I agree cata was the 1st expansion that i did not like, But I did not quit until Legion.

Yeah they should have just recycled old boss mechanics and not designed anything new
 things that ended up influencing every other MMO out there since. They totally should have just kept it “Red circle bad, Green circle good.”

how bout just forget the cata expansion and go a whole different path and make a new expansion like the emerald dream instead. it could go from being wow classic to wow alternate dimension

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Its the next Dragonflight patch. You may want to check it out

There’s not a binary between overdesigned fights and loot piñatas— you can have fights that have meaningful mechanics without making every phase a dance.

Bosses in modern-era WoW have gotten obnoxious because you need to account for everyone having DBM and don’t want to worry about balancing against classes (so you prune the difficulty from the classes (11 of them or w/e) and move it onto the boss (only one thing to balance))

The wrong people started getting in control after wrath and it shows

You just said it. Modern Era WoW. Cata is 13 years old. That was way before the boss mods/weakaura dominance. That started around Legion, to some extend WoD.
Cata bosses are overall fairly simply and doesn’t require you to have any addons or minmaxing, however, it is a massive step over Wrath

What in the world are you even talking about? Everyone was using addons in original Wrath. Blizz started designing against addons in Cata by adding heavy CC back into encounters and then increasingly added movement and mechanics from each expansion forward

People used addons even back in vanilla? What is this nonsense argument. Just because you use addons doesn’t make it a requirement.

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Who said it was a requirement?

People heavily used DBM and it neutralized fights that had minimal mechanics. Blizzard realized bosses were too easy with addons calling out every mechanic and then had to design more complex fights with more movement and more wipe triggers

Ive been waiting for Cata Classic for SO long. Im seriously stoked that its potentially coming out soon. HYPED!!! Greatest expac ever made.


Yes and that started WAY later. Man, not everything started in Cata. It is not that hard.
As a previously said, Cata mechanics fairly easy and you don’t need any addons to do them. 12 years ago you might have hit a wall because skill issue but we are 2023

Nothing is more brainless then the classic talent system lol. Do you guys even know what your mad about anymore?

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Personally i find the Cata talent design to be the best in WoW history, by far.


Oh no cata is coming, now the quests I spam click through or even skip text entirely with addons are now revamped or gone!! And the zone is now on fire on no!!

People will outrage just for fun, the amount of people crying about leveling changes are the ones who don’t level Alts and just raid log 24/7 in wotlk. This expansion improves raiding with 10 man and has good raids. Stop being blinded by band wagon hate.

I don’t care either way for the “cata sucks I’m quitting” crowd but it’s nonsensical hate
 just like how wotlk was sucked off for being the greatest when everyone can admit this expansion is very slow and boring for many raids. Frankly without rose tinted goggles it is OUTCLASSED by cata. Yes sir.


I do remember this being a big issue when Cata dropped.

Everyone came out of wrath thinking they could just run in, ignore mechanics and AOE everything down. It turned into a giant mess and lots of hurt feelings and other drama. I think they nerfed the dungeons because of it.

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I originally didn’t like Cata but SL took that but DF is just as bad (maybe worse) than SL. I am unable to determine I dislike more – SL or DF but Cata is not the very top.

This is no ones argument. There are no meme specs. This is just something you are bringing up for some reason.

You don’t understand because you don’t understand good game design. Just like the Devs that made Cata. It’s why we don’t want to play it and why Cata wasn’t well received. That isn’t hard to understand.

Him personally? I would have to say the several million people who unsubbed and never came back after Cata happened says a lot about how bad it was.

You used the term gatekeeping wrong btw. Just because everyone else has begun using it when the term has existed for well over a decade
you people only just began using it little over a year ago and now use it so much that you are using it incorrectly
that was not gatekeeping.

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Good point. Yea I don’t get why people can’t look at something objectively without bias.

Cata objectively was a bad expansion, at the time it was the worst WoW expansion. It was the first expansion to lose a lot of players and start a downward trend. Millions of players hated what they did with the world, class design, content.

If people like Cata that’s cool and won’t criticize what you like. However just realize that most people don’t like Cata.

I’d like to add that Cata did add some nice QoL features except they were brought into a bad game.

Is Reforging great? Yea
Are RBGs great? Yea

These things don’t transform Cata into a good game. You could add those things into Wrath which is a great game and just make it better. The problem with Cata is the core game is bad so the addition of a good feature just doesn’t make it worth playing still. Because at the end of the day
It’s still Cata.