Talent trees ruined how? They redesigned some. Honestly the trees are much better in cata in my personal opinion. Are you thinking of when they removed the trees because that didn’t happen in Cata. All that bloat and useless junk gone for streamlined talent choices. Super good.
LFR literally has no impact on anyone. Anyone that ever complains about LFR is a gatekeeping nobody that likely doesn’t even DO actual content. I have done heroic and mythic raiding before. LFR never bothered me. Because I never felt the need to do it. And didn’t care if other people did. Because the people doing LFR aren’t hurting my heroic/mythic raiding, and the people complaining about LFR aren’t doing heroic/mythic raiding either. Get a life.
Dragon Soul was definitely a miss overall, but not a complete waste. Fights like Spine reinforcing extremely specific comps was really unfun, and the final boss being such a disappointment kinda felt bad, but the lore aspects were really nice and Ultraxion and Hagara were sweet. Also Firelands is hands down one of the best raids in the game.
This isn’t really an argument for anything. It’s a nothing statement. Closer to MoP in what way? How does MoP have anything to do with Cata since Cata came first? What does your supposed feelings on certain characters in a different expansion entirely have to do with Cata?
Anything nothing statement. There are plenty of private servers, that in of itself doesn’t mean anything. There are also a ton of TBC private servers. They didn’t keep those.
Again, Cata is closer to Wrath than Wrath is to TBC. You can’t call Cata not classic while saying Wrath IS classic.
Of course you can. Cata is conceptually an entirely different thing than Vanilla/TBC/Wrath. It’s basically a later continuation on a story that concluded with killing the LK
Bad thing is that Cata is going to die again like it did last time due to the same issue it had last time. Wrath made the player base brain dead when doing raids and instances, also by giving so much free loot to everyone. Cata brings back the use of CC and slowing down runs or the mobs will wipe a group easily. Every group now just runs straight into the mobs during runs without caring and can kill them all easily even in gammas, but when you get into Cata… its a wipe fest from the start and thats when people cry that its too hard and leave. Like they did last time…
Let’s not pretend that the majority of players give af about the story. Its a nearly 2 decade old game. We all know the story. We’re talking about gameplay, mechanics, etc.
Starting at 12m and ending at 10m can’t really be described as “dying”.
oh yea… keep LFR out tho, thats probably the worst thing ever added to WoW other then holy power on a ret pally.
Numbers went down instead of up for the first time in WoW history during that time and never recovered… dying sounds appropriate
i disagree, destroy their world
I can and will because it’s true. Cata changed massively the game design direction and philosophies. It’s a different game and was the start of Retail ideology. Which went full tilt in MoP and when WoW died. If you don’t understand that it is fine. I don’t require you to understand.
I don’t understand it because its demonstrably not true. Your ONLY argument for that is people can’t play meme specs. OH NO! NOT MY MEME SPEC! Noooooooo.
They could easily just not implement a lot of the stuff that drove so many of us off back in the day. For one the brainless talent system they implement, that could easily not be implemented. People could and have go on about all this for an age.
I want wrath era. Cata classic then what? Legion, MOP? Idk, seems weird to continually recycle content and then what, in three years we’re playing shadowlands again? Spin up new servers, but PLEASE keep wrath era as is just my two-cents
Yes because you’ve spent countless hours simming the overwhelming amount of junk talents we have to find some suprerior build to the ones listed on wowhead and the class discords? Oh wait, you haven’t? You just use the cookie cutters builds that skip all the junk talents? Wait Cata talents actually have meaningful choices on how you want to balance your character depending on other characters and what buffs/debuffs they’re bringing? So you mean in Cata talent point choice ACTUALLY have meaning?! WHAT?! Thats crazy! good talk!
That’s the issue. Conceptually Wrath is the end of the original trilogy. Continuing on is just a full admittance that it’s just “recycle content until they’re both on the same patch.” Which sure, capitalism, but it’s so lame
Shadowlands - 5-7 years out at the current rate.
This was never meant to last forever. Classic came out and the player based wanted, tbc… and then eventually into Wrath. Honestly, I don’t care if Cata comes or not. I’ll play it if it does, and obviously won’t if it doesn’t. I’m just tired of the out of touch hate of Cata when it was a good expansion. The new lore was amazing. FIRE DRUIDS?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I’ve wanted to be a fire druid ever since that day and am still mad I can’t be.
Again, this is just revisionist history. PVE was in a rough spot in Cata and this is when it became clear that they had a design philosophy meant to prune things towards an increasingly narrow meta. Is it as bad as retail got with choreographed dance fights and “class fantasy?” No, but it’s the start of it and it wasn’t good the last go around