“So put as plainly as possible, we cannot increase capacity any more without inviting additional and likely cascading failures to the service. At present, the best and only way to resolve this issue for the impacted realms, is for people to leave the realm via free transfers . There’s no technology solution to this. There is no hardware solution to this. This situation will not improve when Wrath of the Lich King Classic launches on September 26th, it will only get worse.”
Which can be overcome with enough money. There are millions of databases that move MUCH more data than all of wow combined and they run just fine. They should have been honest and said “we don’t WANT to spend the money to upgrade the hardward”
Yeah, I mean people aren’t even trying to prove it. It’s all just speculation.
I don’t fully trust Blizzard either and would believe actual proof of increased server capacity. Personally. Without that, it’s just a theory.
This is all false. You have no idea what you are talking about. Queues started dying down because of sulfuras and eranikus. Plenty of people transferred off.
And there was still queues all day/evening on thursday and magically nothing since… That’s not how any of this works lol
So true people make no sense lmao.
Yeah the launch of LK will bring queues back did I say otherwise, trolllololol?
of course they will be back. Force more transfers that will all pay to go back at the end of december right at year end. It’s a brilliant strat for them to ensure they get their bonuses.
Total throughput isn’t the only criteria you have to meet in this case. You need to be sure that data integrity is solid. Again, I encourage you to provide details.
What specific database software do you think would improve the situation? How would you optimize what they have?
“Just spend more money” doesn’t always work when you’re talking IT.
It’s a troll.
its the calm before the storm
The only theory I’ve seen, that makes sense to me, is that they MAY have been actively lowering the cap as they got transfers. Dropping the bar progressively as total server pops dropped from the ridiculous states that they were in.
It would explain the transfer lock on pagle, which hasn’t had queues at all, and barely broke 3 layers most of the time. It’s very clear they do not want mega servers to exist, and will probably never allow them to exist from this point forward
My bet, is that grob/faerlina/benediction end up getting multi hour long queues on launch. Whether it’s people coming back, or blizzard dropping the caps to force moves, doesn’t matter. Age of mega servers is over, and these people thinking they’ll get to transfer back, or that queues will go away before pop is where blizzard wants it, is delusional.
They literally host Warzone.
it’s much MORE complex too as hit detection / reg./ anticheat and houses over a million people at any one given time
you don’t think all databases ensure data integrity? Even the AH could easily be spread out over multiple database instances with minimal impact to the coding. Update a couple pointers and good to go. Granted there needs to be testing and QA and all but they’ve had almost 3 years to do so.
Can’t tell if you’re trolling or not. Do you really think the demands on a database are remotely equivalent between an MMO and some client to client FPS?
A database?
It’s a server. It’s been said so multiple times. I’m sorry you lack the experience to know that they are telling you one can hold over 1mil, and a world on the server can’t hold 40k…with layers AND possibly realming
They didn’t lower the cap, its well established that benediction has had 15k players online during queues all the way through. Yet, with 10’s of thousands of people transferring the queues didn’t change at all until last week were they rapidly declined to no longer happening at 9pm thursday. None of it makes sense based on what they claimed. Those queues should have steadily declined all the way through if the queues were real.
1-2k a day? lolol what
lol wow is literally a database. The client is the game that makes decisions based on data from said database
To the people who are insinuating that the queues were a conspiracy somehow: It’s not like transfers were the only way queues lowered. In addition, many people probably binged played the fresh server for a bit and are taking a break now. Many others probably got tired of leveling a character and went back to their toons on other servers. Sulfuras was one of the free xfer options for Bene players. Sulfuras is literally locked now because it got so big it probably was near having a queue too.