No Auto Complete for AQ War Effort

Use this.

Two grave accents (key left of 1) on either side of the link.

Okay, troll. :slight_smile:

Here you go.

On AR we ran contests, provided dkp, passed materials through AH etc; I’m pretty familiar with which materials players don’t enjoy turning in ie Wolf Steak, Firebloom, most other cooked items. If the autocomplete feature also doesn’t like exactly the same items for some reason, I guess that would make sense then?

Our 2nd to last Alliance guild clearing BWL is transferring today; I’m in the one that’s still there. Horde has one guild too.

You’re certain this wasn’t an automatic turn in?

Do all the resources have similar lack of significant progress? Perhaps the system contributes to one resource at a time?

Anything is possible I suppose, that’s why we’re looking for clarification. Some mats have increased in that time by a few 100 or 1000, in the case of bandages - none of them have increased by more than 1% of the required remaining amount over 6 days since I started recording.

The Server AR has ~ 65% of its resources still to turn in, so if we discounted the anomalously low turnins of mats like this example, bumped it up from rah rah organization to 1% each mat required every 6 days, then in the current state we’d see the gates open in 390 days.

Of course we had several other BWL-level raiding guilds doing something towards it back on Aug 28 too, but whatever. The point here isn’t to see when player turnins will do it, but if there is anything else adding to it.

Its possible the auto turn in rate starts very very small like .01% the first week and over time it becomes higher ( 1%, 10%, and so on).

The only confirmation from blues is “IT WILL BE AUTO COMPELTED BEFORE NAXX RELEASE.” which could mean it could auto completes 1 week before Phase 6 or 1 day before Phase 6 or whatever.

sooo you have atleast 4-6 months of auto complete time to finish.

That’s certainly possible. If so it is also very uneven or random in which mats are added. Anyway, if that’s the case, getting of the server and paying is definitely the right move.

That’s why we want to know.

I can confirm that players turned in the bandages this week on AR. So they didn’t go up. We have been told by a multiple GMs to submit bug reports and post on forums to get attention to this issue so we are doing just that.

@Rauteketju - A blizz GM has told us to post on the forums about this problem. Just being a contrarian for something that doesn’t affect you at all is the pinnacle of troll. If you have no characters on the servers affected by this issue then kindly distance yourself from this conversation because it has nothing to do with you.

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There’s literally so few people on the server that if I asked around, I could probably find out who turned in the single Baked Salmon stack. lol.

Yep that was my turn in… after fishing up about 1k of the salmon I needed to take a break and farm something else…