Ninja looting?

So I got invited to a 25man EOE I barely raid usually everything is set up so they have master looter. I’m pvper so I don’t really know raiding rules or how looting works or how parse works etc. . This time around they had no masterlooter so we just rolled for items need/greed now they saying I’m permabanned cause I “ninja looted” when several other guys needed on the gear as well. Saying they mass reported me lol. I don’t understand how that works. Then they invited me back to the group I joined and I was going to roll on the gear but they said I already wore it so I was trolling??

If you were able to roll, it was within your rights to roll. However, the group may get upset if rules were established beforehand, such as reserved items. When that’s the case tho, the leader usually runs master loot.

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No nothing will happen to you! If the loot was set for you to roll using the wow loot need over green option and you won an item it is yours and you broke no rules. On the other hand there might be social kickbacks on this happening. But you broke no rule!

At the start of a raid it is best to ask how they will be handling loot.

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Technically speaking, there’s no such thing as ninja-looting in Blizzard’s eyes. You’ve got nothing to worry about. If they wanted there to be specific looting rules, they wouldn’t have left it on a loot-setting that allowed you to roll.


Thats what I’m saying ??? several people passed on some items, but I saw people needing the items so I said well I’m not going to pass on the item I need regardless if they tell me too… socially yea I understand it could be bad, but I mainly pvp I just wanted some gear and to try out raiding cause apparently I suck at raiding I was in 4k gear score dpsing for 3k on my dk LOL

To echo Vorsol, nothing will happen. They are blowing smoke up your backside. You really cannot Ninja Loot with Need > Greed. If it appears in your bags after a roll, then it’s yours. Honestly PvPing for gear is more fun and you can upgrade the gear, and in a few week the catalyst thingy-ma-bobber will be available and then you can get your Tier Gear.


This is why you ask exactly how they will be handling loot. When it is ok to roll greed or roll need and so on. But like I said you will not get any kind of suspension or ban for rolling need.


Yea I understand that wow is my first mmorpg I mainly played overwatch and league but I’m following a guide and apparently this PVE piece is best in slot ?

Don’t worry about either of these things. What happened is they got jealous that you won some gear and then they threw fits about it.

Permabanned? From what, their group? So be it. There are a multitude of other groups out there to join; these folks don’t have a monopoly on it. I doubt you’d want to play with them again anyway.

Mass reported? This is the ‘battle cry’ of the uninformed, low-information player, and it’s entirely due to erroneous information, misunderstanding, or misrepresented information they saw on social media.

Can 25 other people band together to report you? Sure. Then what will happen is this:

  • Nothing to you, because you’ve done nothing wrong.
  • Possible account action against the “mass reporters” for abusing the report system.

Same thing if 25 people went into a police station and falsely accused you of a crime. If there was no crime, nothing happens to you. Then the cops will press charges against the mob for filing false police reports.

Good luck!


Yea understand now sounds good. thanks for the info guys I figured they were just blowing smoke at me to scare me, but I did try to give them the chance to roll I already wore Item so I didn’t realize like oh I can’t anymore lol ( have an addon that replaces my gear with the best in slot in my inventory)


If “they” are other players, then you don’t have anything to worry about. Rolling on items that you qualify for is not ninja looting and they have no ability to get you suspended or banned for doing so.

If they wish, they can submit a report, but it is the Game Master’s investigation into your actions that determines if you violates policy, not their report, be it one report or one hundred.

Socially, I would agree. If the group has a particular way they like to handle looting and you are going along with them, then socially speaking, it is usually in good form to adhere to their guidelines. That said, those rules are mostly conditions on grouping with that group and maybe getting invited back. If they select Need/Greed as their looting method and you roll need on things you feel you need, and you qualify for, you aren’t breaking any rules.

The leader may decide to remove you from the group and not ask you back, but we’re not going to penalize you.

The exception would be if you were running a raid as a master looter and you did not adhere to the rules that you established as master looter. That could be considered a scam.


Would recomend you find a nice friendly guild, Group of people you can ask questions and learn the ins and outs of the game. More so it is important to learn those social rules that in wow classic can be not so good to break yet wont get you an account action.


Yo thank you so much vrakthris. Yea basically if I could have recorded it, they were saying to pass on the loot but several people from what I said when I went back up the logs were needing on some of the pieces including the raid leader, but no loot master was designated hence why I needed on the loot. I figured alright well I’m going to need because it was need/greed

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I have a question about it. I don’t know if i will got an answer but I’ll try.

I want to know if taking an item that you can’t wear or “need” options will be considered as a “scam” by the blizzard staff.

Example : I need epic items to leveling up “enhancement” to 450 and make shards with it and spam the “need” option on all items, even items that others players will need. Will it be considered as a scam ? This rule is a little blurry for me.

If you can roll on it, it’s not a scam. If you are the leader of a group and make specific rules and then violate those rules, that’s a scam.


It’s technically not illegal, but it is a scummy move considering you are taking gear from players who may need it for character progression to just level a profession.


you can do enchants for other people with their own materials.

…or make use of the greed option.


Let’s put it this way… Blizzard won’t action you for it, but if you do it a couple of times you’d likely get kicked from the group and / or people will stop inviting you to their group.


This will be changing soon to where you can only greed on it if it is an item you cannot wear that is an upgrade. As per Kaivax.


The rule is if the Need button is active for you, it is never going to be actioned by Blizzard. Having said that, those social rules spoken about above will come into play. When Wrath was retail, there came a point where Blizzard added a “disenchant” button to the roll window. If that disenchant button is available now in Classic, you should definitely use that and not use the Need button, but again, it’s not going to be punished by Blizzard.

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