No Benediction Queue for 4 days

how you are arguing that an mmorpg is less demanding than an fps game is actually baffling.


“Data Integrity. A possible issue when using database replication is data integrity, which is compromised by updating data at multiple sites.”

I still think you probably have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m not a database guy, my work is mostly networking, but if there was some easy solution, they’d have done it.

I suspect there’s probably some outlandishly expensive option, like rewrite the entirety of how WoW backend works, so it can use some distributed setup. But do you seriously think any company whose motivation is profit, would burn hundreds of thousands on making it possible for people to all crawl into one server?

The practical solution, is to force people to spread out, which is working.

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Common sense guy, it’s current gen vs 2004… pretty obvious

common sense guy, it’s more than just visual graphics.

Na baby, get with it baby cakes


I’m not talking about replication. Having multiple copies of these databases doesn’t really do much. In fact it would slow down writes to it. I am talking about splitting it up. Instances and open world looting could come from a different database. Each AH category could come from a different database. Right now the AH is obviously a massive issue. They could have multiple read only instances(eliminates the data integrity issues) with API’s for addons to scan. They could then have an “armor db”, “trade goods db”, etc that handle the transactions for the purchases. Database technology is, essentially, infinitely scalable.

Most of the people spouting off about “JUST UPGRADE”, would likely struggle making a select statement, let alone explaining how blizzard is supposed to do what they’re demanding.

I don’t know what it is about the most recent generation of people on computers, but most of them are every bit as clueless about things as the boomers I occasionally need to help use them. If it’s not point click go, it is beyond their ability to comprehend.

My pet theory is that Microsoft made it too easy, my generation needed to at least be able to open a command prompt. Needed to be able to troubleshoot, and reinstall the OS, when it took a dive. Current generation doesn’t need to do anything at all, and if their disposable laptop breaks, they get another.


no thanks.

It’s odd tho cuz ironforge has us still above 30,000.

Those are pure logs, some people have stopped raiding.

Not saying our population didn’t go down, but did it really go down enough to stop queues?

Is that 30,000 that week? Because I doubt ironforge has the means to clear old inactive accounts.

It’s split up week to week. It also tracks arena participation which has been closed since prepatch launched so ALL those people are no longer on the list.

This is because IF pro is inaccurate information.
It says there is 100 alliance on Maladath. And not even 1000 ally on sulfuras.

It does it week to week so according to it right now we have 30,000.

But that also means people who arena are out of it because there’s no season going on and people stopped raiding.

Very odd that we all of a sudden have no queue

A lot of people are taking their alts through the raids because they are faceroll. More than ever before in TBCC.

So that could explain some of it.

Yea just seems odd.

I’m guessing we are more like 33,000-36,000 in population without a queue.

insert npc text about tinfoil hats and theories here. LMAO jk, I agree with this bro. This makes the most sense and its true the other server populations haven’t exploded into mega server territory. Very interesting indeed lots of food for thought here.

100% this. People logged on and did everything they needed to do on the pre-patch and are waiting for release. The mega server queue will be back…just wait.

oh another person that believes 20k per mega server all finished their prepatch grind on exactly the same day and time… Gullible much?

I see the ‘critical thinking’ squad is at it again. Was it a conspiracy when the queues vanished after classic launch all around the same time too?

I mean because when the queues rise as people all cram in at launch then slowly taper off I think it has to be lizard people too y’know

Just gonna add in that I think they did a ban wave, and with servers locked bots can’t just buy a new mage or w/e on the same server.