Classic + has infinite potential and considering Retail has had 3 failed expansions in a row. Classic + is an easy win for Blizz and one they desperately need. Classic + is the future of WoW.

Retail really should end. I mean it should of ended awhile ago. In order for something to be good it has to be an end. Retail is like that show that should of got cancelled but they got 3 more seasons for some reason.

Eventually you need to start over you can’t just keep adding expansions. 2-3 expansions is the max before you need to start over.

Have both.

I honestly can’t wait for Blizzcon because something tells me we will get answers regarding the future of Classic, specifically Wrath servers.

Something? Like the world of warcraft classic whats next panel thats scheduled for a whole hour on friday? Lol

The future of Classic is the future of WoW.

I would disagree with this dragon flight is not a failure bfa and sl are Dragon flight as a building expansion If we’re talking about gameplay.

Dragon flight is good solid To the class talent trees To dragonflying The raids are solid And no borrowed power.

Now yeah there are some things I think that could be tweaked with m+ Mainly getting rid of the depletion of your key and How fast you get it done affects how much elute you get.

But Dragonflight in not a Failure it’s a solid 7/10 Expansion The problem is the lore is terrible The zones have ambiance those are good The problem is There’s no risk there’s no grandeur There’s really no villain.

And even the ones we did have were very lack lustre The story feels like it was written by a A soap operator Writer Character growth is good in emotion. Yes, but if that’s all you have, it’s no longer wow That’s dragonflights biggest weakness.

Some of the worst player metrics in history.

Retail isn’t a fixable product. This expansion doesn’t matter and neither does the next one. You need to gut the whole thing down to the ground and have a hard reset.

They should of let Zovaal win do a Thanos snap and everyone wakes up in Azeroth and all the previous expansions were just a dream. Delete them all. I mean all the zones, all the items, toys, mounts everything a hard reset.

Retail reached a critical mass a long time ago and you can’t just keep adding onto the convoluted atrocious mess. Realistically any game has about 2-3 expansions then you have to start over. No stat squish, character squish, or any of these measures really works anymore because you hit a critical mass.

You just have this disjointed world where nothing matters, well except maybe the new zone which won’t matter soon. That isn’t an MMO or World of Warcraft. It’s failed design. So Retail is dead, it has no future and they need to move on.

What we need is WoW 2 and Classic + is that. A new story, a new adventure and that hard reset. This is why it is the only way.

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once again, lower sales due to 2 prior bad expansions, highest player retention for a long time

so it had trouble selling because blizzard messed up 2 expansions, but people who did buy are staying playing it

I miss Grobb during Classic. My alt guild on Mankrik(H) offered me a Val so I switched realms during Ulduar. Also I played Horde during original Wrath and want to have again undead Lock in Dark Coven as an alt. xD

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Cata announced! Lets goooooo

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its been a fun few years, time to look elsewhere for a bc/wotlk fix :frowning:


You don’t know what retail is man. Retail started around BFA when the game goes in the dumper.

Actually I do. It clearly started in Cata when game design philosophies changed.

Nope it started in Cata and MoP was the first full Retail expansion and Activisions baby where Blizz was officially dead and completely out. From MoP onward it was just different Activision ideas being thrown at the wall design wise to squeeze the consumer instead of make a good game.

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Not true at all…

It started in Cata as has already been pointed out numerous times whenever this dead horse topic gets brought up…

  • “Classic Era” (Vanilla, TBC, WoTLK): the sub-counts/community grew
  • “retail Era” (Cata onwards): the sub-counts/community shrank

It’s a fairly simple “line in the sand” looking at the above before-and-after comparison, it’s self-explanatory to be honest


I find it amusing how you people keep repeating this nonsense yet never actually point to anything in Cata that leads to retail

Cata does not have a “resource grind” like Artifact Power in Legion, or Azerite in BfA, or Soul Ash/Cinders/Cosmic Flux in Shadowlands

Cata does not have a dedicated storyline with the player at the center of it like has been in every expansion since Legion, and WoD to a lesser extent

Cata class design is an expansion on Wrath’s class design, with very few classes receiving significant changes. In retail, every single class plays entirely differently from what it does now

Cata has the same normal > heroic dungeon and raid design that Wrath had. It does not have Mythic dungeons or raids, or flex raids

Cata is a thousand times more like Vanilla than Retail is like Cata. If you’re going to keep spouting this “Cata is retail” idiocy then at least point to something about its design that resembles retail


All I want is to have transmog available in Classic.

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You’ve never played retail then. It’s nothing like M+.

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I’ve returned because of course DF on the last phase. Then yesterday I saw the announcement. What are they doing? why not keep wotlk servers for people that have no desire to keep moving forward? not very thoughtful of blizzard for not keeping people that enjoy wotlk a place to stay rather than forcing everyone just move forward…

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someone doesnt understand what the word retail means.

Exactly many people don’t.

Retail means the start of drastically different game design philosophies and Activision’s ideology taking over.

Cata was the implementation of drastically different game design choices that are Activision philosophies. MoP was the first full fledged Retail expansion. Blizzard is now dead.

There is a golden age of WoW which is Vanilla thru Wrath. Where original Blizz ideas and philosophies held true.

This isn’t that hard to understand. The golden age of WoW is a completely different game then Retail. Wrath for me is the last official WoW expansion. A different company made Cata onward. Cata was the start of Retail WoW.

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