No Benediction Queue for 4 days

But they didn’t slowly taper off… They went from multiple thousands 1 day to nothing the next. The decline was 2k per day for 3 days and then they vanished, conveniently right before the weekend which has always been the worst time to get on.

theres sure a lot of bots if they banned 20k on benediction cause the numbers haven’t changed

it did taper off, queues started later and later and later.

Queues on faerlina used to start at 3:30 then it was quarter to 5, then 5 30, then on thurs it started at 6pm and at 7pm it was only a half hour queue then on Friday there was no queue at all.

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over the course of 3 days and by exactly the same number each dayat peak as if they ramped down a system that was in place.

And where did those players go to see absolutely no queues all weekend?

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well considering everyone in my guild was finished leveling their DKs and done grinding out brutal gear, I was finished all my achievement farming I planned on pre-launch, the zombie event was over…the reasons to log on every day are not as strong as they were before.

Also half my bnet now has sulfuras or eranikus on their name so obviously a lot of people took transfers

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but again, you are talking about thousands and thousands of people doing this all in unison. It is statistically not possible

somehow I feel like statistics aren’t actually your strong point.

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Give it a month and see where we’re at after launch. No q by first reset, then go for it.

As promised, I implore you to look at the queues of each mega server. You were wrong.

if they are legit


Blizzard did nothing besides screw up the event so ppl went back to waiting for wotlk to start.

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