Send me your gold and all your stuffs please when you leave.

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  1. Just enforces the meta cuck mindset. No longer will we be able to do crazy shĂŻt like tranquilikin or resto kitty

  2. Lfr took all of the mechanics away. Remember the ping pong boss in ds? In Lfr one person could literally juggle the ball by themself. Not to mention every over mechanic in the raid being taken out.

  3. At least you have some sense.

  4. Pandas suck. The end.

  5. Have you not been on faerlina recently? It is basically an international private server.

Hopefully, they will have wrath era servers AND not money grab (like vanilla to tbc) and use clones, again. More people will be willing to do both, than be forced to cata. The cost of the clone service is why I have never been back to vanilla. Moved all my toons on, to get to wrath.

Either one price to clone the accounts or a low $5 per toon (which still adds up). Best would be free.

Why exactly is this? A majority of groups seem to be Spanish/Portuguese-speaking lol

If you don’t like LFR… just don’t use it… why gatekeep others? lol
What a weird thing to be mad about.

Like how do casual doing LFR raids affect you at all?


Because it’s just another garbage element of progression you’re caught in unless you’re in a guild that will gear your alt/if you miss time.

The more hoops there are, the more you have to jump through

Blizz has Data that most people don’t like Cata which is why they stated that. Blizz said they realize most players feel Cata is the beginning of the end. They also asked what is it about Cata players don’t like.

Cata isn’t popular though. Not only does Blizz have Data on that. Private servers do too as the Cata servers are dead. They are there for anyone who likes Cata to play it’s just most don’t do that. The popular servers are Vanilla and Wrath.

Now that I provided Data how about you do the same and try to counter this with Data saying that Cata is popular? You can’t do it cause nothing supports that claim.

Cata was the start of Retail. Game design philosophies changed to forcing players to play the way the Devs want. Very restrictive design and the implementation of Retail, stats and core design.

It’s not though. Cata isn’t part of Classic so who is Cata going to appeal too? Classic players have Vanilla, HC Classic and Wrath Classic. Those are 3 popular options that appeals to the majority of players. Cata doesn’t fit in there. Players aren’t going to abandon Wrath, Vanilla or HC.

This is a massive mistake and will cause them a lot of problems. They should be focused on Classic Era and Classic +

Nope sure isn’t. WoW died a long time ago and that is why we are playing Classic.

Nope there is a huge divide between the early expansions TBC/Wrath and the rest where design philosophies changed Cata/MoP. Cata was the start of Retail and MoP killed WoW and was when they really dove into terrible ideas.

I have never trolled and only provided accurate information and data. While you haven’t done anything to support this idea of Cata Classic could work.

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Just give me TBC back and I’m happy

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They really aren’t though. Cata ruined Talent trees and in MoP they ruined the game further by removing them. Game design philosophies in Cata was the start of Retail. They removed stats, implemented bad ones and began restrictive design to control the game.

Which feels bad for an RPG and MMO.

I mean, why would they eliminate the most popular Classic option? If they get rid of Wrath Era people aren’t just going to play Cata. That’s a hard pass on that.

The majority of Classic players have 3 great options Vanilla, HC and Wrath. At no point is Cata part of that. It’s not a popular expansion and never will be. It’s not popular for private servers and the Classic community views Cata as the start of Retail and destruction of the game they love. Blizz has even stated this.

Cata Classic would not be well received. There just isn’t some large player base that wants it and no Data supports that.

They should be working on maintaining the 3 pillars of Classic Era. Vanilla/HC and Wrath. Then working on the first Classic expansion with Classic + as the future of WoW.

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Microsoft now owns blizzard. Whatever happens going forward, expect more micro-transactions.

Is that an issue?
Something wrong with speaking Spanish or Portuguese? Asking for a friend.

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It’s inconvenient for both parties when they can’t communicate because of limited to no understanding of the others’ language. Not really a gotcha lol

people are delusional, Cata had way more balanced content than wrath, removing cringe stats like armor pen in cata made raiding way better for melee classes and for pvp

arena is 100x more balance in cata, no cringe preg hybrid specs or other lame crap every single class in cata has a arena spot, RBGS were great,

the only thing people cried back in 2010 cata was “pve was too hard”" yet all i hear from cringe people on this forum is “pve to easy” well cata is where PVE raiding got HARD that’s what you cringe wowlog parses want right???

man insane people on these forums these days, constantly contradicting themselves


Oh no! I can’t play a meme spec anymore! WHAT EVER WILL I DO?!

Cata talents are bis because everything is valuable.


This would imply that balance makes a game good which is completely false. You can balance the fun and great design right out of the game.

Armor Pen was fine. Sucks we also lost BV and other stats. Then implemented Mastery which was a bad design choice for the game.

Funny that Wrath Arena was better though.

Preg was awesome and good design should allow for more hybrid specs not less.

There was more build diversity and viability in Wrath

It really wasn’t. Cata just wasn’t a good game. That’s why people quit in Cata for the first time. That’s why Cata was the first expansion with a Sub loss. Cata just wasn’t a good game from it’s game play/class design too it’s raids/content.

So again Cata won’t be well received. It wasn’t the first time and definitely won’t again. We can just play other games instead of a bad expansion like Cata.

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Good or not good, doesn’t matter, it’s coming no matter how much you whine about it.


It actually does matter. It will kill player participation and drive subs down. Cata is a bad expansion and isn’t Classic.

Not sure why Blizz should waste resources on a bad expansion when they can focus on Classic Era and Classic + which is what the community wants and is the future of WoW.

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Wait until Microsoft get a hold of classic era and classic+. Get ready for micro transactions galore.
OG WoW died when blizzard was bought by Activision. Wotlk was the last of the original crew.

There will be less Microtransactions with Microsoft. I could see them making WoW cheaper to play and trying to expand the playerbase. Sorry but in Bobby’s world it was worse.

You are right. Cause of Bobby.

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Still waiting for any data. You just share you biased and out of touch opinion in every single thread and you ignore everyone that says anything against your opinion. At some point its just cringe and sad to see. Literally everything you responded is nonsense

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