Except nobody uses any of those extra talents. Everyone plays the same builds or you’re basically trolling. Sure, some builds have a couple points leeway here and there, but most don’t. And its been that way since classic. Most of the stuff they “took out” they build into the classes anyways so you don’t need the talents. They made the actual talent choices impactful instead of having to spend 40 points in BS just to get a new ability (crusader strike).
I mean that’s a great way to get most of the community to unsub.
A small fraction of players want Cata. That’s a funny joke though.
Actually it is a secret. It doesn’t make much sense to release Cata. Even Blizz has stated that for most players they consider Cata the beginning of the end. They know how we feel about it cause that has been stated in interviews.
The only good announcement from Blizzcon could be Classic + and obviously no Cata.
which we have right now and im liking it. more of this pls blizz.
We don’t have Classic + but that could be the big news at Blizzcon. It’s about the only thing they could announce to bring back hype to WoW.
Classic + is a brand new expansion with new never seen before content. Classic + is the future of WoW.
HC and Era aren’t dead. The HC hype is currently around Skull Rock Horde where the 100k mak’gora tournament is, but Defias is still an extremely active server. Era
Whitemane is going strong since its revival during Wrath.
Na, Deathwing will burn it to the ground. It will be glorious! I don’t give af what you nerds say, I’m hyped for Cata!!
The real Classic playerbase absolutely demands TBC Era and WotLK Era servers. Accompanied by the playerbase’s original character copies as they stand at the end of TBC Classic and WotLK Classic.
In every single Cata thread we have abomb that just spits fake news and propaganda. It gets boring. Have you not noticed that literally nobody agrees with you and you live in your own little world? Touch grass honestly.
Cata was overall a popular expansion that could keep 10m players. You cannot change that fact.
There were more changes to the core gameplay of WoW from 3.0 to 3.3.5 than in all of Cata.
The only argument that is somewhat acceptable is the destruction of the old world but if you really like the old zones that much, you can always go to Era. There you actually play the old zones and not just rushing it with rdf, heirlooms and JJ.
The only thing you can do is ask for Wrath Era servers which are dead on arrival. The pserver scene is just too dominate for Wrath Era servers to exist.
“can i have your gold?” necessary post
explain it to him. im sure you know that feeling all too well.
Why not get both WOTLK era server and let people who feel like going further go play Cataclysm Classic?
With some luck if people make enough noises about WOTLK era we might get a few of them as they continue throught Cata/MoP, like this everybody is happy.
Why lie to yourself? You know very well that wouldn’t be cataclysm at all, its like when people back in TBCC said to people who wanted WOTLK classic to go play on retail if they want to experience WOTLK zones.
You wouldn’t get the class design/balance/playstyle and etc no need to say more.
Cata failed on Warmane free servers due to lack of interest. Basically all that is left for them is Wrath. If blizz gets rid of Wrath like they did with BC servers, I’ll be forever done and go back to Warmane for my fix.
Can I have your gold? Bye!
Is there a point to this post other than to give people that are quitting the game a chance to say cata sux, when it fact cata had the highest player population ever in wow’s history at the start and the fall off was due to external factors ie new games releasing.
This post smells heavily of “i got what i want, you can’t have yours”
no cata is good, and people cried and asked for rushed wotlk cuz “me bored me raid log and do nothing else in the game”
no one is quitting, cry more, why do cringe people go on forums and throw a fit like a child, you people are grown adults…
no it didn’t and current cata pserver is peaking at 12k on whitemane ancipiating classic cata diff interest.
and HC is already dead lol people are delusional
yet another classic andy who has absolutely no idea what retail is if they think Cata is anything like it.
Cata is your precious Classic+ people keep clamoring for
NO, it didn’t fail because of external factors. It failed because it didn’t deliver.
People whined about how soft and casual Wrath was, so they tried to turn back the clock and make it more BC like in difficulty, which didn’t sit well with “Wrath Babies”. Then when they lost ~2M subs in 6 months due to that, they knee jerked by watering everything down, and alienated the older players who liked the higher difficulty. In the end, they made nobody happy, alienated and lost about 3M subs over the course of Cata.
Cata was not terrible, nowhere near as bad as its reputation. Compared to the previous expansions, it wasn’t as good, but now that we see just how bad it can be, in retrospect, Cata was pretty good.