No Classic+. No Expansions. No Seasons

Blizz ruled out classic servers too.

Yeah but not like this.

we aint talkin’ about tomorrow there mister starcraftian ceegar. we’re talkin’ bout down the road a piece. when the natives start ta gettin’ restless

Well… look. I’d be lying if I said their interviews didn’t fill me with at least SOME hope that they’d keep things separate.

But I can’t afford to let that hope take over. I’ve been burned in the past already – WoD’s flight bait and switch comes to mind every time.

I’ll believe them when they stand by what they’re implying.

Right now, it’s too up in the air for me to be trusting.

And unlike you guys, I’m incapable of living purely in the moment. Again, I’ve been burned too many times doing that. I need to keep an eye on the future.

You will not get an answer from Blizz on this until the future, Blizzard is not ready to commit on anything.

Then they better be prepared to lose customers should they prove me right and make the wrong decision. Again.

That’s all I’m saying.

I still play Pharoah and Cleopatra regularly, and they are over 20 years old. I was a serious altaholic in Vanilla, and I can’t see having a Classic server only being Classic being a problem for people like me. I can happily watch old movies and read books over and over again also, which my husband can’t do. Some of us find a great game that suits our playstyle, and stick with it. :slight_smile:

All this. Except Pharoah and Cleopatra.


I’m a roleplayer. I don’t need Blizzard to make new content, I can make my own.

Be sure to mark this post Blizzard, this self-righteous trend setter was obviously the one who got classic to happen. He deserves all of his demands.

Oh for f**k sake.

I’m NOT the “one” who got it to happen. It was a whole bunch of people who got it to happen.

Learn to read, you hate-filled fool.


“Oh noes please stay Laeric you can’t leave us!!”

said absolutely no one!

You think I care what you people want?

If you’re gonna be hostile, you don’t get respect. Or consideration.

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Relaxe bro I’m just trolling with you on this sunny day.

Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 u 8 out of 8

Haha it’s the first time I hear this one! Obviously, I’m not a good troll at all.

I’ll keep that quote for later foh suh!

Dude, it’s as old as the hills. XD

I do not trust Blizzard. And I was sold on Classic with the understanding that it’d be a museum, i.e. static – a version of the game that would always be around for anyone who wanted to play it. That’s how it was marketed upon announcement.

This is a hyperbolic lie. At no point did blizzard ever mention this as a “Museum Style Situation”. If your confusing “Pristine servers” with this fine. But don’t lie to try and make an invalid point.

They did, actually, say it was a museum style situation. Just not in those exact words.


What’s important to us is that we have this Classic experience people can enjoy, that people do have the opportunity to go back to. This is an important game in videogame history and there’s not a way to go back and experience that today. This is also about preserving something that we think is really important.

My thread is entirely about making sure they are held to this. I even had a friend make a backup of that article in case it gets deleted and Blizzard tries to say it never happened.

No, it doesn’t. And you can’t look at Classic as if it’s an ordinary mmo, because it’s not. It’s a museum piece. It’s a faithful recreation of Vanilla. That’s ALL it is.

Blizzard has the growing, evolving, changing mmo. Its current form is BfA. It will continue to have expansions. It’ll have class changes, new raids and dungeons, new features.

Classic is merely an option for people who want to experience something that doesn’t exist any longer. The moment you start changing it and adding content, the entire purpose of it is removed. And it’s included in your base subscription. Keep that in mind, as it’s very important.

Now, separate, optional TBC or Wrath servers (perhaps with a character copy option) I could see. As they too would allow players to experience something that no longer exists. But adding level 60 content? Not going to happen. It would destroy the entire reason for making Classic.

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I’ve exceeded my maximum number of likes otherwise I’d have liked this.

This system sucks, Blizzard. Remove the like cap.