They have even ruined Wrath too much. I just unsubbed. Cya. I got another MMO that I play that isn’t getting ruined as horribly as this one is.
Cataclsym will exist, that is certain, the problem is that what is left of the vanilla WotLK experience does not disappear, that servers are added for that expansion, and that Bnet never dies.
It is not the last thread that talks about supporting the last expansion before the revamp, Blizzard is being asked to keep the expansion on WotLK servers, and the rest of the server pass the next expansion, in any case we hope it is worth a free character transfer Those who want to continue in WotLK and appreciate the good things about Vanilla are still in the classic zones, and for fans of the super Plates class with Arpen even in the butt, and their famous Shadowmourme, it would be good for them.
apart from an f2p without the use of microtransaction systems for those servers.
Exactly, then we can all play the game we want. win win
The game died after wrath thats why blizz doesn’t show the sub numbers anymore. Retail is garbage. Metz is back to start classic+.
Those who want to do Cata should get free transfers off the Wrath servers.
Reading is difficult? I clearly stated “Warmane”.
cata warmane was a buggy mess
Well they didn’t do it for tbcc… hopefully for you folks who want to remain on legacy servers they do it for wotlkc.
Doesn’t affect me so I don’t care either way. Won’t be against it though.
Bingo there just isn’t a lot of interest in Cata. Which isn’t part of the Classic Era of the game.
That would destroy Classic and their playerbase. Like most people I’m here to play Wrath forever. Well until the new Classic + expansion comes out and we have a new adventure. Wrath is also just getting started right now. Be nice to get a few more years in.
Talent trees were ruined
LFR was dumbed down so much that you don’t even have to do mechanics.
DS raid was trash, such a huge lead up to a disappointing fight.
it is that much closer to MOP, the expansion created off of meme characters from April fools.
private servers have been running lod and rs25hc for years. If they don’t keep the wrath servers open, then they obviously don’t want money.
Yea I am thats why I am here and not on retail.
Been playing since 94 and it really sux now on retail, and when I heard they had a WOTLK server I came back.
If ya want cata soo bad to go back to retail.
No big loss when ya quit.
I bet you started playing after pandaria.
go back to retail.
Stop gatekeeping expansions just because you personally don’t like it.
GO back to Retail if ya want cata
This take is actually the worst ever. Cata has nothing to do with Retail. if you start now with “but… cata zones”. Tbc and Wrath zones exist in Retail too. Go play Retail instead of Wrath.
Most people don’t like it. Cata isn’t popular and is when Retail started. It won’t be received well and Blizz knows this. Cata was the beginning of the end.
WotLK was the last WoW expansion.
After Wrath the game changed forever and went down a path that was a mistake. It became something different and not what WoW was about.
Classic + is the future of WoW they should focus on Classic “ERA” aspect of the game. Cata can’t be Classic.
No data about it
Still no data about it
I don’t know what you’re referring with “Retail” but most likely all the points you give started in Wrath not in Cata.
That’s a straight up lie and you know it
Is that the reason they will announce Cata Classic?
No? WoW is still alive today
During and before Wrath. In fact, every expansion did
Nice troll Abomb. I give it a 5/10. Everyone knows that you’re the forum troll of the year but it gets boring very fast.
No, keep wrath give cata.
- Talent trees are literally the same song and dance, just because you lose the ability to go 30/30/10 in Cata doesn’t mean the talent trees are ruined when most players are just going to use the optimal specs anyways.
- How would LFR be dumbed down when it was quite literally introduced in Cata in the DS patch? Ohhhh, that’s right. It wasn’t dumbed down in Cata.
- Can’t argue with this one, DS is honestly super bad and I wouldn’t be against Blizzard taking it out.
- uh, my guy, what? meme characters? So Chen Stormstout is a meme character despite being introduced in Warcraft 3 and being a very important character in the founding of Durotar? Good to know people still have an irrational hatred of pandas.
- Private servers are also international, so when you factor in the 20k people playing on one private server being all across the world, that’s really not alot of people. Granted, I do think Blizzard should do a Wrath Era servers but if they don’t, they don’t.
Retail is nothing like cata. Retail is like Legion.
Trust me if retail was like cata id be thrilled… but its more Legion/BFA/Shadowlands design.