No Classic+. No Expansions. No Seasons

Ion also said that same day that special exclusive new content for Classic WoW is out of the question. So now what?

…Does that mean I can remove Classic+ from my OP?

How would you know? Apparently no one cared about Vanilla WoW until WoD launched.

They didn’t care to nearly the extent as they did after WoD launched (and cata to a much lesser extent).

We’re only getting classic WoW because of the whole debacle with Nostalrius during WoD era.

Without that show of interest then, Blizz wouldn’t even consider it.

Nostalrius was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

I didn’t play on Nost, but with the huge show of support, and the petition that managed to make it through Blizzard’s front doors (they’re notoriously steadfast on not paying attention to petitions)…

Yeah. Straw that broke the camel’s back is what it looks like from here.

You hate Classic. I get it. You don’t think it can succeed on its own.

Go back to retail.

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It’s completely possible that exclusive content is out of the question, but seasonal servers and progressing to TBC aren’t exclusive content.

Classic+ has the largest potential by far of how many players they could get, but it’s also far from a safe bet. It’s a lot easier for Blizz to make guaranteed money with TBC or seasonal servers.

Seasonal servers are not a safe bet at all.

Pserver players may be okay with losing their characters every few years, but that was only because that was the only Vanilla they could get and the private servers had to purge their caches.

i’m gonna have to do a real thread with artworks and whatnot. come up with examples of what i’m talking about. some rival company reading the forums might take some of the ideas and put them in their games and if successful, i’ll get blizz to use my ideas that way. they wont even know the whole thing started on their own forums 5 years prior lol

Yeah dude I hate classic so much that I’d be willing to play through classic over and over again doing the same exact content with no changes on seasonal servers.

The reason those pservers did seasonal type stuff which you hated, is because their playerbases were dying without doing it after Naxx was on farm.

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Nope. It’s entirely because they had to purge their caches.

You give pservers too much credit.

Besides, even if what you say is true, everyone on pservers was highly competitive. No casuals at all.

Classic will have casuals and seasons will hurt them.

Seasonal does not mean you lose characters, it just means other people can play on a new server.

Path of exile seasonals- you do not lose characters. Diablo 3 seasonals- you do not lose characters. Plenty of other game seasonals, you do not lose characters.

Blizzard literally already had seasonals in another one of their games where you don’t lose characters, I’m not sure why you’d think it would be any different here.

Oh look. Laeric beginning work on a new wall of no.

I really am your favorite character assassination target aren’t I?

I just want Classic WoW on it’s own server.

If they want to add expansion servers, then people can choose to “move onto the expansion servers” and leave the Classic WoW server. You take your characters with you and never go back unless you start over again with a level 1 toon.

I’m good with that. Make BC servers, WOTLK servers, etc… But don’t add ANY of the expansion content to the exisiting servers.

Keep each version of WoW on it’s own servers and don’t allow any of the follow-up expansion content on the existing servers.

I want Classic WoW locked in at 1.12 forever. As it was prior to BC and left as-is.

“Seasonal” DOES mean you lose characters. It also means you lose all your progress. Because your entire roster gets wiped.

Diablo III seasonals don’t keep their characters or progress.

In what way is this character assassination? :thinking:

The literal first words of this thread are

Keep making yourself a target and then playing the victim. It is tiresome and boring.

nah he likes me too. hehe

I’m trying to preserve Classic, Broken.

Y’all fought hard for it, and I’m trying to make sure it doesn’t become a second Retail.

You’re welcome.

what hes saying is the server you are on, stays the same and a new server spawns. if i understand him right.

I have not seen nearly enough shilling of my content creation from you of late.


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