blizzard will never change museum classic. it’s here for the long haul. it’ll always be museum classic. however, blizzard is a game company that makes many kinds of games. so a classic+ separate from museum or a rebooting museum, separate from museum or expacs separate from museum, will not mean there wont be a museum classic.
No I’m not.
I don’t heal. I will never heal. …Okay, maybe a backup healer. But I don’t primary heal.
I’ll be running a casual guild anyway so it’s not like we’ll be following the meta.
WoW is not a special game which is immune to how every single MMO in the past has worked. There has NEVER been an MMO that survived in any real way without updates.
To say that WoW classic would survive in maintenance mode with no seasons, no tbc, no classic+ is to go against all knowledge we have about the gaming industry in general.
It’s honestly an absurd claim in itself.
That’s all well and good, and in an ideal world that’s exactly how it’ll work out.
But this isn’t an ideal world, so immediately I have concerns about whether or not they can even financially get away with having so many different versions of the same game running at once.
(I don’t consider PVE, PVP, and RP realms different versions of the game)
I think they’d be wise to do a “progress through expacs” kinda deal up until WotLK.
Nost was going to do the same thing, but we all know what happened.
The only thing I’d like to see is that they keep those previous servers up and locked at level 60, 70 and 80.
So you’ll have the option to xfer your 60 to the new TBC servers, but retain a copy of your 60 on the old Vanilla servers.
I’m just not sure how they’d deal with economy etc
If it had no chance of succeeding, it wouldn’t have been in demand for 15 years.
You’ll heal. I’ve had to heal in every dungeon I’ve done. You don’t wanna be the Ret that’s in the group that wipes and you’re sitting at a full mana bar when everyone goes down.
No. I won’t. Not as anything but a backup healer.
This is why I have an extremely hard time playing pure DPS classes.
Even in BGs, when on a pure DPS class, seeing someone who needs a heal, knowing if they would’ve gotten one they would’ve lived and killed their opponent. But I can’t do that on a pure DPS class. I hate it.
Real demand for classic WoW only started in WoD. Hardly anyone cared before.
If they launched classic WoW servers during WotlK, TBC, or Cata they would have just failed.
History says otherwise.
And the crying came VERY loudly during Cata when the original content was removed and replaced with pop culture jokes.
I should know, I was there.
Bad Ret detected.
For 1/6 of my Mana I can heal bomb most people to full while running past them. I get a lot of whispers thanking me from saving them from a corpse run. I also gets lots of compliments when I save our group from wiping cause I know how to heal when needed. Versatility separates the good Paladins from the bad Paladins.
Yes it is. And this is where you guys fall flat on your face; your refusal to accept that this is something different purely on the basis of how OSRS does it. This is not every other MMO. They’ve already said whether ten people play it or ten million people play it, Classic WoW is here for as long as WoW exists. The only reason you say something like that is because you’re not dedicating a ton of resources to it’s existence. They’re not heavily invested in making Classic an overwhelming, long-term success. That much is clear. They’re dedicated to making it as close to the original as possible; that’s the ONLY stated goal for this project.
Whatever you say. Not like you and I will ever be playing together.
No dungeon finder. >:)
No raid finder either.
And best of all… I’m running my own guild meant SOLELY for casuals. Hardcores that worship Elitist Jerks need not apply.
You are nuts if you truly believe that. Private Vanilla servers were around and popular during the Wrath years.
Now I take you even less seriously.
Like I said, back when TBC was announced people wanted Vanilla servers to run alongside the TBC ones because they wanted to continue playing Vanilla.
It took 15 years but here we are, finally.
I don’t know what this has to do anything.
Throwing out an errant heal to save the group is an elitist playstyle
I never said I wouldn’t do that. I already found myself doing that in BFA, actually.
I’m fighting against being the primary healer.
Are you guys somehow saying one thing and meaning another or something? Cos now I’m confused.
Having servers online is not what I meant by surviving. Blizzard has already said very recently TBC and Wotlk servers would not be off the table if Classic does well.
The goal is for Blizzard to make money, and if classic does well that means no maintenance mode.
Vanilla servers in wrath were not Blizz like. They were instant 60 servers where everything was buggy and all you really did was PvP or run around.
It is not even comparable.