Nightmare Incursions killed the world

I agree with some here saying that nobody is forcing you to do nightmare incursions. SoD is meant to be different than classic with most of the new content being outside of the classic quest structure. With that said, the rewards from this event are just too good. The fact that people are getting 1 level every 35-40min is crazy and is destroying the pacing of the phase.
The problem with phase 2 was that there wasn’t enough content and the phase was completed within 1-2 months. There’s a lot of new content in phase 3, but if people are hitting 50 in a couple days then that new content is gonna get used up within a month or less. Also with more people hitting the end game raid and getting geared early, you’re gonna see more parsing guilds/runs way earlier than intended.
I get that the classic questing experience can be dull if you’ve done it multiple times, but I think the incursions could’ve been way more balanced and play tested. Just feels like a rushed, incomplete feature.


You are forced to do incursions because runes and new items are locked behind rep. The entire leveling experience 40-50 has been neutered to a 500 yard zone doing the same quests every 30 mins when the game is has 2 continents worth of free content.

Unbelievable how narrowminded and lazy this dev team is. A 10 year old has better foresight. The devs need to do their jobs or management needs to find someone that can


It’s nerfed, are you feeling better now Alusondre?

Nightmare Incursions have completely ruined my will to play this game. I absolutely hate dailies and now I’m being permanently gimped for not spamming dailies for hours…


I actually agree with the sentiment that players spammed SM from 30 to 40 so spamming incursions whatever it is can’t really be any worse than that. SM felt like a tomb to a lot of people it was too good to not spam

Why is that?

Great pedantry. Technically, you’re also a troll.

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Bloodmoon redo, a raid, and the thing we’re complaining about isn’t really “a lot”.

I haven’t found anyone to do the Arathi Highland elite quests since yesterday. Everywhere I go in the world I might see one more person. It reminds me of WoD when everyone would stay in their Garrison. Not sure how they can fix this without getting rid of incursions. Other than nerfing all the elite quest to non-elite.


They needed you to resub ok?

Good. All the sweaties should stay in the incursions. More trolls and pirates for me to kill.

dmg is already done…
Their realization that this feature is toxic for the game is too late.

We’ll see posts in the forums about ppl being bored about phase 3 sooner than ever.
Inflation will get insane in the next weeks.
And people still will get their heads burnt of doing the same event over and over for hours to get to 50 fast so they don’t get behind before the nerf.

I’m glad Blizzard realized the error. I just hope for next phase they do not make the same mistake again.

Though… Increasing the xp buff to 75% while nerfing the nightmare quests doesn’t change that much… I mean you are buffing the % xp you get from quests while nerfing the event so you kinda still are in the same spot unless they giga nerf them.

50% exp buff was also ok. There was no need for the buff. Just nerf the event exp that’s all or make it a big xp but you can only do it once per week/once per 3 days between lvls 40-49


Nightmare Incursions should’ve been treated like daily quests IMO. 10 max per day or something like that (while raising the rep a little) Obviously still worth doing but can’t really go overboard with it.


Problem is that people want the most efficient route. if not incursions, people would just sm cath till like 44 then zf till 50. So instead of everyone in one area…it would be two.

We went from P2 being cant do anything in the world because its so crowded so we need to dungeon grind to level. To P3 you can enjoy leveling in the world again and aren’t forced to dungeon grind.

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i get anxiety thinking about doing tanaris again so I’m fine with this lmfao

The people spamming incursions are likely the same crowd that spammed dungeons for xp.

Both take players out of the world.

Personnaly, doing all quest lvl 42 or lower first. Once they are all done going to either do new content or dungeon spam, then will do my quests lvl 43 to 48. Then swap character.

Following up on my last post.

Incursions are absolute trash. No explanation how to do it - joined a group and you just run around avoiding the kill quests and just do the gather quests to same time.

I was laughing at how goofy and self adapted people become to this trash, broken game system.

I’ve been extremely forgiving for everything SoD but man this incursion thing is a real stupid thing in my opinion. Why are the rewards still broken and why is it not fun to do? Like at all?

“Hey guys you know what’s really fun just do infinitely repeatable quests in a 6 minute loop and fill your inventory with 30 items to share said quests”.

It’s just a formality to get you to 50 because they didn’t want to design any real content 40-50. Might actually unsub and not even step foot into ST. Just don’t really care ATM now lolol


I enjoy doing the quest/instances, this incursion just killed the enitre world/game