And you CLEARLY didnt read the OP’s was never stated by the OP that they expected it to be open in 30 days.
Was. Never. Said.
And you CLEARLY didnt read the OP’s was never stated by the OP that they expected it to be open in 30 days.
Was. Never. Said.
That’s what I meant.
Because if you don’t know for certain that nothing has been added, you can’t say the system is broken and needs to be fixed.
But there is auto completion. When did the GM say this? Did they say “it’s not working” or “it does not exist?”
Do you know if the system is supposed to contribute to every resource simultaneously?
So again, I ask:
Do you have a source on what exact number we should expect from a single ‘tick?’ I’m guessing you don’t and this is just your conjecture.
As if they weren’t already. Hell, that’s why your gates aren’t open, remember?
They do, actually. A single guild could manage the entire war effort by themselves if they tried. You guys didn’t try. You gave up and are waiting for it to be done for you.
It’s okay to admit that, but don’t pretend like you couldn’t be farming these materials right now instead of complaining that the game isn’t turning them in automatically for you.
Reluctant to believe that the automatic system isn’t working when you have zero proof that is the case.
Also… the content unlocked on July 28th. 30 days later would be August 27th. A week after that would be… oh, today. So you guys have been complaining days in advance of the system even activating.
Not sure how small pop servers failed to complete the event when everyone had months in advance to gather materials. Look at Skeram, Horde guilds had all their mats ready for both factions since months ago. Even with less manpower you’ve still could have put considerable effort to raid AQ but now you’re complaining about a feature that didn’t have much if any tangible documentation.
I’ll refrain from using words like ‘lazy’ or ‘entitled’ but If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck then it probably is a duck.
Actually - I do have a source. A 2009 Blue post refers to it. I cant place a link here because Blizzard forum does not allow URL links. A link is in the various reddit posts we’ve made about it.
The 2009 post says it should be done within 30 days of the auto complete kicking in, which is 30 days after AQ starts.
You can even have further proof by the people complaining in the 2009 post - because they wanted to xfer their chars there before the gates open to get Scarab Lord, but they are complain the Auto Complete is TOO fast (these were the new servers blizzard released then, which had transfer locked at the start - people assumed AQ would not open before the transfer lock was released).
Think about it. People in 2009 complaining the AQ auto complete is TOO fast, and a Blue post validating it was always that behaviour since AQ was first released.
Compared to here, where there is zero evidence of a single mat going up. Sul’thraze the server is on a total of 8.8%. It has not moved more than 1% in the past 9 days.
We are farming. We’ve farmed 80% of it as a server of 9 raiding guilds total. Compared to servers with 200+ raiding guilds, we’re proud of what we’ve done. We’ll continue to farm towards the 100% mark, we just had assumed the last bit would be easier, since the 2020 Blue post said that was the system when they launched AQ.
I dont understand this? The blue post said it would start 30 days later. Why would it be magically 37 days? I could maybe understand it ticking over on the Tuesday maintenance patch, but that was… oh, 2 days ago, so nothing has happen.
According to Ironforge Pro census - Skeram has 4270 horde raiding chars alone.
Our server has 500 raiding chars total across both factions.
We’ve farmed 80% of total mats. So we’ve farmed literally 10 times per raiding char of other servers, no one is lazy here.
I have no idea why if AQ is a big deal to you guys that we’d have posts in this thread like “copper has been stalled at 1.76% for a week” and “firebloom hasn’t moved a single turn in since last reset”
If copper is at 1580/90,000 after 37 days that means the entire server collectively have done 3 hours of mining since the effort started, there should be at least a baseline amount of effort done to make the auto complete start, that’s just pure nonsense
Because thats referring to Sul’thraze, the lowest pop server in the whole US with only 100 people on it. We use that as a reference point, since people keep asking for “proof” the event is not working as intended.
Many of the other servers affected (Anathema, Felstriker, Loatheb etc) are at 55-80% complete and slowly working our way up. But we can see/tell the auto complete has not kicked in as expected.
In the entirety of those four paragraphs, you never actually answered my question. Well, I suppose you did, but you never actually gave me the source I asked for.
Do you have a source on what exact number you should expect from a ‘tick?’ How many resources do you get each week?
The automation starts 30 days after the content is released. The resources are then given out weekly.
If that means every Tuesday, you’ll need to have recorded the resources on Monday and Tuesday. If there was ZERO change, you wait until Thursday (today). If there was no change even after today, you can confirm that the automation is broken. Otherwise, you have to prove that the gains were not automatic.
