For a lot of reasons that had nothing to do with the game itself.

AH yes, classic andrews have the gall to say cata is not classic but then turn around and screech about classic+ lol. You cant make this stuff up


Cata wasn’t fun and it’s revisionist history to claim that it was.

Cata Classic is an easy way to make sure nothing gets better. At least Classic + is a potentially better outcome. Both things have the same ending-- we can just leave when we’re done with it

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Well no we don’t see The thing that you’re missing yes cata was bad Back in the day But that’s not to say everything was bad especially if you enjoyed pvp cata pvp was fun.

The world revamp that’s opinion Hot take Give me cata Barons over vanilla barons any day of the millennia Vanilla baron sucks ya I said it Even people that love classic are normally one of two camps You love it or you hate it.

However either way Vanilla/ Classic,tbc,wrath Have played out nothing the way they have the first time around Not even remotely similar I might add To the point it’s even hard to call them the same game.

And that’s assuming blizzard Doesn’t decide to change anything I think there’s a big argument to be had That whatever expansion they do going forward Is going to play out nothing the way it will the first time.

So no we don’t know where the populations are going to be Or how it’s going to play out I would think if anything The start of wrath Proved that.

I mean if you don’t want to play that’s one thing But what i’m saying is don’t judge something before it even comes out Because like it or not cata Will not play out the way it did the first time.

Why ? Simple its 2023 not 2012

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Yes I’m still waiting on you to provide Data. I’ve provided Data on my end.

It’s not an opinion though. If you like Cata I’m happy for you but it isn’t popular. It’s the same for liking a B rated movie. You can like it but that doesn’t make it a good or popular movie.

Cata is that B rated movie. It has a very small cult following. If they waste time on Cata servers they will be dead just like the private ones. I’m not sure how this doesn’t make sense. There isn’t some huge player base out there waiting to play Cata again. :man_facepalming: :joy:

You say this but you could shut me up right now with even a tiny shred of evidence to support any of your silly claims. The fact is you can’t because Cata isn’t popular. We know this, Blizz know this, private servers know this. It’s not a secret.

Classic + is the future of WoW. There is unlimited potential and Classic + is WoW 2 starting in the Classic Era of the game. New Classic + expansions with brand new story, classes, zones is what WoW needs. Retail isn’t fixable and no one cares about expansions anymore. Classic + is that hard reboot for WoW.

As someone who loves Classic and realizes that Cata was the start of Retail I can also say what is stated above. I love WoW and for most the last WoW expansion was WotLK. Cata forward is a different game. It isn’t WoW.

They should just put Retail on maintenance mode and focus on the future of WoW which is Classic +. You gotta call it at some point and Retail should of stopped making expansions awhile ago. It just doesn’t work and hasn’t worked in many years. You have to have a hard reset. You need WoW 2 aka…Classic +

This comment is 100% accurate and irrefutable.
This thread should now close.

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The only “classic” version of wow that has any sort of staying power is vanilla.

Wrath and TBC arent suited for perma-era-style servers

Aren’t Wrath private servers some of the most successful? Vanilla is vanilla, but Wrath is a real sticking point for the community

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nah I liked cata and would like to play it again

I’m sorry you didn’t like it, but others do so you shouldn’t be gatekeeping fun from others.

But I would like blizzard to do perma fresh wrath servers eventually, would be nice.


Classic era is there for you to enjoy. Don’t know what you’re whining about. Just play era till your eyes bleed, you and all the other 10,000 players.

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Of course it’s the reason they did it. The reason we are all here. There is only Classic Era which ends at Wrath.

I don’t know why people say this. It’s actually immature and shows you are incapable of posting on the forums in a discussion.

Yea…I don’t think you understand how many people play Classic. More people play Classic then Retail. Not many of them are gonna play Cata cause that is the start of Retail.

Classic + is the future of WoW.


Ahhhh cata, if it happens it happens. I don’t see why they won’t keep servers for wrath tho, Cata was the last chapter of “Classic” . We began with spanking Onyxia and ended it with clapping Death-Wing. Although if cata is really happening they should retcon everything they did with uldum…

The only complaint I remember from Cataclysm was that some people found the heroics too hard at first and had to pay attention to the mechanics more closely. That shouldn’t be a problem this many years later given that most of us are conditioned to the more complicated and nuanced dungeons that have come out since.

When Cataclysm Classic launches I suspect that most people will switch simply because they have grown bored of Wrath and are ready for different content. If WotLK servers were kept online I suspect they’d grow very quiet quickly.

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If their acquisition of Zenimax is any indication of things going forward in WoW that may not be the case. For example, over in Elder Scrolls Online Microsoft pushed Zenimax Online Studios to make some cash shop items, like mounts and costumes, available for in-game currency (endeavour points) we earn from doing dailies.

Overall, we’re pretty happy with Microsoft’s takeover of Elder Scrolls Online.

It is when half the raid speaks Spanish in discord and expects you to listen thru all of the Spanish and wait till they call something out in English.

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You got anymore echo chamber buzz words for me bud?

You know what. You are right.

We should be able to walk up to a boss, right click them, then the loot tables comes up and we choose what loot we get. That would make the game infinitely better.

My bad for going against the grain. I forgot to eat my conform-tarts this morning.


blizz ill tell you now if you don’t keep wrath era ppl are gonna quit and return to pservers lol.

just keep like a dozen wrath servers total and move to cata.
we can have both, nothing wrong with both

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Why the LOL at the end of your sentence? What was so funny I don’t understand.