I would not recommend giving Abomb the time of day, that’s a rabbit hole best left undug

Cata owns. Most of you read an opinion of the expansion someone else wrote years ago and you parrot it like it’s your own.

Weirdos man.


Allow me to educate you in your lack of Knowledge and history.

So wrong it’s actually laughable

Cata introduced homogenization of classes


“Blood DK DPS Gone”
“Frost Tanking Gone”
“Unholy Tanking Gone”
“Dual Wield Shaman DPS Gone”

This was back then one of the single biggest reason Cata got a lot of hate, you could only spec into one full tree and not into 2, losing the ability to create hybrid specs which currently in wrath you still can.

It literally does, it’s literally about DeathWing and the devastation of each zone he’s created, Cata is the very begin of center storyline. Low level storylines interconnect always to the twilight cult and deathwing.

Yes clearly, Vanilla had Transmog, LFR, Easier leveling, homogenization Class with only single Spec. Yup Cata truly is like Vanilla


All three specs tanking was an experiment that didn’t work out, by the patch we’re on in Wrath blood is basically the tank spec

i’m assuming you mean something else here lol

It doesn’t matter if it was “experiment” it’s the fact that you CAN and your ABLE too, Wrath has the idea of vanilla which is freedom of choice and the consequence that come with it, Cata completely removes that and is the start of the trend of “holding your hand” and playing the way Blizzard wants you to play the game.

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The important part of that is, it didn’t work, it muddies things up too much putting tank talents in all the trees. The class was better for it when they focused

  • Account Wide Mounts and Pets :ok_hand:
  • Solo Queue Arena :ok_hand:
  • UI for collectibles.:ok_hand:
  • Providing reliable methods to find groups for Heroic+ and Mythic+ :ok_hand: and :x:
  • Oh right Mythic+ apparently (Probably MoP Challenge modes that led to Mythic+ as the rewards for them are akin to those challenge modes) :x: :x: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :x: :x: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :x: :x: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:
  • Reworked 1-60 (to include flying) and reduced grind from 60-80. Yep, that is right level 1 flying mounts, :ok_hand: and :x:
  • Live events (Think AQ40, elemental invasions, Naxx invasion). Things to make the game feel alive. This included World Bosses. :ok_hand:
  • Rework of old raids… so that they remain challenging at Level 85. That is right every raid from Molten Core to Ruby Sanctum brought up to 85… That includes their item drops. The example given was DFT being worth going back to do BWL for. :thinking:
  • Talent tree rework without the changes brought in with the original cataclysm. :thinking:
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They had to normalize the specs because they were a balancing nightmare

They call that Enhancement, it’s not going anywhere

99% of specs currently go primarily into one tree due to the importance of their capstone ability. The 1% are all meme specs. The only thing you’re missing out on is the ability to troll with your talent trees

I think you might be playing the wrong game? Deathwing isn’t the player character in Cataclysm. By your logic the same holds true of Wrath and Arthas

Not a gameplay system that alters how the game is played, only how players look while playing

Not a gameplay system that alters how the game was played, only how the players access the content

Just because leveling in Vanilla is tedious and boring doesn’t mean it’s difficult

Oh no they made interrupts and cleanses more wildly available what a horror just those two things means every single class plays exactly the same now truly a tragedy…….

I do respect the attempt to at least explain your stance, though. You’ve certainly done more than most other people who just say “Cata bad” and then start insulting everyone else that doesn’t agree

You see that is fundamentally the opposite of vanilla Design and philosophy, the Freedom of choice for your class comes with that risk and reward. Cata starts the long trend of cookie cutter builds.

Cookie cutter has been the norm since Vanilla

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There are very few deviations from cookie cutter builds in any stage of classic.

Putting together some hodgepodge spec like an 8 year old just means youre bad.

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You see I can clearly see Noxranna that based on your answer your just clearly trolling or just trying to bait a reaction. Your being just contrarian for the sake of being a contrarian, if you want to waste your time doing and seething about Wrath Era realm than go ahead but don’t minimize or depreciate the views those have with preserving a Wrath Era Server.

It’s clearly possible for both to co-exist, your just being some mindless drone by saying it’s not possible.


Lol what? I think you’re confused about who you’re responding to. I fully support the idea of Wrath Era servers, I’m not sure where you got the idea that I didn’t from

What I’m arguing against is the claim that Cata is like Retail

Those who belittle and minimize views of others secretly agree with them, they just don’t want to be “uncool”.

No idea what they said, but I’m sure it was either spot on toxic or spot on “I’m right and you’re wrong” – the very reason I put them on ignore.

I feel like I’m the one being trolled here lol

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