No Classic+. No Expansions. No Seasons

with a static copied state from Classic servers from the point of release. No manual character transfers, or anything like that.

it wouldnt be customizing museum vanilla. it would be customizing classic+ vanilla. and it would be using assets that have already been made. only a few tweaks here and there would be necessary. for example

druid 4th spec dryad form. the dryad would need some leafy coverings on her chest area so she doesnt look so …garden of eden hehe, cause its a form and people who are modest would feel embarrassed if they didnt have the option to cover up and you wouldnt have the option if its a form, as it would work like bear form. it is what it is till you change forms

LOL I was referring to pservers, Hyper. <3

This is very true. People arguing pserver data is correct are just delusional.

The point i was making is if those servers are still going after this long. Makes no sense to think classic wont be as well.

I see no problem with seasons/xpacs. Classic+ is where it will get sticky.

Ill leave on this note.


But then you have delusional folks who think that the pservers continually wiping themselves because they have to clear their cache data somehow contributes to that…

It doesn’t. People are on those servers because it’s the only Vanilla they have and their friends are there. I’m almost certain if given the choice they’d prefer it to be static and just roll alts instead.

Now that I think of it… why do pservers have to do a full wipe when they clear their cache and Blizzard doesn’t? Could it be a lack of redundancies? Cos I’m sure Blizz has to clear their caches as well.

Could be something with them only able to use old Tech. 32bit clients etc…
Either way all pservers are shady in some way. Nost was a breath of fresh air in that dark community. They never forced wiped servers till blizzard made them lol.

Out dated tech perhaps. Dunno.

Wondering if i should go check that other thread with the person being high and mighty about playing in vanilla. Than getting defensive and trollish when called on it.

Might be interesting.

The pad boy.

It sounds like an easy excuse… but idk i would agree.

I remember trying to get my sound card working on the 1.12 32bit client… omfg…

Well I’m glad Nost wasn’t like that. And I’m glad that thanks to them and a petition that managed to get through Blizzard’s front door, we’ve got Classic.

Yay something we can agree on. Have a nice afternoon sir.

You too man. Sorry for making you rip out your hair.

…You did have hair, right? O.o

why would a separate server with classic+ be a problem? its not part of museum classic

He’s gone, Hyper. Let him go.

/chases after him
i’ll…beeeee …baaackk

Your posts scream that all you want to do is complain (not trying to be a jerk here). I have read your posts elsewhere too, also a similar thread you made, identical to this one…

After this thread can you be done with it? Lets wait and see what they do first. Right now we are getting what you and all of us want. None of us know the future, and all of us hope they keep classic, classic.

I’m not capable of living in the moment and blindly trusting that the future will be okay. Sorry, bud.

I need to be certain. This is the only way to be certain.

Not a problem just a sticky situation. If they go for a classic+ its not like I’m gonna be against it. I just foresee the problems that they face will be more difficult then what there dealing with atm.

For more info on a classic+ scenario look no further than OSRS and the rift they created in their own game. Sure it completely revitalized the company but at the cost of hiring a 2nd dev team and running 2 concurrent mmos off the same base ideals but with community involvement.

ah well i think we already have that rift with classic. i was thinking classic+ could be a crossover between the two types of games. where the best features of classic meets some of the better things in retail. for example, guild banks and (for some) retail models (i prefer old vanilla models for humans but retail for dwarves - those beards. vanilla for gnomes and nelfs but retail for orcs and trolls. vanilla for undead males but retail for undead females lol