The 2009 blue post says auto complete results in the completion in 30 days (after the original 30 days have passed). So that makes the tick 3.3% per day. Or I guess 23% per week by your logic if it is “weekly”.
Do you have a source for this? In none of the posts, either in 2020, or in 2009, have I seen anything that refers to a weekly increment. You seem to like to have evidence, so can you provide anything to backup the weekly claim?
We did, we watched it each day.
I’ll post back later today when the clock ticks over. But I dont think your logic makes much sense. If it was going to tick “weekly”, the most logical time for that would have been during maintenance each week.
Which I clearly said I misread like 5 posts later
The blue post also says “(if I remember the numbers correctly right now)”. Be careful what weight you put into a blue post from 2009 from someone who is trying to remember off the top of their head.
… actually, I don’t, so I’m willing to concede that point. Regardless, every other point still applies.
Do you have timestamped screenshots of all resources on every day from Monday to today?
You can 100% confirm and provide proof that NO resources have been turned in since Monday?
Oh, I agree. But you have to eliminate variables. Weekly could mean weekly after the 30 days.
I’d take the word of a 2009 developer remembering the event of 3 years ago, to people in 2020 trying to remember what it was 15 years ago
You obviously found the post (cool, cause I couldnt link it). You can see the Blue post must be approximately correct by what people are saying.
They are complaining the auto complete is going too fast. Think about it, people are literally saying they can see the mats increasing, and they dont want it to go that fast (due to scarab lord etc).
The blue post states this is the expected behavior.
We have the exact opposite situation here.
I mean, it could be 10 leather a day and I’m sure people back then would have complained that there wouldn’t be enough time to get the scepter quest chain completed.
Also, saying they could see it going up doesn’t give us an exact amount of how much it goes up. All I’m asking for is proof that your realm has received literally zero of any resources since Monday.
Give me that and I’ll gladly join alongside you and say it’s broken and should be fixed.
How about instead of trying to be a gatekeeper for Blizzard you go occupy yourself with something else? You’ve been completely insufferable for this entire post.
If the number is not changing, nothing is being added, automatic or otherwise… people on very low pop servers DO know for certain that nothing is being added.
I’ve already linked the GM quote from a previous thread in here. Though now reading it again, they did say there’s no auto complete for the gates not the war effort.
LOL what a sad, privileged comment coming from someone on a megaserver who probably farmed nothing and had the gates open quickly anyway.
People from these servers are telling you the numbers have not moved at all, and you don’t believe them. But it’s not about you, and Blizzard needs to say something.
How about I can spend my time however I want? Get over it, troll.
Sounds good. Provide proof, please.
My guild had mandatory participation in the war effort. Each member had close to 50 hours of farming put into it, with several people having farmed over 100 hours.
We also got 2 scarab lords completed in our guild and still managed to open the gates without missing a lockout.
Sorry, but you know nothing about me, so spare me the envious rhetoric about “privilege.” It’s not a privilege that I chose a populated realm and work harder than you.
Without evidence? Absolutely not.
No, they really don’t. If it’s broken, they’ll say something once it’s fixed. If it’s not, you’ll continue to shout into the abyss as the bar actually creeps up very slowly despite your baseless claims to the contrary.
You’re the troll, here.
Having AQ right now is a privilege that small servers do not have, and you are lecturing them about not trying hard enough. Shhhh.
It’s not about me, though you keep trying to make it about me. Mankrik has the gates open. It’s about empathizing with my fellow player.
LOL I love how you cropped out “It’s not about you.”
Nobody needs to convince you of anything, dear.
Really? Seemed he was the one throwing out insults. I’m just asking for proof of what you guys claim to be true.
Would you like proof? Unlike you, I can actually provide it.
There are several realms where a single realm single-handedly farmed all the resources themselves (for both factions). It really is a matter of effort, and some realms were found lacking.
No no, it’s not a privilege. We EARNED the unlocking of our gates by FARMING FOR IT.
We didn’t just have our gates open by virtue of some unearned advantage.
Then replace “you” with “people whose realms still have the gates closed.”
But surely you want to convince Blizzard? Would some proof not help to get their attention?
Also, by proving to other users, you could help raise awareness of the issue and garner support for your effort. More people would share it knowing that it is true and not just whining from lazy players.
I can’t include links in my posts since I’ve hardly ever used the forums I guess, but I’d be happy to send an image link to someone who can.
This is from Arcanite Reaper - for Baked Salmon on horde side there has been 1 stack of 20 turned in since August 28.
That’s 6 days ago. By my count, if this was the autocomplete rate and it was in already, the Baked Salmon will be done in 1,626 days.
That stack is surely a player turnin.
Absolutely insufferable.