t be true for WotLK too.
I also would be very interested in a divergence after that, where instead of Cataclysm WoW follows a Classic/BC type development path instead of destroying the game. I think people generally agree Cataclysm was the true push of New WoW and a new audience.
Would it fragment the audience having classic, bc, wotlk servers? Sure. But are people playing what they enjoy bad? Why not make the most amount of people happy, instead of losing people in droves because of forced choices?
As someone who plays Diablo 2 on a modern pc all it takes is a google search and quick tweaking to work well on modern PCs.
Also I believe he was being facetious and meant that Diablo 2 is not dead, and that it lives on and is popular regardless of being the same content after X years. Just like how wow classic will be popular with its fan base X years from now.
For the last 3 years it’s been a topic about something that’s actually happening.
Before that, it was a series of requests and begging Blizzard to bring Vanilla back because Retail sucks (which is true), getting repeatedly shut down by Wall of No posters such as… formerly… yours truly. I was on the losing side on that but believe me, I’m actually GLAD we lost. I don’t back horses I don’t believe will win.
most people who’ve responded to a classic+ idea, dont mind it being separate from static/museum classic. it’d be more akin to a crossover between retail and classic, an expac of retail+classic. itd have changes that are more retail friendly and therefore would not be the permanent museum classic most of us vanilla fans want. i want the option to make chars on classic, on classic+, on retail and on the vanilla era expacs (tbc and wotlk).
for sure if they made a classic tbc expac, i’d be a happy camper but a well done classic+, with the right additions (the ones i want anyway hehe), would also make me a happy camper, especially if it progressed into tbc+.
I’m quite convinced Classic+ would be doomed to fail. We’ll go down the same road of added conveniences, homogenization, and the QoL features. To think otherwise seems naive to me.
But for about the fourth time…just ask for WoW 2. That’s what people really want.
The majority of ppl asking for a classic+ is asking more for content that was unused during the vanilla time period. Not really LFR/Heroic/systems of the like.
The same people have been on pservers for 15 years doing vanilla. So you’re argument about people not wanting to do the same thing over and over is invalid.