Nightmare Incursions killed the world

Imagine being so lame that you whine because your casual playstyle isnt catered to. Me and my sweaty bros deserve all this gold and xp because we are gamers :sunglasses:

We just arent the same

IMO this has always been a failing of WoW. Playing the game doing what you enjoy has never been as rewarding as playing what they want you to play.
“Make them play” over “Make them want to play” attitude

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Luckily all you guys who got all the gold will be the only ones playing and propping up the server economy in a week lolol

I’m sure those ST consumes won’t be cheap :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::kissing_heart:

?? this never happened at all
There were ppl doing SM grinds and Ppl quest grinding. Even in p2 launch there were still many BFD pugs in chat. Nobody is doing gnomer in p3
I myself did a bit of both to get to lvl 40 and that’s great. Many friends and guildies did some dungeon grinding and some quest grinding.

“Enjoy leveling in the world again” = being stuck in a small phased area where everyone ignores each other, share the same 20 repeatable quest (but hey we only do gather quests) and do the same path over and over until reach lvl 50.

We have a different concept of “WORLD” tbh

You think so? Im betting the population is fine and youre just poor

Thought so before blizz admitted they made a massive L on rewards with incs.

And you missed my point and attacked me. You’re cute

About to be a crap load of people unsubbing because they are getting ganked by level 50s out in the world.

Oh well.


I prefer that 99% of my play time is at max level. That is where the game begins. So I respectfully disagree. There is endless activities and game play to be enjoyed at max level. Key word endless.


I’m not sure what you are laughing at? The game begins at max level if I play for 100 hours or 1,000 hours I’d like for 99% of my play time to be at max level enjoying the game.

If there was a server that you could log into where you started off in BiS gear and max level I’d just play that endlessly and enjoy the activites I want to do. This isn’t complicated. No need to waste my time with stuff that isn’t fun.

Literally tons of zones with multiple quests and storylines to explore and dungeons to do from 1-60.

Dude you are playing the wrong game. Retail already gives you raid gear if you haven’t played in a while for you to enjoy end game content.


Gotta keep it real, forced gameplay is why many of us quit live. These Nightmare Incurions are nothing more than a mind numbing path to get from 40 - 50 easy mode. I went from 45-47 without attacking a mob. Just ran in circles and if you are smart, not doing anything is actually advised. That strat literally gets you to 50 with about 400 gold (maybe more).

Killed the world, killed the dungeons, killed the loot. The trickle down economics of this launch will have awful consequences. Most the people I know that hit 50 havent even ran a dungeon. Think about that for a second. Season of Discovery? Really? I mean how did they botch this with all the content that was available? Yah most of us knew Ulda and Zul Farrak would be the new SM, but we didnt think Maraudon would be irrelevant.

Yah I am aware that I could chose a different path to lvl but noone wants to do that because Incurions are OP, and you do need the rep. So, yes, I have to participate.

I am in a fun guild and no one wants to do anything else. So basically now, 40 - 50 = incursions and then you just do ST forever. No real reason to run any dungeons unless you want that 1 rune. Let’s also remember, we aren’t even a week into this. This is bad to the bad.

I would have personally rather seen a harder take on the dungeons as opposed to this forced gameplay, especially since ST is such a step up from what some folks saw in Gnomer. Get these people some more staff too!

Not in my opinion good but if you enjoy, enjoy. My post isn’t to anger you, I just think this is going to get stale really fast.


Literally no one does dungeons to level because of this disgusting retail inclusion killing the 'classic wow ’ experience

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I’m probably going to cancel because of it. I think we have been infiltrated and influenced by a live mentality (streamers) because we have great live content, and the developers didn’t see the difference. Everything they did defeated the entire purpose of “discovering”.

Lvl 50s with the same gear they had when they started the phase. Unreal.

No community even though we need to build one for the big dungeon. How can I evaluate people for our guild when they are lvl 50 and want ST but they havent even ran Maurdon? Cmon.

I love a good satirical post.


Incursions are lame but I’m still doing them now for the rep gear. It’s not the end of the game though lol. I’m just going to do my 1000 rep daily for the next week and I should be fine.

There’s not a million dungeon groups going, but there are still plenty to be had.

I did 5 incursion quests, 4 SM cath, 1 ZF, and the rest by questing in tanaris and searing gorge. Hit 50 this weekend and have 120g quest gold while still leveling my professions.

The only thing I’m not really excited for is having to spam for wild offerings for decent pre-raid gear but w/e.

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no, i pay a sub for classic, i don’t play retail, retail is that “whatever it is” they now call wow. if you can’t see the difference then i can’t help your lack of understanding.

Man how quickly the turns have tabled on this particular point. Last week it was all “spamming dungeons isn’t in the spirit of classic” now something new came along and suddenly dungeon spam is of course classic. Unsurprisingly the less someone wants to do something the more people consider it “classic”. The most classic something could be is putting your own arm in a vice that gives you one exp per rotation of the tightening mechanism. Even though it would be new, it’d be so slow and painful that of course classic “purists” would embrace it.

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You’re playing Classic.

You’re a casual by definition.

Classic is Retail.