Ever think about what the other “1/2” of people in discord thinks when 1/2 of the other side speaks English and they wait to call something out in Spanish?
Sounds like a recipe for having language-labeled server where neither side needs to worry about language barrier. It’s inconvenient for both sides to play with people they can’t readily communicate with
It’s funny when someone tries to insinuate that someone’s being racist/discriminating because of an issue of practicality
No one even implied nor insinuated anything (that is something your mind came up with). It was just a question. Now I can’t help it if you are uncomfortable with the question, but it was 100% legit question to ask.
Nice gaslighting
i would at the very least want to spend another year of wrath…i dont mind moving on…i just want alot more time with wotlk
If you were not a terrible player the dungeons were fun at the start. The raids are not bad and im told pvp is really good. At least you pretended to speak for everyone though lol
Cata wasn’t fun and it’s revisionist history to claim that it was.
I doubt you understand 85% of these words.
fragile classic andrew pretending what he says is fact. This is not new or exciting.
Andy → Andrew isn’t nearly as clever as you think it is
I save the clever stuff for people that matter andrew. Now run along
You are gaslighting yourself.
Casters get a legendary staff in cata at the release of firelands! that sounds like fun! and its better then getting a legendary released towards the end of an xpac like shadowmourne.
Firelands is released midway thru cata and so you got time to complete it before dragonsoul release and you get more enjoyment use out of it compared to smourne.
I think extending wotlk classic by a few months is fine but player interest will definitely diminish for it and cata release is needed and expected and it is part of the classic voyage.
Cata+ is coming.
Cata hype! With few changes it can go a long way.
I don’t think anyone wants the WotLK server replaced with a cata server, but I would certainly like to see one in addition to it. I would prefer them to go the route they originally did with the classic to TBC transition where you can pick whether to leave a character on the old server or move them to the new one.
I will do exactly what I did in this expansion. Raid log. I will do other activities as a means to an end, but it will just be raid logging as the end game for me.
Wrath Classic+ solves this issue. Cata had amazing QoL changes, however, Cata made the first major steps towards modernization and moved away from the ‘classic’ ethos and how the game is played.
It wasn’t RDF that destroyed the player base; it was things like - phasing based on quest progress, changes to how guilds work (this absolutely wrecked communities), changes to dungeon quests and attunements, dungeon difficulty in relation to healing, reducing the ‘perceived’ ability in building hybrid spec builds, giving pets to hunters at level 1, changes to classes allowing for specs they’ve never had, flying in Azeroth.
It was NOT RDF that caused people to quit.
then why change it lol