Nightmare Incursions killed the world

Literally everyone is just spamming Nightmare incursions…
No one is doing quests in the world
No one is doing dungeons

How making this event give SO MUCH XP and Gold was a good idea? This is not classic experience, big part of it is the journey of leveling, doing dungeons with ppl, getting rewards from quests and professions.

This is just spam with a group nightmare incursion you don’t even do the killing quests and just go up almost a lvl by turning in and repeat… 0 fun, 0 discovery…

So far this phase is worse than phase 2. Already killed the leveling process from 40-50 I hope 50-60 let us explore the world doing quests and dungeons, not just grouping in a 20min event to do and repeat for insta leveling.

Phase 1 was the best of them all now. Doing SFK and Deadmines for loot + dungeons was peak Season of Discovery classic experience


OH NO! Now the world is empty as everyone floods into… world content. If only it was everyone flooding into instances instead!


Nice content everyone just being stacked in a little zone in ashenvale repeating same 18 quests again and again until lvl 50 WOOW amazing world content dude you rock at world exploration design!

Literally all 40-50 leveling zones are dead

Amazing world content yea

At least spamming dungeons like ZF or Uldaman takes time. These repeatable quests just give insane amount of XP and Gold in less than 20 min lmao


“tHe JoUrNeY!”


found the retail player!


yes bro lets make the same quest / route we’ve done since 20y and not the new leveling option…

gold has been nerfed, maybe exp is gonna be nerf too, you need to play before nerfs happen… with many layers the game feels almost dead tbh and this was before incursions


There is no journey. Everything that was meant to be experienced normally in Vanilla has been done ad nauseum.

Don’t like Nightmare Incursions aka a new specific feature of this seasonal mode? Don’t do it and go play around in these so called empty zones then.


They live nerfed the gold rates twice so far. So now each turnin is only 1g 30s/ea.

We’re all Retail players, friend.


Oh so f*k the people who can’t play this weekend so when they nerf it a lot of players already hit 50 in literally a few hours while the others now have a longer grind…
nice design mate play it now before it gets nerfed

If anything it should be nerfed NOW to the ground, should not give that much xp and in return just give way more rep.

Never said I dislike them, I’m just saying right now as it is it kills the world from 40-50.
Literally no reason to do dungeons or quests when this event rewards insanely amounts of gold and exp, you are basically trolling by not doing it and putting yourself behind by a big margin.

Ppl already got 1k+ gold by doing it while people who didn’t have the chance to do it before the nerf are now in disadvantage.

The whole event for level 40-50 has been a big strike to SoD in many ways.

They need to nerf it ASAP


It’s such an obviously bad idea. Really making us feel the “experimental” this phase.


how many times have you done the same quests over and over? its boring. That is why people would rather do incursions.


The event is cool and the idea is awesome. I loved the concept.

But god… this amount of xp and gold is absurd… for classic perspective is too much. Not even Cataclysm has this amount of free leveling and gold it’s ridiculous.

Literally cataclysm will have more world content by doing quests and dungeons than this…

yea doing 18 repeatable quests in a small area is really fun…
Ppl do incursions because it gives tons of gold and xp… not because it’s fun… It’s literally doing the same 18 quests over and over. It’s boring af…
If people actually play classic one of the main reasons is because of the leveling process which includes doing dungeons, getting upgrades from quests/professions, not the end game


So they can do the same quests directly back to back to back to back instead of broken up across characters?

Didn’t think that through, did you?

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You didn’t sign up for season of world quests?

Where is the surprise ? This happens in sod, tbc, wotlk, Will happens in cata and happens in retail every patch, players logging the first hour of a patch are always exploiting the Game, in wotlk players exploited honor and were full set pvp in 1 day.

And with the exp buff the grind is very easy Even in dungeons or questing, Youre missing the Point that people did pre questing or just turned quest in P2.

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This is going to be a case study in bad game design.

I expect that SOD has one team that consists of Product people, who come up with some idea, and then they ship the development off to some team at bottom dollar somewhere. A team that doesn’t actually play the game. And they dutifully implement whatever the Product team came up with. Without ANYONE thinking “this is really stupid”. And then the Product team gets delivered content that is about as much fun as stubbing your toe, absolutely unchallenging, and it comes in with absolutely no QA’ing. Again, because it was done by some external, bottom dollar team. And then they ship it, because they don’t have the resources or the time to actually get more development iterations.

I could go on for hours about what was done wrong here. From making this a non-instanced zone (which meant that basically nobody actually had to kill or do anything beyond watch some other sad sack get aggro), to the fact that you could accumulate ALL the quests simultaneously because nobody thought out about exponential growth from quest sharing, to the fact that they made XP better here than in normal dungeons, to the fact that they messed up the gold payout so they created a class of “haves” who were in the know first and the sorry sacks that learned too late; it just goes on and on.

It’s unfun, it should be completely yanked, deleted from source control, and Blizzard ought to use it as an internal study of how NOT to develop content. TOTAL GARBAGE.


It’s a case study in why PTRs are important, and how corporate culture in gaming has become dedicated to running so anemic you can’t put out a quality product, but will still make money for shareholders.


Oh no, people can level faster than the slow boring leveling of the classic experience? That sounds… amazing. Now they just gotta throw 100% exp til 50 at us and perfection.


i have to grind honored with this faction

this is by far the worst thing they have ever done in SoD. they should buff the xp and rep, and make it daily only.

spamming these over and over is so degenerate its rarely seen in western mmos